ネットプリントで2022年1月14日の第四オンリーイベント合わせで配布した天外魔境シリーズ2022年カレンダー企画のまとめと配布後日の感想まとmです。 翻訳サイト・アプリの充実で海外の天外ファンとも交流できるようになりました🤗 世界に広がれ、FAR EAST OF EDEN!!
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

July: Our second Ziria piece, drawn by Oike-san! The colors are calm, and remind me of wandering the world map of the first game. Tsunade and Ziria are very proud of their hunts. Their rivalry here is charming! I like the cute and detailed chibi art style.

2022-01-24 20:24:18
鞍馬丸天狗 @kuramamarutengu

カレンダーのご感想ありがとうございます‼️✨第四の黙示録のチェリーがお好きなんですね💕 2月らしく甘酸っぱい2人を目指したのですが気にいって頂けてとても嬉しいです☺️✨ Cargodinさんの12月イラストは優しい色使いで絵本みたいでとても可愛いかったです💕エースがツリーで大はしゃぎしてて可愛い‼️ twitter.com/Cargodin/statu…

2022-01-24 20:31:08
Cargodin - Commissions OPEN! @Cargodin

February: Sherry Earps and Yuno, from Apocalypse IV! Kuramamaru Tengu-san draws many charming works for this game! I like Cherry too, so I'm thrilled to have him in my house now. The lace patterns are refreshing too! I think this is a cute Valentine's card for fans of the game!

2022-01-24 19:21:07
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

August: An Apocalypse IV illustration, this time of Candy, Ron and Lou on a summer's drive! The sunlight and the ocean make me want to go on this journey with them! (I will follow you anywhere, Candy!) It's an authentic image of the North American west coast by Team Muhousya-san!

2022-01-24 20:36:07
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

September: (From Twitter) A lovely view of autumn with the Zero cast, by Shakebentou-san! There is a gentle pleasure in the coming of winter. That image suits the characters very well here. Higan looks with gentle eyes at Subaru. It's an illustration of good friendship.

2022-01-24 21:04:56
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

October: The protagonists of Oriental Blue by Tsu-san! This is the first Tengai Makyou game that many overseas fans played. Tsu-san's character portraits are always detailed and handsome. I am happy to display such a luxurious card. twitter.com/tsunouraura/st…

2022-01-24 21:07:04
🐾つ🐾 @tsunouraura

clipstudioタイムラプス着彩編。60秒短縮版。2分半版は後日ファンティアにUPします。 何だかんだでラフ1時間、下書き2時間、ペン入れ2時間、着彩2時間、テクスチャその他1時間程度かかっているので合計8時間位かかっているものと思われます。参考にどうぞ! pic.twitter.com/HO9VwM1NLY

2022-01-19 12:16:31
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

November: Manjimaru and Kabuki, by Mio-san! Manjimaru's conversations with Kabuki are one of my favorite parts of the game. I think this illustration shows Kabuki's "older brother" sort of image well! I really like the creative forest background! The palette is pleasing.

2022-01-24 21:11:16
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

December: This one is me! I drew the Apocalypse IV cast celebrating Christmas. Because you can celebrate Christmas in Las Vegas in the game, and I live in the valley, I was excited to illustration this card. I am grateful to Kumamaru Tengu-san for giving me a chance and guidance!

2022-01-24 21:13:57
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

I had to replay and time travel a little in the PSP version to get a good shot of the tree. Thankfully I have a save with just under 200 hours on it, so I didn't have to start over or hunt for a lot of money. 😆😆🎄

2022-01-24 21:15:33
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

It was a really fun experience, meeting Tengai Makyou fans overseas, and sharing artwork and love for the series. I wasn't able to log on for the Rizing Sun pictSquare event, but if my account gets verified, I will try to walk around for Manjimaru's 30th anniversary event.

2022-01-24 21:17:45
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

Thank you for excusing my English, and thank you again for letting me celebrate Tengai Makyou 2022 with everyone! If you are in Japan and can check out a convenience store print kiosk, be sure use the codes from the OP link and grab a month or two featuring your favorite games!

