Unseen Japan @UnseenJapanSite

I admire the work the Red Cross does, which is why I’m disappointed that @JRCS_PR in Japan would run a campaign using the over-sexualized Uzaki-chan. There’s a time & a place for this stuff. This isn’t it. #women #metoo #kutoo pic.twitter.com/bhds7IPPTq

2019-10-14 18:52:44

*We have Tumblr Feminists. Japan have TWITTER FEMINISTS.

弁護士 太田啓子 「これからの男の子たちへ」(大月書店) @katepanda2

日本赤十字社 が「宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい」×献血コラボキャンペーンということでこういうポスターを貼ってるようですが、本当に無神経だと思います。なんであえてこういうイラストなのか、もう麻痺してるんでしょうけど公共空間で環境型セクハラしてるようなものですよ bs.jrc.or.jp/ktks/kanagawa/… twitter.com/UnseenJapanSit…

2019-10-14 22:00:44
弁護士 太田啓子 「これからの男の子たちへ」(大月書店) @katepanda2

とりあえず、日本赤十字社のお問い合わせ に意見を送りました、、、

2019-10-14 22:33:12

Japanese Red Cross are doing an collaboration with "Uzaki chan ha asobitai" and it is using a poster like that. I think it is really insensitive.. Why are they using an illustration like that? I think it is because of the lose of the feeling of what is socially acceptable but this is the same thing like as an ENVIRONMENTAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN PUBLIC SPACE. I sent my opinion to Japanese Red Cross.


motoryu @mototakiryu

@katepanda2 公共的な団体が掲示する内容ではないですね。内部で異議や懸念を述べる人が誰もいなかったのだろうか。

2019-10-14 22:15:56

It's not a content that a public organization should expose. Wasn't there anyone who said some objection or aprehension about using that image for that?

弁護士 太田啓子 「これからの男の子たちへ」(大月書店) @katepanda2

@mototakiryu 毎回、それを思います、、、 類似の事例で批判を受けて撤回するような騒動は近年いくつもあったのに、どうして学ばないのでしょうね。

2019-10-14 22:45:43

I think about this everytime this happens. There were already numerous times that people withdraw those kind of stuff after get criticized for it. When do they learn?

エル・エンジュゾクムシ @enjyu100

@katepanda2 @tkatsumi06j 気持ち悪い。吐き気がする。 先日予約して献血に行きました。入口でポスターを見て動けなくなり、回れ右して帰って来ました。 電車内で触られた事、すれ違いざまに胸を掴まれた事、押し倒されて服を脱がされた事とかを一気に思い出してパニックになって、辛い。 胸が大きいので痴漢のターゲットで…

2019-10-15 05:46:47

It's disgusting. I want to puke.

Some days ago I made a reservation to donate blood. When I saw the poster at the entrance. I was paralyzed. I did a U-turn and went back to home.

The picture made me remember how I was touched in the train. How someone grabbed my breasts while passing by. How I was pushed down and have my clothes taken. The poster made me remember it all at once. I panicked. It's suffering.

I was targeted for molestation because my breasts are big...

The poster is working like a good talisman.

tk@タウイ @kei06r

@katepanda2 トリエンナーレは擁護した口でこれ ダブスタ甚だしい 悔しかったら男、オタク並に血提供しな できるもんならな

2019-10-15 06:48:21

You say this with the same mouth what defended the Triennale*?
What a double standard. If you don't like that, try donate blood as much as males, otaku does. Do it if you can.

*TK is talking about the "Non-liberty of speech" exhibition that happened at Aichi Triennale. The exposition, oversimplifying it, it was mostly a left wing exhibition that almost only shows cases that left wings was censored with almost no case of left wing censoring stuff. It has arts that were basically a fuck you to everything that is sacred for the Japan. Also they asked for tax money to be used on this exhibition.

LINSTANT@ほぼ全素材不足マン @linstant0000

@katepanda2 胸の大きな女性は公共の場に相応しくないとは、素晴らしい人権感覚をお持ちですね。 社会に出るには早いのでは?一度幼稚園からやり直されるべきかと。 親と恩師の育ちが悪いわ。

2019-10-15 07:44:11

So are you saying woman with big breasts should not be in public? What a wonderful sense of human rights you have.

Don't you think you are too early to participate in society? How about restart from kindergarten?

Your parents and teachers did not give you a good education.

くるしま @kurushima2

@katepanda2 表現の自由は「不快である」などの理由で制限して良いものなんでしょうか?

2019-10-15 01:56:21

Can the liberty of expression be supressed with "It's umpleasant" as a reason for it?

沖田らいく @okitastyle

@kurushima2 @katepanda2 浅いね……浅ましい。これは感情論ではないのだが?倫理観も道徳観も人権も日本は海外先進国に比べて遅れていることはご存知でない?

2019-10-15 02:35:53

How shallow...How despicable. This is not a argument based on feeling, don't you understand that? Don't you understand that japan is not updated in ethically. morally and in human right perspective compared to other developed countries?

くるしま @kurushima2

@okitastyle こんばんわ、沖田らいくさん。 貴方の反論も感情論ではないのですか? さらに言えばこのポスターを日本で掲示することは法的に何も問題は無いはずです。 もし問題があるのであれば、はずしたいという方が法廷に訴え出るべきでしょう。

2019-10-15 02:38:03
くるしま @kurushima2

@okitastyle 加えて、私を「あさましい」とおっしゃる理由はなんでしょう?私の意見になにか浅ましいところがありましたか?まさか意味なく侮辱されたのですか?

