とたけけ聖女様!@非常識に乗っ取られてます @Angelamerkel072

@rachel_thorn_jp すみません、日本人のほとんどが言ってる「ロリコン・ショタコン」は、あなたの言う「ロリコン・ショタコン」とは、そもそも意味合いが違うと思います……

2019-12-18 13:50:40

I think the meaning of "lolicon" and "shotacon" as we japaneses says and the meaning of those words when you say is not the same....

(*ΦωΦ) @olp8qlo

これもグレタと同じ症状。左によくいる絶対正義を掲げて無敵になったつもりの人。グレタはまだお子ちゃまだから更生の余地があるけど、この人はもう無理。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 14:55:05

Greta have the same sickness. The sickness of feeling undefeatable by signaling the absolute justice. Thing like this are very common in the left wing. Greta have still a chance to be cured since she is a brat, but this one is a lost cause.

IORI @IORI_koubou

実在児童が被害にあうタイプの児ポコンテンツは、白人系国家の圧倒的な物量に比べると日本の生産力なんてカスみたいな物。世界と比べるなら「日本はもうかなり減らしたんですよ。被害ゼロはウチが一番乗りですからね」くらいの方が実情な気がする twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 20:02:51

Talking about stuff made with kids in real life, white nations produce so much stuff kids that we are nothing compared to them.

I think it would be true to say "Japan already took it a lot down. We will be the first nation of zero casualities.".

爽(キュアショコラアルファ) @V0A5k9

悪い奴らは 天使の顔して 心で爪を といでるものさ by宇宙刑事ギャバン 海外で二次元規制を主張する人間が実在する子供達を傷つけたって事件がありましたし、説得力無いでさぁ。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 13:01:17

"Bad guys aways sharpen their tusks in their heart while showing a angelical face." -Space Cop Gabin

There were cases at oversea of people who where claiming for censorship on 2d material were hurting IRL children so your argument is not convincing.

The one must first do something about the child bride at the Middle East and africa.

田中健太郎 @kensan19721224

@rachel_thorn_jp ふーん。 ほーう!? じゃあ、これはなんなんですかねぇ。 「逆でも許されない」と主張する人も僅かにいますが、今の日本の大多数の女性は、男のキャラクターは無罪放免するのですよ。 pic.twitter.com/CyFpdXUhtg

2019-12-18 12:45:38
田中健太郎 @kensan19721224

@rachel_thorn_jp ついでに。 このパネルはなんなんでしょうね? 作家のサイン会で展示されたそうですが…。 pic.twitter.com/xIymwzlTYr

2019-12-18 12:46:00

Hummm. Heeeeh!?

So what about this?

I know there are somes that says the opposite are also not ok but most of japanese woman think sexualizing male characters are absolutely ok.

Also what do you think about this panel?

It was shown on a autograph session of an author.

れが @lega235

@rachel_thorn_jp 北米や欧州の方が児童に対する性被害が多かったような気がするんだけど??? もしかして全世界から「病的決定」された先輩としての忠告だったりするのかな???

2019-12-18 14:10:13

Wasn't the north america and europe that have bigger case of violence against the children?

Is that a advice as a senpai (veteran) who was already classivied as sick by entire world?

もへもへ @gerogeroR

小児性愛を「実行」じゃなくて「公言」しただけで「逮捕」ってさすがに海外でもないだろ。どこの海外だよ。「むしゃくしゃする。だれかぶん殴りたいなー。」とかいっただけで「傷害罪」にならないのと同じで「性癖を公言するだけで逮捕」って海外は恐ろしい国だな。「ドン引きはされる」だろうけど twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 14:54:58
もへもへ @gerogeroR


2019-12-18 15:06:31

Arrested not by "doing" but by "publicly saying" pedophilia? That's impossible even for oversea standard. Which country?
Arresting for "publicly declaring the own fetish" is like being arrested for injury just because the one said "I'm angry, I wanna punch someone." Oversea is a terrifying place.

But I understand if you felt disgusting by it.

If you were to say "Oversea is harsh against the pedophilia. This is unnaceptable oversea." we could respond "This is Japan." or "I understand your feelings but disagree." but since you said "you'll get arrested." this means there are a law to arrest someone if the one pubicly declare the pedophilia.

柏崎@乙乙乙(巻波)丙(涼波)丙(宗谷) @NIKU_kashiwa

@rachel_thorn_jp どこで逮捕されるんですか?脳内海外じゃなくてですよ?

