モニターグラフィックス モーショングラフィックス その他デザイン資料色々
Vova Kurbatov @V_Kurbatov

When I first saw the @Humane #AI Pin video, wrist-movement interactions caught my attention. So, instead of waiting to try it, I built a quick #VR prototype over the weekend to laser in ... pic.twitter.com/APN2ooDMAp

2024-04-10 02:11:52
YORIMIYA @jav6868

昨日のスキャンエフェクト、ユーザー座標から円形に走るようにした。探索ゲームでよくあるやつ #VisionPro #PolySpatial #Unity pic.twitter.com/XYdVrrwQp3

2024-02-14 18:19:32
そぞら@Raspberry Pi 電子工作 @sozoraemon

水族館のライブ映像を楽しめる時計を作りました。 アメリカのモントレーベイ水族館のライブカメラ映像を表示。日々の暮らしに、ちょっとした非日常をプラスする提案です。小型PCの「ラズベリーパイ」を使って表示しています。 pic.twitter.com/rVsg9wUSK1

2024-02-11 19:51:48
ジトメ @ji10me

ARならどこまで掃除したか一目でわかる pic.twitter.com/psGaapw3mQ

2024-01-24 09:27:41
A S H T H O R P @ashthorp1

EVIDENT MIRROR - Evident Mirror draws inspiration from the persistent thoughts that have occupied my mind since childhood. - MOVING IMAGERY + SCORE - Ash Thorp - MORE - ashthorp.art/series/evident… pic.twitter.com/Xz5XUMOAQS

2023-12-20 05:55:35
Jerry Liu @SloppyJ44

A little @rive_app branding motion test - some fun stuff coming in 2024 👾😉 (🔊 sound on) pic.twitter.com/CAJ89Z7a3h

2023-12-07 09:03:03
Rive @rive_app

Building UI for games is a mess. Rive is here to fix it. See how. 👇 pic.twitter.com/D9KCZi4aWo

2023-11-02 03:35:09
くまお @ROYCE62294821

Quest3のおかげで生活が自由になった。今日は皿洗いしながらリュウジの動画見たけど、手を拭かずに操作できるのが本当にラク。 pic.twitter.com/jSzKHd5lm3

2023-10-11 22:53:38
Perception @exp_perception

Perception designed a suite of #UI elements for Shuri's lab in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Using #AfterEffects, our team developed these widgets to sync, react and animate based on Shuri's gestures and movements, providing a fully immersive and interactive environment. Check out the advanced technology we developed for Wakanda in our Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Technology Design case study ➡️ https://t.co/aDxpn2pmC3

2023-09-26 08:44:58
Web Design Museum @WebDesignMuseum

The golden age of web design 2Advanced Studios v2 flash website in 2001 #WebDesignHistory pic.twitter.com/YdLbxr4yFJ

2023-09-04 00:13:42
Perception @exp_perception

Enter a new world of cinematic experiences by Perception. Become transported to the realm of science fiction and the future of filmmaking with our new Film Design Reel. We continuously push the boundaries of storytelling with bleeding edge UI, captivating motion graphics and immersive title sequences, creating an unparalleled adventure of world-building and visual effects. Capture the future of cinema with Perception ➡️ https://t.co/QvLmBLgfTb

2023-08-31 06:27:31
TERRITORY @territorystudio

For Lexus RZ, the drive is everything. To support this proposition, we worked with The &Partners on a spot that presents a near-future world where data is everywhere. Against this backdrop, the pure experience felt when driving a Lexus RZ is presented as data layers falling away leaving behind the unadulterated experience of driving. https://t.co/zpT5D6oEuX #LexusRZ #ElectricSUV #DriverCentric #FutureOfDriving

