①Mustafa Barghouti ➁越智萌 (朝日10/14) ③Judith Butler "The Compass of Mourning " ④鶴見太郎「イスラエルが繁栄する陰で」 ⑤Neve Gordon (朝日10/18) 続きを読む
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

MUSTAFA BARGHOUTI What concerns me most is process of dehumanizing Palestinians, in which Western government leaders, including President Biden, are participating, dehumanizing Palestinians to the level that the Israeli army minister called us animals. democracynow.org/2023/10/11/mus…

2023-10-12 14:52:54
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

And Human Rights Watch was absolutely correct when they came out with a statement saying that this kind of description of Palestinians is nothing but a justification of war crimes on them. And that’s exactly what’s happening now.

2023-10-12 14:52:55
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

More than that, Israel turned back to using what was prohibited, which is white phosphorus. They used it, as you remember, in 2008 campaign on Gaza. Now they’re back to using it. It is a prohibited kind of weapon that is forbidden, but they use it openly and frankly.

2023-10-12 14:52:55
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

The more important thing is that Netanyahu is saying that Palestinians should be evicted from Gaza. He’s preparing for a third war crime, which is ethnic cleansing of the population of Gaza. He said that every Palestinian in Gaza should leave their homes.

2023-10-12 14:52:56
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

He didn’t say where to. Maybe to the sea. But his spokesperson of the army made it clear. He said in a statement, which became the top line in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper — he said that all Palestinians in Gaza must evict to Egypt.

2023-10-12 14:52:57
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

These people, these criminals who committed ethnic cleansing against 70% of the Palestinian people in 1948, 70% of the population of Gaza were among these people who were evicted from Palestine.

2023-10-12 14:52:57
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Now they are subjected to the possibility of another transfer, another kind of ethnic cleansing, that would empty Gaza so that Netanyahu can annex it.

2023-10-12 14:52:58
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Now I understand, after all these threats with ethnic cleansing, what Netanyahu meant when he said that he will change the map and the order of the area for 50 years to come.

2023-10-12 14:52:59
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Now I understand what Netanyahu did when he carried a map of Israel in the United Nations, in front of the whole world community, a map of Israel that includes annexing the West Bank, which is occupied territory, annexing Gaza Strip, which is also occupied territory,

2023-10-12 14:52:59
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

and annexing East Jerusalem, including also the Golan Heights. Nobody said a single criticism to that, except maybe the German government. This is the reason — this is the background of what’s happening.

2023-10-12 14:53:00
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

But let me also say that what we see now in Gaza is only a result of a protracted problem of 56 years of Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land. I find that President Biden, unfortunately, practiced — excuse me for that, but I have to say it —

2023-10-12 14:53:00
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Mr. Biden practiced racial discrimination between Americans who carry Israeli citizenship and Americans who carry Palestinian citizenship. I did not see him say that those who killed Shireen Abu Akleh, a very peaceful journalist who was Palestinian and American,

2023-10-12 14:53:01
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

and who was never held to accountability — nobody was indicted for killing her. He didn’t say a word about the American Palestinians in Turmus Ayya whose houses were burned and whose cars were attacked and whose lives were threatened by Israeli illegal settlers,

2023-10-12 14:53:02
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

some of whom also carry American citizenship. I think what we need here is balanced, reasonable and responsible reactions, and not continuation of dehumanizing Palestinians, accusing Palestinians of responsibility even when Palestinians are killed.

2023-10-12 14:53:02
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

I think that Netanyahu doesn’t care about his people. I think Netanyahu is the most corrupt, opportunistic politician ever. This man cares only about his position. This man doesn’t care about lives of Palestinians or Israelis.

