sdhizumi / S.Kudo @sdhizumi

英語コミュニティでの「楽しむぞ!」的なものへの批判ツイートを一つ引用します: (これはCB閉鎖以前に起こったChiptunes = WIN閉鎖時点、CBステートメント公表の前日でのツイートです) Stop making "I enjoy genre" the only criteria to gather people together.…

2020-06-05 08:34:02
cyan dan @cyanidedansen

Decentralise #chiptune. Stop making "i enjoy the genre" the only criteria to gather people together. That's how shitty people got accepted on chipwin group/comps/etc and were allowed to take root, which comforted other harmful people who felt validated by that. And so on.

2020-06-03 19:00:37
sdhizumi / S.Kudo @sdhizumi

自分自身、過去に自分がトラブルに巻き込まれた後も、そういった「楽しんでいこう!」という態度でなあなあにされて、自分が楽しめない経験がありました この態度は問題について考えず、むしろ覆い隠してしまうものと身を持って認識しています。これの行き着く所が、今回の騒動であると認識しています

2020-06-05 08:41:47
cyan @cyanidedansen

Start by kicking out P*terson, nbphobic supporters from your staff…

2020-06-05 02:35:36

We’re shocked to read the acccounts of people sharing their experiences of sexual harassment in the chiptune scene. We, like everyone, want a safe environment for everybody!

2020-06-05 01:11:34
SpaceCastle @truespacecastle

Check out this sick solo! Finishing up the audio assets this week for the upcoming demo of Irena Genesis Metal Fury @_irenagenesis We'll be sharing some of the new OST soon! #gameaudio #sounddesign #ym2612 #deflemask #segagenesis #segamegadrive #megadrive #indiedev #chiptune

2020-06-05 03:41:12
emoji-free vimster @vimster

Had a few requests to do this so here it is: Best of my tracks from 2019 - - now available on #bandcamp - pay what you want

2020-06-05 04:03:31
xyce @xycechipmusic

Bandcamp is waiving their fees again tomorrow but because we feel like there's enough going on in the world right now that can use funding way more than our hobby project, we've changed all our album prices to 0 euro. Enjoy.

2020-06-05 04:32:20
Stemage @Stemage

So Chiptunes=WIN has been shut down for good, and that is a massive blow to electronic music. I don't make chiptunes, but I've been in that community for a long time and have known Brandon Hood for much longer. I just need to say a few words about Hoodie.

2020-06-05 02:03:23
Binary Chiptune @binarychiptune

There are so many artists! Who is going to join me in staying awake for 24HR to listen to all these chiptune? Schedule:… #chipresistance

2020-05-29 18:33:45

We'll be donating 100% of our proceeds from sales to the BLM Seattle Freedom Fund on Friday 6/5. Stay safe.. but take a risk to stand up for what you believe in.…

2020-06-04 09:27:34
bandcamp @Bandcamp

We're waiving our share of sales this Friday, June 5th, from midnight to midnight PDT. Here’s a list of artists and labels with special releases, including many donating to organizations in support of racial justice and change.…

2020-06-04 02:21:43
ms. wendy @sirthisiswendy

visual artists are the backbone of any chiptune show. i can’t imagine a great chiptune show without somebody on the sidelines harmonizing with their musical contemporaries

2020-06-05 07:39:36
ChronoWolf @ChronoWolfMusic

In light of what has been happening in the #chiptune community, I wanted to add my own story. As some of you are aware, I was very active in the chiptune scene. I had 3 songs featured in ChipWin comps and I was invited to become a community moderator in 2017.

2020-06-05 02:17:50
Mᴀxᴏ✧dex @Maxodex

tfw homestuck in 2020 but also this song is cute and i had this one tucked away in a corner. #homestuck

2020-06-05 01:52:51
Mark Sparling @Markymark665

taking inspiration from @marlowedobbe and doing some DAILIES FOR DONATIONS DONATE $50+ to a bail fund DM me a timestamped receipt and then give me a prompt and I will make you something like what you hear here

2020-06-05 01:23:12
Joshua Morse @JoshuaMorse

"Game Music Selections Volume 1" likely dropping tomorrow to coincide with Bandcamp waiving its revenue shares!

2020-06-05 01:05:34
cyan @cyanidedansen

And you guessed it : it reminds me of all the people who stayed silent because they wanted to keep their chances to have an album on Cheapbeats, or to play SST :)…

2020-06-05 00:35:05
boaconstructor @boaconstructor_

Chipwin's rise to notoriety has been a clear example of leveraging perceived power to get what u want - They held the key to playing mainstage at MAGfest, arguably the largest recurring chipmusic event on Earth, ever. Easy to keep ppl quiet who disagree when they want what u have

2020-06-01 09:49:23
cyan @cyanidedansen

Some men around me had the NERVE to openly tell me they didn't wanna believe the public accusations, just because they were happy to have an album on there, or because they hoped to get picked for SST :) :) :)

2020-06-05 00:37:37
sponge @thespongemagic

Made a cover of the bonus stage theme from Sonic & Knuckles, but at a slower tempo than the original because FamiTracker doesn't support custom BPM. #chiptune

2020-06-05 00:44:48
Binary Chiptune @binarychiptune

X8X STR8-BIT X8X Make Straight Edge chiptune a thing

2020-06-04 23:50:16
ウラボロシ @uraboroshi


2020-06-05 00:36:43