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TPMはBIOSからFIDO @tpmbiosfidorss

イスラエルは12日、国連人権理事会(UN Human Rights Council)からパレスチナ自治区の特別報告者に任命されているフランチェスカ・アルバネーゼ(Francesca Albanese)氏の入国を禁止すると発表した。

2024-02-15 15:26:37
TPMはBIOSからFIDO @tpmbiosfidorss

イスラエル、国連報告者の入国禁止 越境攻撃への発言を問題視 2024年2月13日 15:17 発信地:エルサレム/中東・アフリカ [ イスラエル パレスチナ自治区 中東・北アフリカ ] afpbb.com/articles/-/350…

2024-02-15 15:26:35
リンク www.afpbb.com イスラエル、国連報告者の入国禁止 越境攻撃への発言を問題視 【2月13日 AFP】イスラエルは12日、国連人権理事会(UN Human Rights Council)からパレスチナ自治区の特別報告者に任命されているフランチェスカ・アルバネーゼ(Francesca Albanese)氏の入国を禁止すると発表した。 8 users 9
TPMはBIOSからFIDO @tpmbiosfidorss

イスラエルによる(パレスチナ人への)抑圧が原因だ」」とX(旧ツイッター)で異議を唱えた。イスラエルのイスラエル・カッツ(Israel Katz)外相とモシェ・アルベル(Moshe Arbel)内相は、アルバネーゼ氏の主張を「言語道断」と非難し、同氏の「入国を禁止した」と発表。

2024-02-15 15:26:40
TPMはBIOSからFIDO @tpmbiosfidorss

入国管理局にビザ(査証)の発給を停止するよう指示したと明らかにするとともに、解任を要求した。一方、アルバネーゼ氏は「イスラエルによる『入国拒否』は今に始まったことではない」とXに投稿。2008年以降、パレスチナ自治区の特別報告者「全員」がイスラエルに入国を拒否されていると指摘した。 pic.twitter.com/epva9dwObG

2024-02-15 15:27:57
Empire Of Lies @berningman16

@SecBlinken Is this what Butcher Blinken calls "standing up for freedom and human rights"? 🤔 x.com/TheCradleMedia…

2024-04-23 06:14:17
The Cradle @TheCradleMedia

A dead body, hands tied and dressed in medical scrubs, was discovered among the hundreds found in mass graves at Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza, left by the Israeli army. pic.twitter.com/M1zFEoPtNu

2024-04-22 22:35:52
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod

@SecBlinken Are you going to stop supporting a genocide in Gaza, then?

2024-04-23 07:18:59
Furkan Gözükara @GozukaraFurkan

@SecBlinken shame on you twitter.com/GozukaraFurkan…

2024-04-23 09:45:20
Furkan Gözükara @GozukaraFurkan

Krystal Ball (@ krystalball) extremely well summarized and explained the situation in Gaza and the Columbia University protests. Not mincing words, not being afraid of what to tell. So well spoken thank you. pic.twitter.com/cdkf4Ovjj9

2024-04-23 09:33:05
MohFit Tech Trades @MohFitX

@SecBlinken Then why haven’t you stood up for the rights of Palestinians?

2024-04-23 06:01:38
Mrs Kensington @Londonlife44

@SecBlinken True but how does that explain your unwavering support for Israel’s lawlessness for decades The slaughter in Gaza is a genocide on trial in The Hague and you’re still arming them. How does this work? #IsraelWarCrimes #GenocideinGaza pic.twitter.com/iE2nXwWImq

2024-04-23 07:17:13
Freedom🪽 @Protect_100

@SecBlinken Hearing you talking about human rights while all the world knows that you are responsible for the purest form of #genocide is just disgusting #gaza. pic.twitter.com/s2VMMGcfP1

2024-04-23 07:04:12
𝘊𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘦 @OopsGuess

@SecBlinken "The US respects human rights" - this is the biggest joke in the world

2024-04-23 13:06:11
Chen Weihua (陈卫华) @chenweihua

@SecBlinken When U.S. bombed and invaded a country, such as Iraq, it was in the name of spreading freedom and democracy. But the rest of the world knows what it’s really about. The same when it comes to the US-enabled mass killing in Gaza.