2023-10-12 14:53:03
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

He didn’t care about the fact that he brought to his government fascists, like Smotrich, who doesn’t hide calling himself a fascist homophobe, and who said that “We will fill the West Bank with settlers and settlements so that Palestinians would lose any hope of a state of

2023-10-12 14:53:04
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

their own. And then they would have one of three choices: either to emigrate or accept a life of subjugation to Israeli rule or die.” That is the finance minister of Israel. And we didn’t hear any criticism to that, neither from Netanyahu nor from foreign minister, Mr. Blinken,

2023-10-12 14:53:04
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

nor from any other Western leaders, who are now, unfortunately, participating in escalating the situation rather than calming it down. The big question that Palestinians have — and this is my last point here — the big question that Palestinians have is: Why the double standard?

2023-10-12 14:53:05
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Why the United States and Europe send to Ukraine $224 billion of equipment, of planes, of tanks, to fight what they say is occupation? And why in our case they are sending arsenal and money and support to the occupiers of Palestine?

2023-10-12 14:53:06
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Since the attacks started in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes, there were many, many demonstrations in the West Bank, mostly peaceful — peaceful, all peaceful and nonviolent demonstrations. And the Israeli army responded with gunfire. Up ’til this moment, 23 Palestian young people,

2023-10-12 14:53:06
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

mainly, were shot and killed by the Israeli army, without them engaging in any kind of military action. What we need is, after this war ends, is immediate, free, democratic elections for Palestinians. And all polls show that neither Fatah nor Hamas will get a majority.

2023-10-12 14:53:07
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

Nobody else will get majority. It will be a pluralistic democratic system, through which groups like us, who are non-Fatah, non-Hamas, can try to do their best to push in the direction of democratic transformation, but also that would allow Palestinians to coexist peacefully

2023-10-12 14:53:07
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

in a good political system. At this very moment, this sounds very distant, mainly because not only the PA did not hold elections, but Israel and the United States all the time refused that we should have democratic, free elections.

2023-10-12 14:53:08
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

And that does not fit with all these calls everywhere and in other places about democracy. It’s another type, another form of double standard. (END)🧵

2023-10-12 14:53:09
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

【有料記事プレゼント‼️ 10月15日 9:33まで全文お読みいただけます】 (越智萌准教授)  戦争犯罪とは、武力紛争に関する国際慣習法や1949年に締結されたジュネーブ諸条約などで定義される規則についての、「重大な(著しい)違反」行為を指します。 digital.asahi.com/articles/ASRBF… pic.twitter.com/MDJLCuSG8M

2023-10-14 10:33:45
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

裁かれるのは国家ではなく個人です。特定国の軍隊に所属する場合でも、民兵組織の戦闘員の場合でも、戦争犯罪に該当する行為をすれば個人として刑事責任を負います。  国際刑事裁判所(ICC)規程8条では、以下のような行為を戦争犯罪としています。

2023-10-14 10:33:46
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

・民間人(文民)や捕虜など保護されるべき対象への殺人、拷問 ・恣意(しい)的な財産の破壊 ・不法な追放、移送、拘禁 ・民間人、民間施設(民用物)への意図的な攻撃 ・毒ガスの使用 ・性暴力 ・民間人が生きるために不可欠な物品の剝奪(はくだつ)によって生じる飢餓の状態の意図的な利用

2023-10-14 10:33:46
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

民間人を強制的に拘束したり、「人間の盾」に使ったりする行為は戦争犯罪と見なされます。ライフラインの遮断によって生じる飢餓の状態を戦争の手段として利用することは戦争犯罪に当たります。 x.com/ochimegumi/sta…

2023-10-14 10:33:47
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi

出典: 国際刑事裁判所規程8条2項(b)(xxv)

2023-10-13 19:39:46
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

単に電気・水道を停止するだけでなく、それによってガザの人々が飢餓に苦しみ、イスラエル側がそれを利用するとなれば、戦争犯罪と言えると思います。  一方、民間人や民間施設を意図的に攻撃することは戦争犯罪に当たりますが、 x.com/ochimegumi/sta…

2023-10-14 10:33:48
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi

国際的武力紛争と非国際的武力紛争の区分がイスラエル-ハマス紛争で重要なのは、以下について前者では戦争犯罪だが後者では犯罪でないから ①「飢餓の利用」 非とすると占領状態を前提にして「集団罰」とするのみ ②過度の付随的損害 非とすると故意に文民や医療施設を標的にしている場合のみ犯罪

