レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp

京都精華大学マンガ学部(もうすぐ国際文化学部!)教授。ツイートはあくまで個人的な意見です。鍵垢やツィートが極端に少ないアカウントからのフォローリクエストを原則として拒否します。#LBGT #少女マンガ #海外マンガ #フェミニズム #トランスジェンダー #差別問題 #格差社会 #手話 #日本手話 #人権

Bio: Professor of Manga Studies in Kyoto Seika University. My tweets are just my opinions. #LGBT #ShoujoManga #OverseaManga #Feminism #Transgender #DiscriminationProblem (aka Racism) #SignLanguages #JapaneseSignLanguage #HumanRights

※Japanese have so much workaround with the pronoums that "Pronoum in bio" are unnecessary. They only push to change words to be gender neutral. And it is quite easy compared to english ones but it is still annoying to ask to change how you talk about something.

レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-16 22:38:24

Japan, you better stop you "lolicon and shotakon" stuff untill the olimpics or else the entire world will classify japan as a sick country. Pedophilia is not a joke nor something that is not serious. If you say "I am shotakon" or "I am lolicon" others will say "Did this person just confess that he/she is a pedophile?". If it were in outside of Japan, you will be in prison.

レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-16 22:38:24

The english twitter right now are erupting saying "Carry Pamyu Pamyu was a pedophile! So Disgusting! Why she isn't arrested yet!?". The ones who were fans now aren't anymore since they become so disapointed. You all already passed the point to perceive the gravity of the situation. You should perceive it right now.

I only understood that looks like English speaking country have no diversity.

レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp

さっそく子供を性欲の対象にしていいと言うカスが登場した。「多様性」だって。 twitter.com/haruki839/stat…

2019-12-16 23:47:00
レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-17 12:33:52

Here comes some trash that says it's ok to have childs as target of sexuallity. "Diversity", he/she says...

Also, I BLOCK anyone who defends lolis or shotas.
I don't care about "It's fictonal" so BLOCK. So don't expect me to reply but go ahead as you please.

レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-17 12:38:30

There are a lot of rages in replies but I see way more people that have empathy (with my opinion).

レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-18 09:14:20
レイチェル・ソーン @rachel_thorn_jp


2019-12-18 18:01:55

Twitter isn't showing me the replies as if it's saying "It's better to your mental health to not show you the replies." lol. The ones counter-argumenting think they stroked a good point but it's just showing they have no interest in protecting the children in real life and they just wants to protect their liberty to make children the target/object of their sexual desire.

The reason why those people are so desperate to criticize my argument is because they fear the change of the trend. The trend that tolerate by silence the sexual objectification of the children. This criticism is an "example" to the others. That's why there are so many likes despite of so many raging retweets and replies.

たれぱにうむ @tarepanium1

@rachel_thorn_jp また出羽守か。いまどき海外マウンティングなんかしても英米圏の土人が理解不能な淫祠邪教を拝んでいると思われるだけなんだが

2019-12-18 15:09:07

Oh, dewanokami* again. Oversea mounting** in this days would only be seen as the natives in the Europe and America doing some heretic preaching impossible to understand .

*dewanokami = Picking up oversea countries as example to criticize japan.

*Mounting have an one extra meaning in japan.
One is "mounting (animal behaviour)", the traditional meaning.

Another, japanese meaning is "putting somebody down (esp. in an underhanded way) in an attempt to appear superior; putting somebody in their place"


So Oversea mounting is superiority signaling by using oversea countries as example.

大谷円秋 @0T0h0N61hvLGId7

@rachel_thorn_jp >海外で言ったら逮捕だよ? それがどうかしましたか? ここは日本です。祖国の価値観を基準に一方的に日本を貶める偉そうな自意識、やめてもらっていいですかね?

2019-12-18 19:42:42

>If you say it in oversea you will go to jail.
So what. This is Japan.
You are displaying your bossy excessive self-consciousness by looking down on japan using the values of your country.

"excessive self-consciousness" basically one's self counsciousness are so strong that constantly think about oneself in the eyes of the others. So much that the one is aways affraid of what people would think about the oneself.

カムイ(ウララを有馬で勝たせた類) @kamui_Arisawa

@rachel_thorn_jp >海外で言ったら逮捕だよ? すいません、ここ日本なので。 あと、日本では過去に 東京オリンピック(1964) 札幌冬季オリンピック(1972) 長野冬季オリンピック(1998) と過去3度オリンピックが開催されている他、ここ5年ほど右肩上がりで訪日外国人観光客が増えてるんですが。 pic.twitter.com/eS9QkZaM4V

2019-12-18 15:40:01

>If you said it oversea you'll get arrested.

Sorry but this is Japan.

Also we had 3 olympics. Tokyo at 1964, Winter olympics at Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano at 1998. The amount of foreigner tourists is growing in this 5 years.

