[📷] 230115 4TH OFFICIAL FANCLUB EVENT ABBI CAFE 예삐카페 영업 종료했습니다✨ Dh cafe, Chocoz cafe에 방문해주신 여러분 감사합니다💗 #AB6IX #에이비식스 #전웅 #김동현 #박우진 #이대휘 #브랜뉴뮤직 #BRANDNEWMUSIC pic.twitter.com/Uxuc2TLpRv

2023-01-15 16:58:52

[📷] 230115 4TH OFFICIAL FANCLUB EVENT ABBI CAFE イェッピカフェ営業終了しました✨ Dh cafe, Chocoz cafeにお越しくださった皆さんありがとうございました💗 #AB6IX #에이비식스 #전웅 #김동현 #박우진 #이대휘 #브랜뉴뮤직 #BRANDNEWMUSIC twitter.com/AB6IX/status/1…

2023-01-15 17:00:51

난생처음 알바를 했더니…낮잠을 자버렸다 #카페 ☕️ pic.twitter.com/UbnrKXtvVZ

2023-01-15 18:46:22

生まれて初めてアルバイトしたら…昼寝しちゃった #카페 ☕️ twitter.com/ab6ix_members/…

2023-01-15 18:49:22
ホームドラマチャンネル“呟き人”【公式】 @Home_Drama_Ch

【K-POP🇰🇷】 / AB6IX セレクション✨ \ ソウルファンミ 再放送情報💁‍♀️ 「2022 AB6IX FAN MEETING AB_NEW AREA IN SEOUL」 ⏰1/22(日)後5:15~ 圧巻のステージや、楽しいゲームコーナーなど、盛りだくさん😉 📺TV初放送 📱「スカパー!番組配信」 homedrama-ch.com/special/ab6ix2… pic.twitter.com/TWGRSqrgja

2023-01-15 17:00:30
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Hi 🦦 It's snowing now 🦦 It's so nice to see you, snow ㅎㅎ 🦦 But the snow isn't piling up 🦦 And is just falling like rain..? 🦦 I slept really late yesterday too 🦦 I can't sleep nowadays ㅜ 🦦 Maybe it's coz I got used to sleeping late pic.twitter.com/XkrAqQN7UL

2023-01-15 10:30:37
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Yesterday, there's a senior from school who went to the army 🦦 Hyung is thinking about what to do when he comes out 🦦 So we talked about it and it was really interesting 🦦 What do you call this type of snow 🦦 Snow that melts immediately pic.twitter.com/9fVrXFEQ41

2023-01-15 10:42:29
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 But how many ABNEW are coming today? (Yeppi Cafe) 🦦 Oh my just 30 people ㅜㅜ 🦦 Oh my ㅜ 🦦 But there'll be more people next time pic.twitter.com/uWAmPKOpLM

2023-01-15 10:49:22
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 It's a pity but with this ㅎ.. 🦦 Legend says if you save this it'll increase your chances of winning next time by 40%.. pic.twitter.com/SgfMXNhIJX

2023-01-15 10:49:24
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 This is a special wink version so 🦦 (Your chance of winning next time) Can upgrade by 80% ㅋㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/QVnHiID4z5

2023-01-15 10:49:26
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Yesterday? 🦦 I think I slept at around 6?! 🦦 Since I kept lying down my waist & neck hurt that's why I bought a foam roller ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🦦 I use the foam roller at the gym and it's quite good? 🦦 So I bought one ㅋㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/q0shoEEE1g

2023-01-15 11:07:35
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 I'm living really well tho? 🦦 ?? No no 🦦 Not 6pm but I slept at 6am 🦦 I totally can't sleep at 6pm ㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/DlltIrYtWW

2023-01-15 11:07:37
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Pls don't think that I'm just fooling around since I'm not appearing on TV 🦦 I use my time well ☺️ 🦦 Omg is it the first time we're meeting ABNEW this year? 🦦 And also, I don't just work 🦦 I meet with friends, talked about things we missed, i've just been catching up pic.twitter.com/95qEfQOSgd

2023-01-15 11:07:40
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 No that hyung in the army's gonna be discharhed soon 🦦 I should listen to his army stories when he gets discharged 🦦 Sending me off to the army is still far away, don't worry ㅋㅋㅋ 🦦 No hyung is quite 🦦 Yes yes he's a hyung who treated me well during high school pic.twitter.com/7WlrLQ5yeZ

2023-01-15 11:15:47
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 They've been working hard in the army 🦦 They work out freaking hard and read books 🦦 I want to...go back to high school... 🦦 Why didn't I play around during that time ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🦦 I was busy by myself at school ㅋㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/bSxOSHrVGW

2023-01-15 11:15:49
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Battle Trip? 🦦 I'm appearing on Battle Trip..? 🦦 I'm not tho...? 🦦 There'll be (an episode) with 01즈? 🦦 Why am I affiliated with so many things 🦦 I'm 빵빵즈/00z~~ 🦦 What's Five Senses..? 🦦 Omg 🦦 The Way You Are? pic.twitter.com/3ZK34SopY5

2023-01-15 11:15:51
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Thought I was gonna open the top of my head 🦦 Since I never had to sing that high in my life (The Way You Are) 🦦 I was so tattered when I suddenly put it down 🦦 My head was ringing? 🦦 I wanna take group acting lessons too 🦦 You have to match your lines at group lessons pic.twitter.com/CK3l8zx7WP

2023-01-15 11:23:03
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 I can do it like Etude too 🦦 Ohh ABNEW's also taking acting lessons? 🦦 Guitar is cool too 🦦 It's cool when you sing & play guitar 🦦 Drums is cool too 🦦 Band is cool ㅋㅋㅋ 🦦 If I'm in a band hmmm.. 🦦 I'll do keyboard of base?? pic.twitter.com/ASZ1iTx1s5

2023-01-15 11:23:06
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 I learned base before, just for a while 🦦 Omg how did you know I learned how to play the violin..? 🦦 Ah, I told you ㅋㅋㅋ 🦦 I wanna learn golf too but can I even afford golf 🦦 Since I'm working now I'm really busy 🦦 I have lots to do pic.twitter.com/8sg0LfX9xJ

2023-01-15 11:30:45
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 Also shooting is really fun 🦦 I shot all of it ㅋㅋㅋ (vid of him doing the shooting game) 🦦 Also I wanna try being an office worker next time 🦦 I wanna go to an entertainment company 🦦 Like a planning director? 🦦 I should learn from that hyung when he gets discharged pic.twitter.com/j7QDyf9Rhq

2023-01-15 11:30:47
(rest) @happhwiness

🦦 That sunbaenim will probably learn how to run a company from his father 🦦 Eh Don't worry 🦦 As soon as he asks for investments I'm gonna drop the call ㅋㅋ he's not that type of hyung 🦦 He's a really nice hyung & I can rely on him 🦦 I'll go do makeup now! 🦦 See you later~ pic.twitter.com/BJsd0ruUjz

2023-01-15 11:34:43
(rest) @happhwiness

Daehwi sent a mirror selca on PM! 😍 pic.twitter.com/OkU4CroOak

2023-01-15 10:32:07
(rest) @happhwiness

Daehwi's "special wink version" mirror selca! 😉💕 pic.twitter.com/C8zog5gyhY

2023-01-15 10:33:37