Laowai in China @captainsacks

Tomorrow for many around the world, a time when people remember the #TiananmenSquare incident, the #TiananmenVigil, this is often used as an opportunity to demonize #China, the CPC, but the facts are different to what we might hear on western news, please keep an open mind

2020-06-03 21:04:13
Laowai in China @captainsacks

The #protests were in their 7 week, yes 7 weeks of occupying #Beijing capital, there was negotiations with the leaders of China, but many felt emboldened by what they viewed as western support eventually the order was given to clear the square, Warning, some images are disturbing pic.twitter.com/p5H0U7WSP5

2020-06-03 21:04:14
Laowai in China @captainsacks

June 2-3 the army made its first advance to clear #TiananmenSquare, they were at this time, mostly unarmed, their vehicles were torched, those that made it out of the vehicles were subject to beatings, even death by beating globalresearch.ca/what-really-ha… pic.twitter.com/jwjxLxliNv

2020-06-03 21:04:14
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Many soldiers were burned, some had their dead bodies strung up on buses and overpasses. The western media CHOOSE not to show their viewers those pictures. Below is a footage of the vehicles being burned, many still had solders still inside, ones that got out, faced mob justice pic.twitter.com/MjcqUxcbd3

2020-06-03 21:04:15
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Now the the more radical of the protesters were armed, from weapons they had looted from the dead, and the #PLA that surrendered their arms, ready for the next showdown. globalresearch.ca/what-really-ha… pic.twitter.com/1hbgsnvHmd

2020-06-03 21:04:16
Laowai in China @captainsacks

So now we are getting to #June4th, and this is to debunk a major myth, that is that there was a #TiananmenSquareMassacre, firstly here is some proof from a non #China news source, from an organization with a reputation of getting the truth out. telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…

2020-06-03 21:04:17
Laowai in China @captainsacks

When the army did get to #Tiananmen there were journalists present on the scene, this armored car got stuck, mobbed by the protesters, and according to Jeff Widener (video below) not all the soldiers made it out alive that night. twitter.com/HaiTaoYang10/s…

2020-06-03 21:04:18
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Here is an interview with the man that took the photo of #Tankman, he states clearly that the protesters were killing soldiers, mob justice, mob violence. twitter.com/DanielDumbrill…

2020-06-03 21:04:18
Laowai in China @captainsacks

So we have officials, diplomats, journalists all saying there was no bloodshed in #Tiananmen, Lets hear from some of the people that were in the square at the time. Im not saying no one died, were getting there, one thing at a time, twitter.com/HaiTaoYang10/s…

2020-06-03 21:04:19
Laowai in China @captainsacks

"He watched the military enter the square and did not observe any mass firing of weapons into the crowds, although sporadic gunfire was heard. He said that most of the troops which entered the square were actually armed only with anti-riot gear – truncheons and wooden clubs"

2020-06-03 21:04:20
Laowai in China @captainsacks

"Leaders of the protest, including Liu Xiaobo, the winner of last year's Nobel Peace prize, urged the students to depart the square, and the Chilean diplomat relayed that "once agreement was reached for the students to withdraw... students left the square through the south east "

2020-06-03 21:04:20
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Here we have the #TiananmenSquare #protesters leaving peacefully in the early hours of the morning, the army arrived at the square, they had a message broadcast on the loud speaker instructing them where to leave, and they did after negotiations. pic.twitter.com/HhAoVpUEoE

2020-06-03 21:04:21
Laowai in China @captainsacks

There is no denying their was fighting, and deaths, both China and the west claim this, so where was it? It happened around the Muxidi area, where the now armed protesters, and the soldiers, who many had lost comrades were set for a show down. telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews… pic.twitter.com/AbBkM6o89d

2020-06-03 21:04:21
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Here Is a picture of solders in #TiananmenSquare after the protesters have been cleared out, the myth of thousands, or tens of thousands killed, well it would be a mess, not a place you would sit down to have your breakfast, all you can see is burnt rubbish and some red flags pic.twitter.com/rZ3zWk1TT8

2020-06-03 21:04:22
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Finally on the morning of june 5 (its the only video I have) Shows the Iconic #TankMan funny enough, stopping the tanks from leaving #Tiananmen, and as you can see, he lived, he was not run over as many believe pic.twitter.com/lHRJps0FXt

2020-06-03 21:04:23
Laowai in China @captainsacks

"In fact, the U.S. government was actively involved in promoting the “pro-democracy” protests through an extensive, well-funded, internationally coordinated propaganda machine that pumped out rumors, half-truths and lies from the moment the protests started in mid-April 1989"

2020-06-03 21:04:23
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Some Extra reading on #TiananmenSquare, The story is not quite what we have been told in the west. I personally like the truth. twitter.com/city_affairs/s… japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/0…

2020-06-03 21:04:24
Robin Monotti @robinmonotti2

The greatest achievement of Western propaganda still has to be the myth of a June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square massacre, with talk of hundreds if not thousands of protesting students mowed down by military machine guns. japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/0…

2019-06-03 16:13:47
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Video twitter took down, from the leaders of the #Tiananmen square movement saying that there was no bloodshed in #TiananmenSquare, I repeat there was no #TiananmenMassacre pic.twitter.com/1QOpHL8TCH

2020-06-04 15:06:30
Laowai in China @captainsacks

This was the armored car incident that Jeff widener was talking about above, that twitter removed twitter.com/captainsacks/s…

2020-06-04 15:28:03
Laowai in China @captainsacks

Here is the video twitter censored by blocking the account I shared from pic.twitter.com/Wd2MHsAYPk

2020-06-04 15:05:14
熊猫さん🐼🐷🐶🐻🐉🇵🇸 @xiongmao53

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