2023-08-23 00:35:35
𝕂𝕚𝕥𝕖 / KITERETZ inc. @ixkaito

久々に Futura の代替フォントを Google Fonts で探してたら、これまでにないぐらい Futura にそっくりなフォントがありました。ウェイトも多い、というかバリアブル。2020年リリースですがノーマークでした。 Jost - Google Fonts fonts.google.com/specimen/Jost pic.twitter.com/9FuGrTtFXO

2023-08-02 19:49:36

Our future is here, and it’s brighter than ever. Say 👋 to the digital heart of the new MINI family. Discover every thoughtful, innovative detail at bit.ly/3OxaqGP Shoutout to @sophiathakur for making the poetic soundtrack of this film! #TheNewMINIFamily #MINI #BigLove pic.twitter.com/yajTEhJqHI

2023-07-27 15:38:23

Welcome to MINI’s progressive new interior, featuring our first-ever circular OLED display, immersive projections, next-level personalization, and… well, you’ll have to stay tuned to see more. ​ #MINI #BIGLOVE pic.twitter.com/QZvyg9TLhU

2023-07-25 19:05:24
WIRED.jp @wired_jp

WIREDチームがオススメするデスク周りに置きたいガジェット SHARGEEKの 充電器「Retro35 35W」 液晶画面のカラーは、接続されたデバイスの消費電力と充電速度に応じて、ホワイトからイエロー、ブルーからグリーンと充電状況に応じて変化する。可愛さだけでなく実用的にも優れたアイテム。 pic.twitter.com/eo0lFEMHTb

2023-07-06 19:00:09
TERRITORY @territorystudio

🎥🔥 Jack is back (again!). We designed graphics for the action-packed finale season of Jack Ryan. Stay tuned for its release and catch a glimpse of our previous work below. territorystudio.com/project/tom-cl… #TerritoryStudio #JackRyanSeason4 #ScreenGraphics #ComingSoon pic.twitter.com/8iFpoDevl7

2023-07-01 00:25:15
𝐑𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐍🥽𝐅𝐑𝐎 @Ruben_Fro

Just in case Bethesda decides to release yet another version of Skyrim for Vision Pro, I made a little volumetric concept in Unity :) pic.twitter.com/hHIOR3c1gX

2023-06-24 06:59:39
Green Pepper @r2d2c3poacco

中国深圳の端午節で披露されたドローンの見事な動き。 reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfy… pic.twitter.com/1tkZvi9G3W

2023-06-20 20:01:13
Perception @exp_perception

As we progress into the future of #AR, see how Perception has envisioned one way that wearable technology can aid in the user's driving experience. Using location tracking and real time traffic data, we visualized this vehicle locator and 3D mapping system to maximize efficiency.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/9pDFrJRb2N

2023-06-16 09:08:25
GMUNK @gmunk

Since typography was such a primary element, the team wanted to create their own underworld beneath the grid called 'The Continuum' where the type would live. Within this chasm-like underbelly the subconscious of the Grid crafts, processes, and relays provocations to the rider. pic.twitter.com/TcCOEI9t2h

2023-06-15 01:22:35
GMUNK @gmunk

Introducing our Tron Lightcycle Run promo film for the brand new ride at Magic Kingdom — a verrrrry fun project that I'm happy to finally share. Shooting this thing was such a profound challenge and together with some absolutely amazing collaborators we pulled it off 😵‍💫 enjoy! pic.twitter.com/WrwzgkKcpB

2023-06-15 01:22:32
京セラ株式会社【公式】 @KYOCERA_JP

#RevUP#京都サンガ をさらに盛り上げよう!】 5/27の #サンガスタジアムbyKYOCERA #浦和レッズ 戦(19:00 kickoff)は「#京セラスペシャルデー」⚽ 先着10,000名に限定「飛び出す #トレーディングカード」をプレゼント🎁 カードの組み合わせでプレーも変化!? #AR 技術が選手のリアルな動きを再現! pic.twitter.com/CZ7kLzxGNM