2019-12-18 15:06:50

Which country the one get arrested? Isn't that country the one that only exist in your mind?

電気味噌汁を飲み干したアーケード @UZKMLN

やっぱロリコンを叩きながら食うガキはうめぇなあッ!!! twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 15:29:44

It's delicious to bash the lolicons while "eating" some brats!

※Since we live in a clown world I have to write it: This is an sarcasm.

Shaw Bishop @Bishop13492347

@rachel_thorn_jp 子どもの性的虐待件数 1位 南ア 2位 インド 3位 ジンバブエ 4位 英国 5位 米国 南アは3分に1人が被害に遭い、 英国では20人に1人が被害者に、 米国人女性は4人に1人が被害者。 実行された件数が少ないだけ 日本人は意外にも理性的。 madameriri.com/2015/08/23/top…

2019-12-18 15:51:18

Ranking of sexual abuse of children
1:Republic of South Africa
2:Republic of India
3:Republic of Zimbabwe
5:United States of America

South Africa is 1 victim in 3 minutes.
Europe, 1 in the 20 becomes a victim.
1 in 4 american woman becomes a victim.

Japan is surprisingly more rational by having less applying cases.

Show me the proof.

ナナイチ @Nanaichi71_

@rachel_thorn_jp マンガ学部教授なのに日本人オタクの特徴を全くと言っていいほど理解してないんだね

2019-12-18 16:29:46

For someone who is a Professor of Manga Studies you absolutely don't understand the characteristics of the otakus.

You are not the entire world. Enough to say.

Nishi, Eiichi💉💉💉💉 @Zugan

@rachel_thorn_jp 単に小児性愛を匂わせただけで逮捕とは、海外のディストピア化はそこまで進んでいたのですか...💧

2019-12-18 16:55:55

The one can get arrested just by making others suspect a little bit that the one is a pedo. I didn't knew the oversea has become so distopic...

Say which country this happens. Gimme examples.

Oversea have low consciousness on human rights.

武田信豊(後典厩)❖ @nobutoyo_tenkyu

@rachel_thorn_jp よくその認識でマンガ学部教授になれましたね

2019-12-18 18:24:57

it's impressive that you were able to become a Professor of Manga Studies with such perception.

林一 @kiri_rail

これが日本でマンガ学部の教授なんだ… twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 19:39:10

A person like that is the Professor of Manga Studies...

This profile stinks!

きゃわきゃわのフミヅキ💍℗ @WFmizuki

現実と仮想の区別ついてる?私もロリコンだけど現実のロリには興味の欠片もないからな twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 21:42:47

Can you differentiate fiction with reality? Because I am lolicon but I have absolutely no interest with in real life loli.

HitoShinka -ヒトシンカ-@文筆業/『センサイクロペディア』編纂・『シンカ論』連載中 @hitoshinka

@rachel_thorn_jp 子どもを性欲の対象にすることは自然なことです。なぜなら現代でいう「子ども」には生物的には生殖に適した年齢が含まれるからです。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 22:22:16
HitoShinka -ヒトシンカ-@文筆業/『センサイクロペディア』編纂・『シンカ論』連載中 @hitoshinka

@rachel_thorn_jp >「非実在…!!」も興味ない つまり「子どもを守ること」興味ないということですね。 興味があるのは嫌いな奴にロリコンのレッテルを貼ることで、ガキの命とかどうでもいいと本心では思ってる。それがレイチェル・ソーン@rachel_thorn_jpという動物です。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 22:44:03

Where are the country you are saying? Oh, I will put here the data of UK.

※CAUTION!! He is talking about it with (Fictional = OK, Real = Not Ok) as premise.
Since we are adding to the list of the the ones with biologically fitted for reproduction, having children as target of sexual desire is a natural thing.
※CAUTION!! He is talking about it with (Fictional = OK, Real = Not Ok) as premise.

>I don't care about "It's fictional".

So you don't care about "Protecting the children".
What you care about is putting the label of lolicon on the people you hate. In the deep of your heart you don't care about the kid's life. This is the animal called "Rachel Thorn".

ぐお @guo_same

オリンピック見に来てもいいけど頼むから銃やクスリは持ち込まないでくれよ外国人。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 22:33:58

You gaikokujins (gaijins/foreigners) can come see the olympics but please don't bring guns and drugs.

ネットで通りすがるブラジル人 @ntbxp

I retweet a lot of NSFW lewds so be aware of that. This account is now for Togetter use.