WolTober daily prompt artworks
YᑌᖇIKᗩ🐰 @saybeaver

Gonna try to participate in the daily #WoLtober2020 this year! Day 1: Wish My only wish is for the glamor dresser to be in our house... 🥺🙏 #FFXIVart #WoLtober pic.twitter.com/maqVrdCerW

2020-10-02 06:21:08
YᑌᖇIKᗩ🐰 @saybeaver

Day 2: Pulse Saw everyone else doing this thought it was neat to try to do one myself ☺ #WoLtober #WoLtober2020 #FFXIV #FFXIVART pic.twitter.com/9WcjoQfBLO

2020-10-03 06:24:09
YᑌᖇIKᗩ🐰 @saybeaver

Day 3: Flower I actually missed yesterday's and I couldn't think of anything without massive spoilers for day 4 - so I'll just be skipping that one. ヴィエラちゃんの花髪飾り結構好き(´▽`*) #WoLtober #WoLtober2020 #FFXIV #FFXIVART pic.twitter.com/68clW4icF0

2020-10-05 11:38:48
YᑌᖇIKᗩ🐰 @saybeaver

#WoLtober Day 6: Mount My fav mount is always the fat cat ☺ Using a different prompt list today because I couldn't think of anything for the other one so I'll just mix it up from now on! #WoLtober #FFXIV #FFXIVART pic.twitter.com/qZFUIECl9h

2020-10-07 08:53:08