ネットプリントで2022年1月14日の第四オンリーイベント合わせで配布した天外魔境シリーズ2022年カレンダー企画のまとめと配布後日の感想まとmです。 翻訳サイト・アプリの充実で海外の天外ファンとも交流できるようになりました🤗 世界に広がれ、FAR EAST OF EDEN!!
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 次へ
鞍馬丸天狗 @kuramamarutengu

RT 皆さんのカレンダーの感想の語彙力本当に凄い…✨

2022-01-21 00:03:37
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

RT アミらしいって言って貰えたの凄いビックリしたけど、嬉しいな らしいって思えるくらいに彼らを理解してる人いるって事なんだもん、今日は良いこと沢山あって、久しぶりに良い夢見れそう

2022-01-21 00:36:33
いすずくれづき@不定期浮上 @fumihirogezuki

カレンダー絵に感想をどうもありがとうございました。 味の素しらす風味さんの絵は各キャラから背景や小物にいたるまで描きこみがすごくて、作品へのこだわりが感じられて感動しました。キャラをめいっぱい描けるのもうらやましいです(集合絵は苦手なので)。まさに愛の力だと思いました。 twitter.com/Qq890kpqZ9LLeA…

2022-01-21 07:00:52
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

3月 毛先までなんでこんなに綺麗に線が描けるんだハイライトもクッキリさせられてる技術意味わかんない 背景も傘も明らかに作画コストイカれてるじゃん、根気強さガンジー級かよ、色クッキリしてるのに主張して邪魔しあってたりしないのも凄い、なんで?色彩と和平条約結んでる?

2022-01-17 23:08:08
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

そういえば皆様のカレンダー感想は(お気づきの方もいると思いますが…❗️)モーメントにまとめてあります🤗✨ twitter.com/i/events/14830…

2022-01-21 08:30:44
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

12月担当のCargodin様(@Cargodin )はアメリカの方ですので、英語の方が良いと思われます😌 とはいえTwitter翻訳で英語表記になりますし、iOS15の翻訳機能を使うという手もあります✨

2022-01-21 08:35:18
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@tengai04_only Thank you for sharing! 🥰 I am reading nice comments today, so I want to reply to everyone too. If machine translation is OK, it is easy to talk with everyone. 🙏💕

2022-01-21 09:49:42
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

前からまさかとは思ってたけどマジか!!海外勢の方もいるのね!なんかもう遅いかもだけど感想のとこ翻訳上げ I've been thinking about it for a long time, but it really was! !! Are there any English-speaking people? ?? It may be too late, but we will translate it and reissue it. twitter.com/tengai04_only/…

2022-01-21 22:28:06
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

Cover: First of all, it's great to be able to draw dots, but how do you assemble a colored square block so that anyone can understand it correctly? I don't know how I got that technique, and the layout is good, so it's great that it's neatly arranged in a nice photo.

2022-01-21 22:29:55
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

January: Each character is drawn large, but well organized. It's amazing that not only the colors but also the screen is divided for each object, and it's amazing that you can draw such a thin and beautiful stick on the border line.

2022-01-21 22:34:00
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

I don't know how the hands got the technique to give a three-dimensional effect.

2022-01-21 22:34:07
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

February: Thread decoration, heart, Kirafuwa, techniques I can't learn Why can I draw an embarrassing sweet and sour look on the screen? I used to do something similar to line color, but it doesn't work! What kind of artist did you learn to use colors?

2022-01-21 22:37:11
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

March: Why can you draw a very beautiful line on the tip of your hair? The highlights are also clear. I don't know how I got the technology. Backgrounds and umbrellas are obviously expensive to draw, and you're a patient Gandhi class, it's amazing that the colors are clear,

2022-01-21 22:40:22
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

but they don't interfere with each other, why? Is there a colored peace treaty?

2022-01-21 22:40:44
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

April: I'm a lazy pig and forgot to draw Taojirios's finger. Careless garbage, insects in the drain. I'm still not sure about the result, it will be better next year

2022-01-21 22:44:07
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

May: Are you from the fashion industry? Have you ever heard of a very stylish original costume design from God's revelation? I would like to ask such a doll to accompany a princess doll, but let's decorate a place that catches the eyes of the guests. !! !!

