しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

@FaNEkNIGHt @yahchan88 She traveled to Tokyo to enjoy the collaboration between "Collapse 3rd" and "Suipara", but threw away the coaster without realizing that one of the key collaboration items was a coaster. I have never heard of such a tragedy. Using a translator.

2023-02-16 12:36:16
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

@FaNEkNIGHt @yahchan88 It was offered on the back and used only as a regular coaster.

2023-02-16 12:39:55
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English2 There's nutrients which can only be obtained from a cute crow's screams of agnoy. 可愛い鴉(師匠)の悲痛な叫びからしか得られない栄養素がある。

2023-02-17 11:43:52
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English3 Hiroyuki seems to be very happy about the Kanechika. ひろゆきは兼近のことでとても嬉しそうだ。

2023-02-17 11:47:26
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study En4 She is very intelligent and beautiful. And most importantly, her business is a multi-level marketing. Let's just shut up and cut ties. 彼女はとても聡明で、美しい。そして何より彼女の仕事はマルチ商法だ。 黙って縁を切ろう。

2023-02-17 12:02:20
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study En5 I had a huge crush on SenbaKurono that day. あの日僕は千羽黒乃にすごくときめいた。 (雀魂公式三麻大会「双聖戦」February 12, 2023)

2023-02-18 14:43:51
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

ついでに Study En6 This opinion has been very helpful to me now! 今の私にとって、この意見はとても参考になった。 (thで舌を噛む習慣付け)

2023-02-20 01:53:51
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study En7 "Fake it till you make it", so you are practically already a native speaker. 「なりきっていればいつか本物になる」ので、実質既にあなたはネイティブスピーカーだ。 (括弧内はだいじろーの発音学習ロードマップより)

2023-02-20 22:31:16
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English8 The strategic nature of the Insect Wrestlers has increased over the years, until they are finally able to get behind their opponents. However, they cannot change direction. twitter.com/detteyu_44/sta…

2023-02-22 01:54:03
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English9 Here we have a fine rapper who has transcended the boundaries of being a living being. ここには生き物としての壁を超えた立派なラッパーがいる. (ミスタイプでthaって書いてアンダーライン出たけどダって読んでんだからthaでいいじゃん!!!←) twitter.com/HumansNoContex…

2023-02-22 14:23:16
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English10 Jealousy sometimes turns a person into a monster. 嫉妬は時に、人を怪物にする。 【反転アンチ】活動者とリスナーの立場を交えてお互いに心を守るために必要なことを話す【Vtuber解説】 youtube.com/live/3Bl9_Zbk9… @YouTubeより

2023-02-22 14:39:17
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English11 It's good to realize that the probability of a human being breathing is the same as the probability of getting a fucking rip to a SNS. SNSのコメ欄へのクソリプのつき方と人間が呼吸をする確率は同じと認識しておくのが良い。

2023-02-22 15:36:54
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English12 I think Go Kobayashi, the professional, has more enthusiasm than anyone else. I love your manhood. 小林剛プロは誰よりも熱意を持っていると思う。(みんな持ってるとは思うが) 男気に惚れた。 twitter.com/LemonGellY1989…

2023-02-23 15:31:24
ぽー(幼児) @LemonGellY1989

麻雀は必ず誰かは負けるし、 同じように誰かが勝つゲームなので そこを心に留めてプレーしていきたいよね。 ちなみこの大声で怒ってくれたプロは… 小林剛プロです 汚れ役まで買って出てくるの、漢すぎました…

2023-02-22 13:57:21
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 13 This video is a joke, but it is one proof that men and women are completely different creatures. このビデオは(半分)ネタだが、男女が全く異なる生物であることの証拠だ。 twitter.com/HumansNoContex…

2023-02-24 23:37:37
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 14 Yesterday, I was going to watch the Ushizawa's video, but another live streaming started and I watched that one. 昨日は牛沢の動画を見ようとしたが、別の配信が始まってそちらを見た。 (snsの台頭でbroadcastよりstreamの方が主流。らしい)

2023-02-25 03:20:22
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study english 15 I had compromised with 33 Spiral Abyss, but after seeing Ya-chan's archive, I got motivated and now I'm up to 35 stars. #GenshinImpact #Vtuber twitter.com/yahchan88/stat…

2023-02-25 04:10:06
やーちゃん🌺沖縄県民VTuber @yahchan88

やーちゃんが22:00~配信を始めるよ☆ 綾華ちゃん・リサさんの新衣装で 深境螺旋☆36目指す! ディシアの新情報もきたあああ! (/・ω・)/やー(/・ω・)/やー youtube.com/live/CUhlPDyKT… #原神 #Genshin #Genshinimpact pic.twitter.com/dDHDUDJb3c

2023-02-23 20:54:19
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 16 It's fun playing silly games with the guys. 男同士でバカな遊びやってるの楽しいよね. twitter.com/HumansNoContex…

2023-02-25 04:25:38
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 17 This masterpiece "On Your Mark" is one page of my youth. Thank you Studio Ghibli!! この名作"On Your Mark"は青春の1ページだ。スタジオジブリありがとう! twitter.com/JP_GHIBLI/stat…

2023-02-25 23:14:27
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 18 Nobody can stop him from kicking the ball. 誰にも彼がボールを蹴るのをやめさせられない. twitter.com/HumansNoContex…

2023-02-27 03:10:11
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 19 Recently, I'm happy to fall asleep while listening to streaming. And I wake up at odd hours. 最近、配信を流しながら寝落ちするの幸せ。そして変な時間に起きる。

2023-02-27 03:20:22
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 20 At the moment, for me, it's all about the creatures in the lower right :'-D 今のところ、俺の場合は右下の生き物が全てなんだが😂 twitter.com/HumansNoContex…

2023-02-27 03:42:13
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 21 Leaning to talk to yourself is also useful. For example, talk to yourself about your weekend plans or the events of the day. Or choose a picture and talk about it as if you were explaining it to imaginary friend. from[TED] The secrets of learning a new language

2023-02-27 05:13:46
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

youtu.be/o_XVt5rdpFY 独り言の学習も有効。例えば週末の予定や1日の出来事を自分に話しかける。または写真を1枚選んで人に説明するように話す。

2023-02-27 05:15:03
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 23 Everyone is soooo excited for today's update. #Genshinlmpact

2023-03-01 02:51:07
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 24 Daijiro is always a strong ally of English learners. He gives both funny jokes and serious explanations. I love him! youtu.be/WYuhl4Xk4Ms @YouTubeより

2023-03-02 04:51:05
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 25 HAYAMA's stream I've been watching recently is very exciting! (関係代名詞の省略,頭に"何",タメ口構文で前から繋げる)

2023-03-04 09:48:27
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 26 One of the great things about #GenshinImpact is that even the earliest characters are introduced in limited-time events, which helps to deepen my attachment to those characters.

2023-03-06 04:01:10
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 27 This medicine will take away the pain of your life. It's name is Sake. youtu.be/GLEJoQiivsQ より

2023-03-06 04:12:55
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

Study English 28 I've always loves Ghibli since I was little, and I'v been listening to Hisaishi's music since I was little. youtu.be/jo9cZh2fFak?t=…

2023-03-07 03:27:16
しむ@(ت*) ☕️🌙 @shimu_genshin

白色高知能浮遊アシスタントユニット(パイモン)欲しい 最近麻雀楽しい 空飛ぶ白鉄ちび助(パイモン)くれ