satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

i'm happy to finally be able to announce my guest artists for this book! please look forward to seeing their works soon~ pic.twitter.com/HGOks476QJ

2022-11-06 03:46:02
satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

announcing Da Capo: a dragalia lost unofficial artbook, which will open for physical pre-orders and digital sale on 11/9 (Wed), 10PM UTC+8! it features over 230 characters, almost 300 b/w illustrations and 11 coloured illustrations from 9 guest artists and myself! pic.twitter.com/jvILGhoBKz

2022-11-06 03:46:01
satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

thank you for voting! before i open preorders id like to say that i WILL be limiting stock to around 30-40 physical copies bc of space/weight issues but im also willing to print a second batch! i just dont want to deal with more than like 40kg worth of books at a time😭 twitter.com/satsumikan/sta…

2022-10-30 07:20:25
satsu 🍊 @ doujima @satsumikan

interest check for my artbook! please find the prices below: 🔹 physical: $30 🔸 digital: $10 shipping will be roughly $10 with tracking. please only vote if you're sure you will be purchasing since i will be deciding stock based on this, thank you!! 🙇

2022-10-27 21:44:36
satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

interest check for my artbook! please find the prices below: 🔹 physical: $30 🔸 digital: $10 shipping will be roughly $10 with tracking. please only vote if you're sure you will be purchasing since i will be deciding stock based on this, thank you!! 🙇

2022-10-27 21:44:36
satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

posting a preview once a week until i'm done (randomly selected) ⬇️ twitter.com/satsumikan/sta…

2022-04-10 01:26:41
satsu 🍊 @ doujima @satsumikan

also for the 3.5th anniversary i'd like to announce that i started an artbook project featuring all the beloved characters in dragalia! attached are a few examples i've drawn in the last few days pic.twitter.com/YUZNR6nwDj

2022-03-27 00:05:08
satsu 🍊 @ doujima D57-58 @satsumikan

also for the 3.5th anniversary i'd like to announce that i started an artbook project featuring all the beloved characters in dragalia! attached are a few examples i've drawn in the last few days pic.twitter.com/YUZNR6nwDj

2022-03-27 00:05:08