2022-01-21 22:49:52
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

The costume and the ability to draw it are very good

2022-01-21 22:50:07
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

June: Why can you express the tranquility with a picture? The green and color change of the hair is too beautiful to stop trembling The scariest thing is that the back curtain is hanging and the texture of the fabric is too good.

2022-01-21 22:53:05
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

It seems to share a room with a nude model of Ittan-momen. Hydrangea alignment, beautiful lines, it shocked me and dropped the head breaker

2022-01-21 22:53:15
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

July: It feels like I've seen Ginkakuji ... I wonder if it's okay to pack everything on the screen, it's as comfortable as a tidy room. I feel at ease and chest pain as the proper space,

2022-01-21 22:56:53
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

the guidance to the center of the animal's eyes, and the warm color painting style that makes me feel nostalgic for the mystery revives the peace of mind of the kindest family. Remember

2022-01-21 22:57:01
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

August I thought the sea breeze blew from the screen! The expressive power of drawing the clear shadows of the seaside in summer and the warm and refreshing feeling of light is crazy.

2022-01-21 22:58:59
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

A picture that fully understands the protagonist of the picture that makes the person vehicle in the foreground stand out more by drawing the plants in the background a little vaguely!

2022-01-21 22:59:24
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

I don't even know the choice of colors that don't make you feel dark even if there are a lot of shadows.

2022-01-21 22:59:33
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

September: It's quite difficult to express the human body by leaning against the wall. The refreshing colors that do not make you feel the difficulty of drawing carry the easy-to-use autumn air.

2022-01-21 23:02:31
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

It seems that you can hear the conversation even if there is no conversation, and because there is depth, it was as if you cut out only that moment from the world there!

2022-01-21 23:02:40
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

October: Not to mention the speed, there is nothing superfluous in the background, and I am crazy about drawing pictures that cannot tolerate failure. Coupled with the situation, I think it's a drawn version of the RTA runner.

2022-01-21 23:06:30
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

Always choose the best solution without detouring. Is there a strategy guide written about your future? It is the best production that the two people behind make a beautiful flow

2022-01-21 23:07:25
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

November: The growth of tree trunks and branches in the background is no wonder, and you'll be amazed by the terrifying observing power and memories you see in the pictures.

2022-01-21 23:11:03
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

Hairstyles can be difficult, but drawing with smooth lines is the result of daily efforts, and it's amazing how much you can remember with your fingers.

2022-01-21 23:11:24
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

December: Are you an expert in space creation? It is a picture that draws in with an invisible expression, making full use of the imagination that floats on the back!

2022-01-21 23:14:38
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

The borders and the touch of the picture reminded me of the old Oz picture book. Until I searched for and touched the next page, I was made to forget that this was one.

2022-01-21 23:14:46
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

Rrrrggh…To reiterate, my language ability is less than the toilet cricket. However, I would be happy if the bunch of words I searched for to express the splendor of each work became easier to convey.

2022-01-21 23:19:51
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr Good evening! 🥰 Thank you for translating your thoughts for my sake. It was a very sweet gesture. I am happy to read your thoughts on everyone's artwork. It is a beautiful collection that I am happy to display too. I wish to write about my thoughts of the artworks as well.💐

2022-01-21 23:27:28
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

@Cargodin Hellooo!thank you! I got a very happy news! The way you look at your work varies from person to person, and the resulting new discoveries are the ultimate treasure, and I'm really looking forward to it!

2022-01-21 23:43:50
御池🪶 @inu_gosho

@muhousya 遅くなりましたが、感想ありがとうございます!🙏😭無法者団体さんは色々な画風をお持ちでいつも楽しませてもらっています🙌☺️カレンダー絵はクリントン一家かなと思っていたら、意外な(?)な組み合わせでした!🥰夏らしいクールな仕上がりも素敵だし、青色の使い方がとても勉強になりました🙏✨✨

2022-01-22 10:28:39
御池🪶 @inu_gosho

@Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr 感想ありがとうございました!豪華な単語が並んでいて恐縮してしまいました😳アミ一行も参加した賑やか&フリーダムなイラスト、とても楽しませてもらいました☺️描き込みがすごくて細部まで目が行ってしまいます…!重厚感のある厚塗りなのに華やかさもあり、色塗りテクニック見習いたいです🙏✨✨

2022-01-22 10:35:11
御池🪶 @inu_gosho

@sin_0513 遅くなりましたが、感想ありがとうございました!🙏☺️ぼんぢりさんのカレンダー絵のイダテンめちゃくちゃカッコいいです!💛💚普段は賑やかしい(?)イダテンとしっとりした雰囲気のギャップが最高です✨✨企画系でアミのイラストが見られるとは思わなかったので嬉しかったです!🙏😭💛💚

2022-01-22 10:40:06
御池🪶 @inu_gosho


2022-01-22 10:42:13
無法者団体 @muhousya

@inu_gosho ありがとうございます、恐れ入ります!楽しんでいただけていたなら光栄です! 御池さんの落ち着いて上品な色使いすごく好きです~~~!!!