2023-10-14 09:37:58
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

軍事目標だと見なして軍事的利益のために、規則に沿って攻撃している場合は、正当な戦闘行為として戦争犯罪に当たらない。  その場合でも、それに付随する民間人などへの被害が過度な場合は戦争犯罪に当たる可能性があり、今後の検証が待たれます。 x.com/ochimegumi/sta…

2023-10-14 10:33:48
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi

(ICC規程8条の、(a)(b)は国際的武力紛争、(c)(e)が非国際的武力紛争における犯罪) 占領状態にはまた別の枠組みの規律が(文民条約31〜34条)

2023-10-14 09:37:59
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

ジュネーブ諸条約上は、全ての国が被疑者を捜査・訴追し、身柄を拘束して自国の裁判所で裁くか、または訴追のために関係国に引き渡す義務を負っています。  イスラエル軍の兵士が民間人を殺害するなどの戦争犯罪を行った場合、イスラエルには当該兵士を処罰する義務があります。

2023-10-14 10:33:49
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:50
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:51
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

このように、関係国に捜査・訴追する能力や意思がない場合は、ICCが国際法に基づいて捜査・訴追することになります。  パレスチナはICCに加盟していますが、イスラエルは非加盟です。 x.com/ochimegumi/sta…

2023-10-14 10:33:51
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi

「ハマスの戦争犯罪捜査可能」との国際刑事裁判所ICC検察官のコメント。法規定をみれば「できる」のはわかってるけど、「する」のかどうか、が知りたいですよね。 sankei.com/article/202310…

2023-10-13 10:11:35
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

まず、ハマスがイスラエルで戦争犯罪を行った場合は、ICCにも捜査権限があります。イスラエル兵がガザで戦争犯罪を行った場合もICCが捜査することができますが、当該兵士がイスラエル領内に戻ってしまった場合には何もできません。 x.com/ochimegumi/sta…

2023-10-14 10:33:52
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi


2023-10-14 09:39:41
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:53
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:53
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:54
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:55
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme


2023-10-14 10:33:55
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

"They do have a right to defend themselves, but they don't have the right to breach international humanitarian law." "operations that clearly affect civilians disproportionately are wrong." rte.ie/news/primetime…

2023-10-14 11:15:05
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

"To me, it amounts to collective punishment. Cutting off power, cutting off fuel supplies and water supplies, that's not the way a respectable democratic state should conduct itself."

2023-10-14 11:15:37
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

"I believe by targeting civilians and by cutting off civilian infrastructure, that is a breach of international humanitarian law." (END)

2023-10-14 11:16:22
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

1/23 🧵 The Compass of Mourning Judith Butler writes about violence and the condemnation of violence lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/…

2023-10-17 10:43:22
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

2/ Why is it we sometimes think that asking whether we are using the right language or if we have a good understanding of the historical situation would stand in the way of strong moral condemnation? When and where does our condemnation begin and end?

2023-10-17 10:43:22
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

3/ When, however, the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee issues a statement claiming that ‘the apartheid regime is the only one to blame’ for the deadly attacks by Hamas on Israeli targets, it makes an error.

2023-10-17 10:43:23
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

4/ It is wrong to apportion responsibility in that way, and nothing should exonerate Hamas from responsibility for the hideous killings they have perpetrated. The necessity of separating an understanding of the pervasive and relentless violence of the Israeli state from

2023-10-17 10:43:24
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

5/ any justification of violence is crucial if we are to consider what other ways there are to throw off colonial rule, stop arbitrary arrest and torture in Israeli prisons, and bring an end to the siege of Gaza,

2023-10-17 10:43:25
دعونا نسقي المزهرية☘花びんに水を @chokusenhikaeme

6/ where water and food is rationed by the nation-state that controls its borders. A different political morality takes time, a patient and courageous way of learning and naming, so that we can accompany moral condemnation with moral vision.

2023-10-17 10:43:26
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