2019-10-15 02:39:09
くるしま @kurushima2

@okitastyle 倫理観・道徳観・人権が遅れているとおっしゃいますが、理由なく「あさましい」と侮辱される貴方の倫理観・道徳観・人権は遅れていらっしゃらないのですか?

2019-10-15 02:40:29

Good night, Okita Raiku. Isn't your counter argument a argument based on feelings too?Also there are legally no problem to expose this poster in Japan.If there is a problem, the one who wants to take down should go to court.

Also why you called me despicable? Are there any despicable things presented in my opinion? Did you defame me with no reason?

You say japan is not ethically, morally and human rightly updated but You are the one who lacks update in ethics, moral and human rights for defame me as despicable for no reason.

💜🗝️derik ohki (Baruaru)🥀🧸⭐💜 @SoIdado44

@kurushima2 横から失礼します。 らいく氏はツイッター上ではちょっと有名な「超」の付く問題児(数回凍結か制限ブロック受けてる)なので、相手にしない方が良いですよ・・・

2019-10-15 04:35:47

Excuse me from the side.

Raiku is known in (japanese) twitter for being a HYPER trouble maker. (He/She was banned and restricted many times before.) It's better not give attention to him/her.

くるしま @kurushima2

@SoIdado76 derikさん、ご忠告をありがとうございます。とても嬉しいです。 が、今回の非は向こうにあります。私は理不尽には最後まで戦い抜きます。 私の好きだった宇崎ちゃんに「環境セクハラ」などという理不尽な罪はありませんから!

2019-10-15 04:41:02

Thanks for the warning. I'm very happy for it. But, this time their side has the fault. I will fight to the end against unfairness. There are no such crime like "ENVIRORMENTAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT" on the Uzaki chan who I love so much.

All Right!!

ふぁむ @phantom0730

天皇の肖像は焼いてもOKだがアニメ絵の献血ポスターは絶対許さないという弁護士 うーん、この… pic.twitter.com/Ij6VuvwRPp

2019-10-15 10:34:36

A lawyer who says it's ok to burn the image of the emperor while says it's unforgivable to have anime girl on Red Cross poster.


北信 @k_tash_n

献血のポスターの目的は『献血量の増加』にあります。その意味で献血者の少ない若年層に対して、訴求力を持った漫画のキャラを採用するのは合理的です。 ぶっちゃけ、このポスターは貴方を相手にしていないんですよ。この絵柄が環境型セクハラにしか見えない老人は引っ込んでてください。邪魔です。 pic.twitter.com/cqOllc7QWn

2019-10-15 11:16:31

The objective of this poster is to make the donation of blood higher. It makes sense to use manga character to appeal to younger age because only few of then donate blood.

To be honest, this poster have nothing to do with you. You elderies who see this as envirormental sexual harassment should gtfo. You are disturbing.

おてつ @guruado

また太田啓子でお気持ち基準による環境型セクハラかよ… アニメ絵で胸が大きいキャラの絵だけでセクハラになるのかあ pic.twitter.com/A8Bl1dxdMJ

2019-10-15 07:24:16

Here we go again Oota Keiko's standard based on feeling with this "Environmental sexual harassment"....
So she considers anime drawing of characters with big tits, just by that, as sexual harassment.

白饅頭(御田寺圭/光属性Vtuber/バーチャルツイッタラー) @terrakei07

×「胸が大きいからセクハラ」 「胸が大きい二次元キャラがいると、それを性的に愛好しているオタクのキモい姿を想像してしまうため、それが自分の属性(女一般)に向けられているようでおぞましく不快極まりないのでセクハラ」 twitter.com/guruado/status…

2019-10-15 13:11:23

Wrong "Feminist: It's big tits so it's sexual harassment."

Correct "Feminist: The existence of drawing with big tits makes me remember the nasty image of the otakus who sexually loves it. It feels like their lust is being directed to something that belongs to my category (woman in general) and it is unpleasant. That's why it is sexual harassment."

Obs: He is NOT a feminist. He is just showing how the feminist's twisted logic looks like.

はるにゃん @haruto_matsuno

@guruado これは女子としても意味がわかりませんね。 ホント、巨乳女子は外に出ては行けない、自宅待機になってしまいます…。 これがダメなら昭和アニメのキャッツアイ三姉妹はどうなるのか…。あの時代にしては巨乳キャラです…。

2019-10-15 09:12:54

As a girl, this is impossible to comprehend.
By that logic, girls with big tits will could not get out of home, they would have to stay at home.
If this is not ok then what could happen with the 3 sisters of Cat Eyes, the anime of Showa period.
They had big tits for that time...

高村武義 #WalkAway @tk_takamura


2019-10-16 00:38:11

Exactly. The mere fact of having big tits would make them environmental sexual harassment just by existing by that logic. That's why the lawyer Oota Keiko is trully an agressor to the woman.

おてつ @guruado

@haruto_matsuno アニメ絵で胸を強調したらだめ!って、色んなもんがアウトになりますわな。

2019-10-15 12:32:59

If emphasis on tits are not allowed, many things will be considered not ok.

白饅頭(御田寺圭/光属性Vtuber/バーチャルツイッタラー) @terrakei07

二次元イラストを見て「環境型セクハラがー」などと噴き上がるフェミの脳内で完成してる思考回路についての答えがこちらに書かれていますので、今一度ご確認ください note.mu/terrakei07/n/n…

2019-10-15 12:43:26

It's written here. The answer about the logic in the heads of the feminists who gets triggered/spouts saying "muh envirormental sexual harassment" by looking at 2d illustration. Please take a look.

Obs: It's a paid article.

ネットで通りすがるブラジル人 @ntbxp

I retweet a lot of NSFW lewds so be aware of that. This account is now for Togetter use.