Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day27 •In season 旬の野菜や果物 What veggies are in season now? ・形容詞2回繰り返すと、強調の意味 It’s hot today. Like hot hot. This ramen is spicy. Like spicy spicy. Flights to Japan are cheap now. Like cheap cheap. #英語勉強 #Rory_English

2023-07-18 19:32:56
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day26 • An anecdote エピソード My husband’s friend told an anecdote about my husband at our wedding. ・Emotional roller coaster 感情の起伏が激しくなる状況 Having kids is an emotional roller coaster. #英語勉強 #Rory_English

2023-07-16 22:37:12
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day25 • A cradle snatcher すごい年下と付き合う人 かとちゃん is a cradle snatcher. • A faux pas マナー違反、不作法 Asking a women’s age is a faux pas. a fashion faux pas (NGなファッション) #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-15 10:20:09
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day24 •A virtuous cycle 好循環 ⇅ •A vicious cycle 悪循環 If you don’t practice, you don’t improve. If you don’t improve, you lose motivation. If you don’t have any motivation, you don’t practice. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-12 22:49:44
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day23 •Comfort zone 安全パイ That’s outside my comfort zone. It’s important to leave your comfort zone. •A red flag 赤信号 The company moving our payday back is a red flag. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-11 18:52:36
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day22 •A fluke まぐれ I’ve beaten him once but it was a fluke. •A buzz うきうき、上機嫌 I have a buzz after talking to that beautiful lady. I have a nice buzz from that beer I had at lunch. A buzzkill (場を盛り下げる人) #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-10 10:53:53
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day21 •Possessive 束縛が激しい (Possessed 例に取り憑かれてる) My ex-boyfriend was really possessive. He didn’t let me go out with my friends. •Mediocre イマイチ The sequel was so mediocre. #Rory_English #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-09 19:54:32
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day20 ・Complacent 気を抜く、油断する That baseball team used to be Number one. But they got complacent and lost their position. ・Obnoxious 傲慢、KYな人 It’s obnoxious to interrupt people. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-08 15:09:17
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day19 ・Petty 器が小さい、細かいことを気にする人 I think Tom is petty.   •Forward 前に出過ぎ、積極的 Italian men can be very forward. • Tacky ちゃっちい、安っぽい It looks tacky. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-07 13:10:35
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day18 ・Let someone down 失望させる When I was sent to prison, I felt I had let my parents down. • Wing it 即興でやる I’m going to wing it. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-06 13:51:29
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day17 ・Hands down ダントツで〜 This is hands down the best ramen shop. • Make a pit stop トイレ休憩する Can we make a pit stop? I need to use bathroom. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-05 10:04:30
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day 16 ⭕️ What’s the problem?   どうしたの? ❌ What’s your problem?   なんか文句あるのか? Fall in love 恋に落ちる(変化) Be in love 恋してる(状態) Fall out of love 恋が冷める #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-03 11:52:58
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day15 ・Out of shape 運動不足 You’re out of shape!! It’s because all you do is eat and sleep all day. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-07-01 20:40:26
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day14 ・Hit the streets 新商品が発売される、街にくりだす I think I will go out and hit the streets. EV hit the streets in the Netherlands. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-30 15:48:50
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day13 ・Be on top of 把握する、上手くこなす It seems like you’re on the top of things. • On top of the world 最高に幸せ I’m feeling on top of the world. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-29 09:30:08
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day12 ・思春期 Puberty, Adolescent My daughter has reached puberty. He doesn’t understand the emotional problems of adolescents. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-28 12:20:13
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day11 I forget tweeting yesterday:( ・Have a love-hate relationship 好きでもあり嫌いでもある I have a love-hate relationship with Japan. I have a love-hate relationship with learning a foreign language. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-27 10:45:58
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day10 ・いい感じにNice and~ This ramen is nice and spicy. It’s nice and cool here. • And whatnot などなど I bought chips, candy and whatnot. He enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and whatnot. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-25 11:13:25
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day9 ・Make the jump 思い切って~する She decided to make the jump and travel the world for a year. I made the jump and changers my career. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-24 22:20:17
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day8 ・コツを掴む Get the hang of Eg) You’ll get the hang of it. I think I’m getting the hang of driving. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-23 20:00:00
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day7 ・Throw a fit 頭に血が上る、激怒する、カッとなる ・Throw a tantrum かんしゃくを起こす Eg) She throws fits when she can’t have things her way. He’s just throwing a fit because his mom took his iPad away from him. My son throws terrible tantrums sometimes.

2023-06-22 07:54:36
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day6 ・思い入れがある Have an attachment / Attached to Eg) I have a deep attachment to this project. I’m attached to this bag, so I can’t throw it away. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-21 07:44:00
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day5 ・天狗、自惚れてる Full of oneself / Cocky / Conceited / Have a big ego / Become(get) big-headed Eg) He’s full of himself. He’s being cocky. He’s conceited. Don’t get big-headed. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-20 08:24:10
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day4 ・機能できない、スイッチが入らない Not function Eg) I’m out of it today. My brain is not functioning. I can’t function without coffee in the morning. I can’t function properly without getting at least eight hours of sleep. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-19 08:49:33
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day3 ・Chip in 皆でお金を少しずつ出し合う      カンパする、寄付する Eg) The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide. We would all like to chip in for Rory’s going away present. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-18 11:39:28
Rory @wasted_puppy_

Day2 ・by(in) leaps and bounds 飛躍的に,急速に Eg) She’s been studying hard, so her grades are improving by leaps and bounds. I feel like my English got better by leaps and bounds when I stopped worrying about making mistakes. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-17 09:24:26
Rory @wasted_puppy_

英語圏にワーホリ行くと決めたので、戒めのためにも、新しく学んだ表現を1日1 tweet 今日から頑張る💪 Day 1 ・偏頭痛 migraine Eg) Many people in Japan suffer from migraine headaches. I have a migraine. #英語学習 #Rory_English

2023-06-16 10:11:51
Rory @wasted_puppy_

NZ🇳🇿ワーホリ 2024.3.5〜 株初心者