nathanial is a chuuya kin confirmed @sunastiredtwin

Day One - Aquarium + Rain #SunaOsaWeek #sunaosa #snos Suna Rintarou is 15 years old, and he’s never once been to an aquarium, but he quite likes the cloudy monochromatic haze of blues that surrounds him. The moving reflection of the water paints the skin of the people +

2022-10-10 23:30:04
nathanial is a chuuya kin confirmed @sunastiredtwin

Day Two - Sunaosa Week | Ghost Trend #sunaosaweek #sunaosa #snos “Here,” Comes Suna’s decisive voice as he drops a crumpled white sheet in Osamu’s lap. Osamu looks down at the cotton blend and then back up at his boyfriend with furrowed brows as he brings a chip to his mouth. +

2022-10-12 02:18:41
nathanial is a chuuya kin confirmed @sunastiredtwin

Day Three - Summer + Pirate AU | Captain Suna + Tavern Owner Osamu #sunaosaweek #sunaosa #snos Seagulls screech their own personal shanty as the salty smell of sea air stretches over the harbor and into the fishing town of Inarizaki. Crates scape against the wood of the +

2022-10-13 02:00:10
nathanial is a chuuya kin confirmed @sunastiredtwin

day four promise + sunset #sunaosaweek #sunaosa #snos “When are ya gonna get rid of this stupid truck, Rin?” Osamu laughs as he gets bucked up in his seat When they drive over a bump. +

2022-10-14 09:14:16