J🍉y @ Garden Party in Pinned!! @healinggremlin

#FFXIVART Happy to announce that my Moled doujinshi is complete and now available for purchase!❤️ I've been working on it for the last few months and really love how it turned out! I hope you enjoy it and please share/rt for visibility~🥺🙏 joyejoyu.itch.io/souvenir-douji… THANK YOU! pic.twitter.com/5ZR6Kq9TMp

2024-03-27 04:00:00
World’s Oldest Twink @ DOUJIN RELEASE IN PINNED! @GaleAfterDrk

Last month’s NSFW poll drawing with Gale and Momo! Complete with a little drabble written by my Fiancé 😳 pic.twitter.com/d6F8Uvnnca

2023-07-11 03:43:41
World’s Oldest Twink @ DOUJIN RELEASE IN PINNED! @GaleAfterDrk

I found these really old daiga doodles from I literally think 2 years ago??? I think this was our gym AU LOL pic.twitter.com/clhVekBpkQ

2023-04-19 03:51:04
World’s Oldest Twink @ DOUJIN RELEASE IN PINNED! @GaleAfterDrk

Warning for some Miqo Anatomy but Meteor's got it bad for G'raha in @/_Tenuous_ 's fic pic.twitter.com/ZF9wsAOqrl

2022-09-11 17:20:15