Holostars, UPROAR!! and TEMPUS
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Izuru showed the raw and layered vocals for his Fight Song and Devil Janaimon covers in his most recent zatsudan. It's timestamped in the comments, so check out the full vers 🫶 ➡️ 【雑談】低気圧に負けるなよお【奏手イヅル/ホロスターズ】 youtube.com/live/cY0ikbxTN… pic.twitter.com/f4JlPN8BCr

2023-06-14 21:29:54
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

I know there's a lot already but I made a clip with extra narrative about this specific arc 🤓 (+ he also explains why iz is oshi...) Altare gambles away the guild funds for an experience with his oshi [Holostars] youtu.be/0eNDBWjf4QI pic.twitter.com/SdLzD29zpK

2023-05-24 18:21:26
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

altare praises his stars senpais for having good english! we're also thankful to you for taking the initiative to interact with them 🥺 #ホロスタRUST pic.twitter.com/CUDFTdSCwW

2023-05-23 18:46:02
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

regular arubaana bullying ft. rikka the mom's "yameteyo" 😂 pic.twitter.com/lzhrLSv0qM

2023-03-19 22:05:47
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Happy birthday Miyabi! 🥳🎈 Here's a clip that I like and keep close as a reminder 🥹 Wise words: "Don't stress yourself too much with the idea of supporting your oshi" 🫶 pic.twitter.com/90dC8HI7cz

2023-03-03 09:48:20
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

just magni praising miyabi in the telephone game collab ☺️ pic.twitter.com/0vYgd6ki6K

2023-01-29 18:34:59
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

compilation of some temma noises from yuru DRG stream 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/sUFMAgf2Lh

2023-01-04 02:58:09
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

cute temma being excited YOSHYOSHYOSHYOSH when his barrel entered the hoop pic.twitter.com/LwRvAS7k6U

2023-01-04 02:19:28
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

completely self-indulgent edit for my own entertainment pic.twitter.com/WLbAVWiS9p

2022-12-19 18:21:38
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

temma sang bits of 'future galaxy and whistle melody' before so it's nice to finally hear him sing the full song 🥺🙏 pic.twitter.com/8G98SRSmEq

2022-12-14 22:41:39
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

look at those shift of expressions... focus especially on the mouth... really cute... tskr 🫠🫠 pic.twitter.com/FRtxe78RBf

2022-09-30 19:18:53
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Papa is the #1 Hanamigumi! 😆 #切り抜きナンディス He cheered in the entire song so do check out the stream~ 📎 好きな曲流しながらしゃべる【アルランディス/ホロスターズ】 youtu.be/kCBdgntXGYs?t=… pic.twitter.com/4ysZBpUP6e

2022-09-29 03:20:37
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

he was frustrated about being beaten by papa he pretended the dummy was him lmao... 😂 pic.twitter.com/lQoAnkyzbb

2022-09-24 01:05:22
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

please enjoy this old clip of miyabi whistling to just follow stars 📎 youtu.be/h6VhLpGS10M?t=… pic.twitter.com/zfv3SvZvVG

2022-09-23 15:01:44
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

pov: the cute student greets you silently with a smile pic.twitter.com/RlIlHl5KrE

2022-08-30 21:19:41
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Why didn't Axel translate a lot during the Holostars JPxEN Minecraft collab? #Clipxel (This was a response to a SC telling him how happy they were about the collab) 🔗 1:03:55 @ youtu.be/9o-vWwwpvfo pic.twitter.com/L97YMOhQs9

2022-08-24 00:00:47
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Altare thinks being in Holostars still feels like a dream #RegiTales 🔗🎆 【The Ghost Train】 oh no. youtu.be/MqSSc4pv6j8 pic.twitter.com/E0qlFCpwWl

2022-07-29 16:41:53
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Izuru's version of Cinderella Girl 🎶 🔗【弾き語り】歌いに来ましたぁ♥【奏手イヅル】 youtu.be/CRjpHeUOJ7E pic.twitter.com/00i9SP7bDX

2022-06-22 01:05:32
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

If you've never heard Izuru harmonising with himself, I present you this clip 🙌🎶 🔗【弾き語り】久々のギターに嚙まれた【奏手イヅル】 youtu.be/-9RyeaNpcS4 pic.twitter.com/GpqauSBmZp

2022-06-22 01:01:07
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

I'm sure we all collectively got surprised at this part 🥹💖 pic.twitter.com/2lIcmxAVyL

2022-06-06 22:21:08
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

the two times where Miyabi is having a moment and snaps at the sheep for being themselves (noisy 😂🔊) 📎 youtu.be/8ATEuBer2Gg pic.twitter.com/QJVWnBhpPy

2022-05-22 00:40:31
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Arusan's plan to mess with Miyabi ends in a bad way for him (as usual) 📎🍕 youtu.be/lvu3DT-BodA 📎🌺 youtu.be/8ATEuBer2Gg pic.twitter.com/DkkM7n2ERs

2022-05-21 15:54:43
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

Rio: Sayonara senpai 😄 Arusan: Sayonara senpai... 😳 pic.twitter.com/2KRyuw1Alz

2022-05-12 11:32:51
Nisa 🌟🌺🎸 @brownsyugars

lvl 20↑ ▪︎ holostars daisuki! 🌟🆙️🍤→🌺🎸🦔💨 and kiseki ▪︎ icon by 佐伯▪︎ clips+intro in url