2023-05-17 15:00:00
Vova Kurbatov @V_Kurbatov

In this exploration, I used the gaze on Quest Pro to contextualize #MR interactions. I wanted to test all of them in the same setting, so choosing the unique approach for each interactable was challenging. Luckily Interaction SDK has many great samples (gestures, poses, poke...) pic.twitter.com/oSq7LRyUMY

2023-04-18 19:46:51
Perception @exp_perception

It’s been one week since the Stark Smart Phone from Iron Man 2 won this year’s #MarvelTechMadness! Let’s take a closer look at how our team at Perception designed this innovative piece of Stark Technology, inspiring the rest of Tony's technology in the film. pic.twitter.com/kXOpBo3xWd

2023-04-08 08:25:39
Perception @exp_perception

It's the anniversary of the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice! Tour the tactical technology that our team at Perception designed for this film. From the Batcave to Lex Luthor's OS, we blended functional features with each character's personality for their tech. pic.twitter.com/g34wKFzP5H

2023-03-27 09:10:06
Atmo @Atmonez

📡Sharing some of my sci-fi HUD /// I love small futuristic details🛰️ pic.twitter.com/jXwHlsBvHK

2023-03-22 20:06:45
Perception @exp_perception

Become immersed in the alien tech, interactive holograms and industrial interfaces we designed for Secret Headquarters in our new Secret Headquarters Technology Design case study. Enter the headquarters to see motion tests, look development and more ➡️ experienceperception.com/work/secret-he… pic.twitter.com/6m6sGvrOfK

2023-03-08 07:37:25
Perception @exp_perception

Get a closer look at one of the widgets that our team at Perception designed for Shuri's lab in Black Panther: #WakandaForever. Like the rest of Shuri’s tech, the widgets are data driven, comprised of graphs and visual displays, and can be interpreted and understood at a glance. pic.twitter.com/cWDAZPvYVH

2023-03-06 07:27:47
Nisai @muriminium

AEスクリプト「DelayAnimator」を公開しました! テキストに一発で1レイヤーのまま文字毎の遅延を付けることができるようになるスクリプトです! 無料の試用版もあるため、ぜひお試しください~! nisai.booth.pm/items/4407155 pic.twitter.com/lOHz4uzIvi

2022-12-28 20:00:39
Perception @exp_perception

To develop the foundation #UI of the #MaxonOne toolset showcase video that our team at Perception designed for @MaxonVFX, we experimented with thin, intricate line work. This supports and enhances the video's larger UI panels, while the circular base serves as the alien's stage. pic.twitter.com/m84tMj9RBg

2022-12-15 06:59:23
August Håkansson's 115th dream ✨ @HakanssonAugust

🔊🔊🔊🔊 'are you sure that wasnt our train i just want to go home' pic.twitter.com/2E77NcHJCb

2022-12-15 03:22:29
Takayuki Yoshida|ヨシダタカユキ @__Stew__

このようなモーショングラフィックスを日々作っています。 Colosoにてチュートリアル講座が本日から公開されましたのでご興味ありましたらチェックしてみてください。 👉bit.ly/YOSHIDAXColoso… #aftereffects #cinema4d pic.twitter.com/1D7g9WOEzu

2022-12-02 18:30:49
Perception @exp_perception

Get a closer look at the #UI that our team at Perception developed for Bruce Banner in Marvel Studios' Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings. Since this UI would only be seen through a hologram call, we designed it to be bold and bright so its operations were clearly defined. pic.twitter.com/gdK2J724Bs

2022-11-29 07:03:14
Perception @exp_perception

It's almost our anniversary and we're celebrating #21YearsOfPerception in a special way. Today, Perception Partner/Co-Founder, Danny Gonzalez, shares his favorite Perception projects from the last 21 years. Take a look into our past and take a preview into our future. pic.twitter.com/C0NiYUqq8i

2022-11-14 05:22:16
1 ・・ 7 次へ
アペ 🐾 @apepe

フリーランスのUIデザイナーです。 ツイートは私個人の見解です。