2022-01-22 15:54:43
無法者団体 @muhousya

なんか、こう、皆さんに暖かい感想頂いてるので、ここらで一つ何かオチをつけないと…という謎の焦りに駆られている 芸人か

2022-01-22 15:58:55
無法者団体 @muhousya

オチになるかわからん暴露 ・最初は一家と迷ったけどどうやってもチラ裏なネタ絵しか浮かばないのでやめた ・あの組み合わせだと順当に考えればアシモトPだけどロン・テリーの方がビーチに似合うので解釈違いはガン無視した ・メインは青影なのに背景は青じゃないの今気付いた。今。ついさっき。

2022-01-22 16:07:56
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

Sharing the Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden Calendar project again! Thanks to net-print, I'm excited to be able to participate from the USA. Everyone in the project has been very nice, and left very kind impressions of the collection. Now, I'll be doing the same! Thread time! twitter.com/tengai04_only/…

2022-01-24 19:06:53
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

『天外魔境2022カレンダー』、ネップリの登録番号はこちらの画像か下記URL(pictSPACE PDFデータ配付ページ)を参照してください🤗✨ または配布中のPDFファイルをマイクロSDやUSBメモリ等でマルチコピー機に差し込んでプリントしてください✨ pictspace.net/items/detail/2… pic.twitter.com/tE7EojvWJl

2022-01-14 10:49:07
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

(Thank you to the participants who waited for me. Please excuse my English too. I hope Machine Translation is helpful. 🙏🙏😣)

2022-01-24 19:08:44
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

January: This is a Manjimaru piece by arata-san. (TMII and I turn 30 this year!) Gokuraku Taro, Kabuki, Kinu, Shiro and Manjimaru are all together! I love the bright colors and flowers. The characters are very expressive. It's an energetic card that welcomes the New Year!

2022-01-24 19:14:15
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

February: Sherry Earps and Yuno, from Apocalypse IV! Kuramamaru Tengu-san draws many charming works for this game! I like Cherry too, so I'm thrilled to have him in my house now. The lace patterns are refreshing too! I think this is a cute Valentine's card for fans of the game!

2022-01-24 19:21:07
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

March: A celebration of Spring with Jipang7, by Isuzu Kurezuki-san. Actually, this is the game I was never able to play, but the detail and love the characters with drawn with makes me like this card very much. The bright pink flowers against the deep blue sky are beautiful!

2022-01-24 19:26:29
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

April: Tengai Makyou Namida is known for having a large character cast. Ajinomoto-shirasu-fuumi-san draws with gorgeous detail, using a blue, orange and black palette. From an overseas perspective, it's rare to see a sumi style work with these colors, I think. I like it a lot!

2022-01-24 19:36:30
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

A lot of western fans of the series have not played Namida, and often only remember the Cannabis concept artwork for the PC version. The first designs are very good too, but I hope art like this shows people a new appeal to the final designs in the PS2 game.

2022-01-24 19:39:06
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

May: Ziria, Orochimaru and Tsunade by Fuji Yoshiya-san! I love the detail put into the armor and clouds in the background. This is an artist who inks their lines confidently. The colors carefully separate everyone, so every detail shines!

2022-01-24 20:08:17
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

June: The second Namida card! This time, it's Idaten, drawn by shin-san. I like the strong colors of summer night, and feeling of traditional paper. Idaten is a very intense character in the game, but this gives him a cool, mature sense that I enjoy. This is a unique tribute.

2022-01-24 20:17:45
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 次へ
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

オンライン会場で開催している『天外魔境シリーズ』WEBオンリーイベントの告知Twitterです。 ◆次回開催→2024年6月1日~3日『明日に向かって撃て!!』 6月の開催でラストになります