2022-01-24 21:21:22
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@tengai_matsuri I like Kabuki and Manjimaru too! Two rowdy boys, together on an adventure! Thank you for drawing the duo! 😊

2022-01-24 21:38:49
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@kuramamarutengu Thank you again for this fun opportunity! ⭐😊⭐ I'll be happy to draw Cherry for you! I will Tweet it once I finish~

2022-01-24 22:17:40
鞍馬丸天狗 @kuramamarutengu

@Cargodin Yay!!️ ✨I'm looking forward to cherry😆

2022-01-24 22:21:33
いすずくれづき@不定期浮上 @fumihirogezuki

Thank you for your nice comment! I’m glad to hear that.☺️ twitter.com/Cargodin/statu…

2022-01-25 06:30:38
Cargodin - Commissions OPEN! @Cargodin

March: A celebration of Spring with Jipang7, by Isuzu Kurezuki-san. Actually, this is the game I was never able to play, but the detail and love the characters with drawn with makes me like this card very much. The bright pink flowers against the deep blue sky are beautiful!

2022-01-24 19:26:29
味の素しらす風味 @Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr

I really agree ... It's like this in Japan, so I hope many people will like it. twitter.com/Cargodin/statu…

2022-01-25 07:14:04
Cargodin - Commissions OPEN! @Cargodin

A lot of western fans of the series have not played Namida, and often only remember the Cannabis concept artwork for the PC version. The first designs are very good too, but I hope art like this shows people a new appeal to the final designs in the PS2 game.

2022-01-24 19:39:06
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@Qq890kpqZ9LLeAr I like your work very much! Holding the postcards in my hand makes me want to play Namida and Ichiyo's story again. Thank you for drawing this! 😊🌷

2022-01-25 07:54:00
Cargodin - Commissions = OPEN @Cargodin

@fumihirogezuki Thank you for drawing this beautiful card! I am happy to display it!

2022-01-25 13:14:03
ふじ吉屋🎃Blender勉強中 @fujiyoshiya

Thank you!! All of the calendars I have made with my fellow Tengai Makyo lovers are wonderful and have become my treasures. Being able to interact with Tengai Makyo fans overseas is one of the great events in my life. I am very touched. I'm sorry if my English is not good enough. twitter.com/Cargodin/statu…

2022-01-25 16:22:27
Cargodin - Commissions OPEN! @Cargodin

May: Ziria, Orochimaru and Tsunade by Fuji Yoshiya-san! I love the detail put into the armor and clouds in the background. This is an artist who inks their lines confidently. The colors carefully separate everyone, so every detail shines!

2022-01-24 20:08:17
🐾つ🐾 @tsunouraura

ファンティアに投稿しました!「青の天外オリエンタルブルー」 fantia.jp/posts/1094328 #Fantia #ファンティア clipstudioタイムラプス(フルサイズ版)公開しました!

2022-01-25 16:38:39
🐾つ🐾 @tsunouraura

@Cargodin ご感想有難うございます。気に入って頂けて嬉しいです。「オリエンタルブルー」は大好きなゲームです。日本では知名度が低い為、海外で知っている人がいると聞き嬉しくなりました。今後も素敵な出会いがありますように!deepl.com/ja/translator#…

2022-01-25 17:18:18
桃野沙織🍑女児おもちゃ&ぬりえコレクター @momosaori

そう言えば、こちらプリントしました! ⅡとZEROしかプレイしてないから分からないキャラもいますが、どの月も素敵なイラストで、毎月飾るのが楽しみです☺️💕 #天外魔鏡 twitter.com/tengai04_only/… pic.twitter.com/CHAz629ZiO

2022-01-26 09:53:47
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

『天外魔境2022カレンダー』、ネップリの登録番号はこちらの画像か下記URL(pictSPACE PDFデータ配付ページ)を参照してください🤗✨ または配布中のPDFファイルをマイクロSDやUSBメモリ等でマルチコピー機に差し込んでプリントしてください✨ pictspace.net/items/detail/2… pic.twitter.com/tE7EojvWJl

2022-01-14 10:49:07
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

問い合わせがありましたのでツイートもしておきます❗️ 昨年Twitter上にて募集致しました企画『2022天外魔境カレンダー』および現在進行中の『2023天外魔境カレンダー』へご寄稿いただいたイラストは、当イベントでのネップリ配信後でしたらご自身のイラスト本や他SNSへの再録(UP)等OKです‼️👍✨

2022-12-29 20:53:56
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5
天外魔境シリーズWEBオンリーイベント実行委員会 @tengai04_only

オンライン会場で開催している『天外魔境シリーズ』WEBオンリーイベントの告知Twitterです。 ◆次回開催→2024年6月1日~3日『明日に向かって撃て!!』 6月の開催でラストになります