魔法技術研究家(仮) カイ @kaisan_main01

@rachel_thorn_jp ここは日本です。 日本の法律は日本が決めます。 海外が決めるわけではありません。

2019-12-18 17:17:13

This is Japan.
Who decide the Japanese laws is the Japan.
It's not the oversea.

ろん @3ROTTEN3

ここは日本 てか海外の野蛮人どもと比べるなって話よ twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 20:53:57

This is Japan. Don't compare us with the oversea's barbarians.

シモッチ@🐯と🎮️と🔞と、、、 @Lycaon4869

なんで海外の風習文化には従わなければならない話が前提なのだろうな? twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 18:12:59

Why this talk have an premise that we have to obey the costumes of oversea culture?

デブチョコボ14c@ @debuchokobo14c

@rachel_thorn_jp @itobun Twitterの呟きはあくまで個人的な意見とご自分で宣言されてますがこれでマンガ学部教授ならば辞任された方がよいです (゚∀゚)←個人的見解ですw

2019-12-17 11:51:09
デブチョコボ14c@ @debuchokobo14c

@itobun レイチェル・ソーン京都精華大学マンガ学部教授、漏れの事をブロックしていて大草原! (゚∀゚) どうやら図星だったからなんでしょうね (・∀・) あの言い方だと昭和の大漫画家の先生方大半が否定される事になりかねないですからね (-_-)

2019-12-18 15:04:24

You say your tweets are personal opinion but If you are really the Professor of Manga Studies I sujest you to resign.
(゚∀゚)←This is my personal opinion lol

Rachel Thom The Professor of Manga Studies in Kyoto Seika University just blocked me! It's a praire grass!※

Looks like it was on point.

Because talking like this literally would mean to throw under the bus most of great manga author of showa era.

※"It's a praire grass!" means LOL.

† 曹灰長石🦋*´ω`*🦋† @l4br4d0r1te

@rachel_thorn_jp こんなことやったらそりゃ賛同意見ばかりになるのは当然かとtwitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 16:21:47

Of course if you do something like that you will only see same opinions as you.

I won.

Oh, I got blocked, lol.


@rachel_thorn_jp ロリコンとペドフィリアは違う

2019-12-18 22:21:17

Lolicon and pedophilia is not the same thing.

小マゼラン星雲 = Small Magellanic Cloud
(60 Billion times bigger than sun.)

(10^4 times bigger than sun.)

アンタレス = Antares
(250 times bigger than sun)

デネブ = deneb
(60 times bigger than sun)

太陽 = Sun

The size of the bait the OP put here.
(1.3 billion times bigger than sun)

I like your image so I save it. Farewell.


I like your meme so I stole it. Farewell.

未識🐟 C103 31日 西へ-36b @mishiki

「オマエは白人のくせに、有色人種たる我々の表現に対してアヤをつけられるのか? 自文化中心の差別主義め」と球団された時にあなたがどう応じるのかについて、純粋に興味がある。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 20:55:04

I have an pure curiousity about how you would react if someone blames you saying "How dare you, a mere white, make an false accusation on our way of expression that we the colored make? You Self-culture-centered discriminationist (racist) !"

ガタ禿げ @gata__Vicious

マンガ学部教授ゥ!? 本当に日本の漫画とかに理解がある人が言うことじゃないと思うんですけどね。 あと、公言したら逮捕される国ってどこですか?ソースよこしやがれください。 貴方が勝手に想像してるロリコン、ショタコンは実際日本人が思ってるロリコン、ショタコンとは違うと思いますよ。 twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 21:40:54

Professor of Manga Study!? I think it's not something that who understand manga would say. Where are that country that arrest you by publicly declaring it? Where are the source? Sincerely, I do not think we share the same meaning of the word "lolicon and shotacon". You are using it with a different meaning.

銀星王 @ginseiou

京都精華大学は教授の発言を精査した方が良いなw こういう一方的な意見でマウンティングしようとする人を見ると、英国が衰退した原因がよく分かる気がするw ココは日本であって英国で認められる自由が否定され、その逆もある事が理解出来ないとはw >kyoto-seika.ac.jp/edu/faculty/ra… >twitter.com/rachel_thorn_j…

2019-12-18 22:57:14
銀星王 @ginseiou

あ、こいつ英国人じゃ無くて米国人だったw 謝罪訂正w

2019-12-18 23:11:56

Kyoto Seika University should make a careful investigation about what the professors are saying lol.
After seeing this person belittling others with this unnilateral oppinion, I think I know why UK has fallen lol. This person can't understand that this place here is Japan and the liberty about something that are allowed in Europe are denied here and vice-versa lol.

Oh, sorry, lol. This person was american, not english, lol.

ネットで通りすがるブラジル人 @ntbxp

I retweet a lot of NSFW lewds so be aware of that. This account is now for Togetter use.