2024-04-23 17:35:54
Ukraine Victory #NafoFella @uavictory22

@SecBlinken while US bombs are killing kids with US support just please keep quiet absolutely shameless and #unelectable pic.twitter.com/TyQKr05xc8

2024-04-23 07:18:07
Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده @RamAbdu

@SecBlinken Does the American nation accept to be represented by a shameless liar, let alone a partner in the crime of genocide? @ABlinken embodies the true face of the West, speaking falsehoods while plundering wealth and shedding the blood of people.

2024-04-24 04:18:29
Hala Jaber @HalaJaber

@SecBlinken You wouldn’t know what human rights is, if it smacked you in the face, you shameful hypocritical git.

2024-04-23 06:53:00
Suribelle @Syribelle

@SecBlinken You should have stopped after the first sentence; Your heinous actions are on display for the whole world to see…Stop embarrassing yourself…

2024-04-23 06:15:27
Omar Vaid @omarvaid

@SecBlinken Laughable that Blinken enables Israel’s genocide yet claims there is no “double standard” pic.twitter.com/yqi5OvOIMc

2024-04-23 08:55:21
حيدر الفصري @haydr7719

@SecBlinken These are the rights and freedoms that America seeks. twitter.com/haydr7719/stat…

2024-04-23 06:04:32
حيدر الفصري @haydr7719

How did this mother endure the scene, in the middle of the decaying bodies, she found her deceased son in a massacre committed by the Israeli occupation !!! The painful moments of a mother’s farewell 💔💔 #GazaGenocide #America_and_Israel_the_mother_of_terrorism #IsraeliTerrorists #Israel #USA

2024-04-23 04:39:46
Aya Hijazi آية حجازي 🇵🇸 @ItsAyaHijazi

@SecBlinken Would a genocide qualify as as a type of Human rights abuses secretary? Or perhaps a better qualification would be « so long as Israel is not the perpetrator? »

2024-04-23 12:14:18
Jason Smith - 上官杰文 @ShangguanJiewen

@SecBlinken The US is the single most responsible for the war crimes agains the people of Palestine. Your speech writers are clueless to write this junk. It is the direct result of US State policies that global human rights are at risk.

2024-04-23 15:15:12
Samer Alatout @sameralatout

What a liar, hypocrite, insanely pathological, and obviously 🙄 a genocidaire interested only in US empire as you imagine it. It’s amazing to me how you can say words like “standing up for freedom and human rights” with a straight face while facilitating the largest and most profound genocide and ethnics cleansing in Palestine. What’s wrong with you?

2024-04-23 11:27:07
Zhang Heqing @zhang_heqing

@SecBlinken What about the freedom and human rights in Gaza?

2024-04-23 13:06:12
lora @Loralyn28954790

@SecBlinken Respecting human rights? Are you telling me that Israel is respecting human rights? Peaceful? Prosperous? yeah we gave them their beginning, billions of dollars. Well then they don't need us. Are you kidding me Israel is stable. As long as they have us to fight their wars

2024-04-23 06:29:18
ali hadi @alihadi68

@SecBlinken Are you serious? You’re helping #Israel commit genocide in #Gaza & you have the audacity to talk about human rights ! Unbelievable

2024-04-23 21:49:44
John Lincoln (ジョン リンカーン) @JohnLincolnusa

Is this for real, sir? Respectfully sir, don’t wehave a sense of irony? Aren’t we making ourselves the laughingstock for the majority of the world’s population? Aren’t we epitomizing the banality of evil by profiteering from human massacres and then proclaiming to the world what good guys we are! Have we lost any semblance of morality? My God! How could you say this with a straight face, sir? #USA #PalestineGenocide

2024-04-23 07:23:35
Not John Bolton @JohnBo1ton

@SecBlinken They threw a Jewish professor out of Columbia university Are you running a Nazi government ?

2024-04-23 06:06:40
msnatalie @realmsnatalie

@SecBlinken You think putting your political opponents in jail is okay. That’s abuse of power and goes against all human rights in every way

2024-04-23 06:04:06
Connecting the Dots @connectingd3

@SecBlinken Sec. Blinken, If only you practiced what you preached, the world would be a much safer place.

2024-04-23 07:34:51
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