せめて感想だけでも見たいという気持ち( ˘ω˘ ) いいね!も、よくないね!もまとめます!!!かかってこい!! 上が最新。下に向かって過去になるように変えました。
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Tim Gowen @TimothyGowen

Incredibly good evening at the @MenChocFactory for Pacific Overtures. What a fantastic cast and imaginative set, and terrific musical direction.

2023-11-30 15:58:30
han @astarionacunin

just saw a theatre show abt sondheim aaaa I love living in London

2023-11-30 08:32:17
James Chan | Composer @JamesChanMusic

It’s a really tiny line but “signing pacts, passing acts” is such a satisfying combination of words (Please Hello from Pacific Overtures; just saw it at at @MenChocFactory)

2023-11-30 06:32:48
Brian @Sb_60000

I saw Takuro Ohno in Pacific Overtures last night in the pre-run at the Menier Chocolate Factory. I didn't know he was so popular in Japan! This is his first time in English language play / musical, apparently. Be assured, fans, he does well! #takuroOhno #PacificOvertures pic.twitter.com/P6dkWUsyeF

2023-11-29 17:39:56
RiseburyCrisis Everywhere @RiseburyCrisis

@lulapinn @MenChocFactory He was good. His voice wasn’t the strongest but it was good.

2023-11-29 17:31:37
Brian @Sb_60000

@lulapinn I particularly enjoyed him singing the piece Poems I quoted from. Beatific.

2023-11-29 13:42:26
Brian @Sb_60000

@lulapinn Hello to you! I didn’t know of the actor (or his fans!), but I had noticed his strong presence whilst watching. He was very good as singer and actor. Talented man. I very much enjoyed the whole show too. It will stay in my head a while. #PacificOvertures

2023-11-29 13:36:35
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@RiseburyCrisis @MenChocFactory Good morning! Sorry to bother you! I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), who has many fans in Japan who would love to know how he’s doing! It’s his first time singing/performing in English. How was he? 😊

2023-11-29 12:05:58
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@Sb_60000 Good morning! Sorry to bother you! Did you watch the performance? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), who has many fans in Japan who would love to know how he’s doing! It’s his first time singing/performing in English. How was he? 😊

2023-11-29 12:04:28
Brian @Sb_60000

Pacific Overtures at the Menier Chocolate Factory. Some of Sondheim’s best work. Enjoyable and thought-provoking. Good production and cast. ‘Dawn brightening As she opens up her eyes, But it's I who come awake. Your turn.’ #theatre pic.twitter.com/GwkpJlUIN8

2023-11-29 07:22:57
RiseburyCrisis Everywhere @RiseburyCrisis

I went in to #PacificOvertures at @MenChocFactory with no expectations - I literally didn’t know what it was about. What it was was an interesting slice of Japanese history served up a la Sondheim. It was very good.

2023-11-29 06:28:46
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@CamillaElworthy @MenChocFactory Good evening! Sorry to bother you, I wondered if you could give me a small report on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), as he has many fans in Japan waiting to hear about his performance! It’s his first time in the UK and singing in English. Was he ok? How did he do? Thank you in advance 😄

2023-11-28 07:30:25
Camilla Elworthy @CamillaElworthy

Pacific Overtures @MenChocFactory is fantastic; snap up a 🎟️ if you can. #Sondheim pic.twitter.com/EmTOkPYWng

2023-11-28 07:24:23
Nicky Barranger @NicolaBarranger

Just come out of @MenChocFactory after seeing Pacific Overtures. What a fantastic production! (the third we've seen, first @ENO in 1987). A sure fire hit. Many congrats to all involved! Such innovative ideas. Thank you!! #pacificovertures #sondheim

2023-11-28 07:08:45
ロゼ🇯🇵🇬🇧クローバー🚢PacificOvertures @KAYO_TAKULOVE

また明日の明け方くらいから、拓朗くんの名声が日本にたくさん届くよね😊楽しみ✨ 🇬🇧🚢🇯🇵🇬🇧🚢🇯🇵🇬🇧🚢 If you watched the #PacificOvertures in London, I would be very happy if you could tell me your impressions of the work and #TakuroOhno as Kayama😊 #大野拓朗 @MenChocFactory

2023-11-27 20:27:29
Nicki @Nicki24311776

いつも演奏会等に行くと呟くのだけど、今回大野拓朗さんのファンの方々の反響が凄くて驚いてます。初盤客席の階段にたまてと並んで割り込むように座るんですが、それを見たら皆さん隣になる席に座りたいと切望されるでしょう。 出演者が皆さん凄くて、瞬きしたくないくらい素晴らしい舞台です。 twitter.com/umegei_jp/stat…

2023-11-26 17:47:43
梅田芸術劇場 @umegei_jp

ミュージカルPacific Overtures(太平洋序曲)が11/25(土)ロンドン・メニエール劇場でプレビュー初日を迎えます! オーケストラとの練習模様をお届けします😊🎶🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/nQIoS0lsuO

2023-11-26 12:42:38
Nicki @Nicki24311776

@umegei_jp @P_Overtures 初日に行ってきました。春に日本に帰りたかったけれど諸事情で叶わず、ずっと楽しみにしてきて、観る事が出来て本当に良かったです。英語なのに、舞台は確かに日本でした。 pic.twitter.com/JemwVCFnMY

2023-11-26 16:56:24
Nicki @Nicki24311776

@chiduko6091934 リプライありがとうございます。そつのない英語で堂々とした演技、スタイルが良いから所作も美しく見映えして、本当に適役だと思います。初めての海外舞台とは、驚きました。ロンドンでもきっと高評価されると思います。

2023-11-26 16:23:22
D&D @chiduko6091934

@Nicki24311776 大野拓朗さんを応援しています。 お褒めの言葉ありがとうございます。とても嬉しいです。 初めての海外での舞台出演でしたので少しホッとしました どうか、これからの拓朗さんを観続けて下さい😊

2023-11-26 10:32:45
xhanx @xhanx_plays

@lulapinn Being Japanese, his accent was obviously natural and authentic. Whereas some of the other accented voices, I could tell they were not Japanese and attempting an Asian accent.

2023-11-26 10:31:25
xhanx @xhanx_plays

@lulapinn He was the star of the show and carried the greatest dramatic arc. Very good looking too, I can see why he has many fans! I specifically looked him up afterwards.

2023-11-26 10:29:19
Stephen Aspinall @Ste_J_Aspinall

@lulapinn @MenChocFactory You wouldn’t have known it was his first time singing in English. He was excellent! 👏👏

2023-11-26 09:03:46
Nicki @Nicki24311776

大野拓朗さんのファンになりそう。UK の舞台デビューだそうですが、堂々とした香山役、背も高くてスタイルも良くて、目の前2m程に来た時にはドキッとなりましたね。UKで更なる活躍に期待したい。 pic.twitter.com/T1Re0iGIps

2023-11-26 08:56:56
Nicki @Nicki24311776

『太平洋序曲』ロンドン公演初日、観てきました。凄く良かったです。大野拓朗さんの英語は綺麗で、上背もあって英国でも見劣りしない魅力。catwalk のような舞台を最前列で、たっぷり鑑賞しました。 劇場は1870年頃の建築で、劇場近くは古い建物も多く、タイムスリップしに来て下さい、藤田さん。 twitter.com/hiroki_fujita3…

2023-11-26 08:38:14
Molly Ahmed @MollyAhmed

@lulapinn @MenChocFactory Greetings to 🇯🇵! Takuro Ohno was wonderful! A beautiful voice and expressive acting. A triumph, especially as his character evolves!

2023-11-26 08:02:01
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@Ste_J_Aspinall @MenChocFactory Sorry to bother you, I wondered if you could give me a small report on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), as he has many fans in Japan waiting to hear about his performance! It’s his first time in the UK and singing in English. Was he ok? How did he do? Thank you in advance 😄

2023-11-26 07:57:26
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@xhanx_plays Sorry to bother you, I wondered if you could give me a small report on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), as he has many fans in Japan waiting to hear about his performance! It’s his first time in the UK and singing in English. Was he ok? How did he do? Thank you in advance 😄

2023-11-26 07:55:52
Hamster 🐹 @lulapinn

@MollyAhmed @MenChocFactory Sorry to bother you, I wondered if you could give me a small report on Takuro Ohno (Kayama), as he has many fans in Japan waiting to hear about his performance! It’s his first time in the UK and singing in English. Was he ok? How did he do? Thank you in advance 😄

2023-11-26 07:55:09
xhanx @xhanx_plays

Saw Mr Banzai himself in Pacific Overtures at the Menier Chocolate Factory. Brilliant, a musical actually about something, Sondheim at his most ambitious. pic.twitter.com/jbpwgax1Ik

2023-11-26 07:48:32
Molly Ahmed @MollyAhmed

Saw #PacificOvertures @MenChocFactory and it was really fantastic! I cannot wait to read the reviews which ought to be outstanding! Highly recommend! #theatrelover #Sondheim #StephenSondheim pic.twitter.com/HojEm5FSNx

2023-11-26 07:41:29
Stephen Aspinall @Ste_J_Aspinall

Loved the show #PacificOvertures and the best 1st preview ever but ruined by a seat that anywhere else would be classed as restricted! Not good @MenChocFactory ! (but go see the show! On until 24th Feb) 🚜 pic.twitter.com/MmdeXDWWK8

2023-11-26 07:16:20
Nicki @Nicki24311776

味のある建物。でも目立たな過ぎて通りすぎた😅 pic.twitter.com/MBRCTNcT26

2023-11-26 03:55:20
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