【非公式】Obey Me! OG/NB 公式SNSのクリスマス企画やメッセージ等のまとめです。 [Unofficial] A Collection of Christmas Posts and Messages on Obey Me! Official SNS. *Each post's posting time is in JST (Japan Standard Time) due to the specifications of the service (min.t) used to create this page. *The English text on this page (excluding official posts) is generated by automatic translation. Sorry if unclear.


This demon had 10/10 posing in the Devildom's hellish juggling competition! Too bad his physicality...or lack thereof, kept him from pulling anything off... ⚽
He received ninth place.

【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

ベルフェ:お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング🥱⚽ 今日は10番目の人だってさ。 頑張ってリフティングしてたらしいけど、ぼくはその時ちょうど昼寝してたんだよね😴 youtu.be/Uie4K9JYPic #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/0LHe4tOBBc

2022-12-20 17:00:19


This small competitor gave the Devildom's hellish juggling competition his all! ⚽
Sadly, he came up short with tenth place...but he got an A for effort in our hearts.

【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング⚽ 11番目となったのはこの方です! お手製のトラップとともにポーズを決めてくれました! youtu.be/lAEL6Chyii8 #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/u6zl4XGV88

2022-12-21 17:00:26
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

KARASU:本日は、アスモデウスのお風呂に関する裏話です。 食欲をそそる色をしているからと、ベルゼブブがお湯を飲もうとしたことがあるそうな。 「飲む気なら一緒に入ろ♪」と誘われてやっぱりやめたそうですが。 賢明な判断だとKARASUも思います。 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/GK1MWxMj1Y

2022-12-22 10:00:45
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング⚽ 12番目となったのはこの方です! リフティング中にお腹が空き、途中でキッチンへ向かってしまいました。 youtu.be/_RQsr2MJeAo #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/KPJVUOfulK

2022-12-22 17:00:32
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング⚽ 13番目となったのはこの方です! リフティング中に睡魔がやってきた結果、途中で眠ってしまいました。 youtu.be/AAOXx-udHYE #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/gxVExuw28O

2022-12-23 16:00:09
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング⚽ 14番目となったのはこの方です! 決めポーズに悩みつつも、がんばってくれました👍 youtu.be/mD2SVsS8AW8 #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/DdWDUyzvjJ

2022-12-24 17:00:26
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

お祝いメッセージの順番をかけた、地獄のポージングリフティング⚽ 決めポーズがまったく浮かばず、ラストを飾ることになったのはこの方です! youtu.be/-IdlZkKbdLM #HDD2022 #RADventCalendar #ObeyMe pic.twitter.com/BcDkrAbJKL

2022-12-25 17:00:11
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

★Merry Christmas & Happy New Year☆ 本日でRADvent Calendarは終了です🎄☆ HDD2022はまだまだ続きます! 留学生の皆さま、今後もObey Me!を楽しんでくださいね😈👼🧙 #ObeyMe #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/XrAJongNAA

2022-12-25 17:30:16


【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

Karasu:人間界ではクリスマスというイベントが間もなくと聞き及びました🎄🌟 今回はクリスマスにまつわる、いろんな投稿を大募集!🎅 もちろん指定日以外での投稿もじゃんじゃん投稿してもろて! 書いてあるもの以外でもOKです! 下記ハッシュタグをつけて投稿してください。 👇 #obeymechristmas pic.twitter.com/DakqufEtTU

2023-12-01 10:30:12
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

マモン:よう、メリー・マモン・クリスマス! そんな言葉はねえって? 細かいことは気にすんな。 とにかく、Makeship.comまで俺様を迎えに来いよ!今のうちに迎えに来ないと、後悔しても知らないぜ makeship.com/products/mammo… #ObeyMe #Makeship #おべいみー #MerryMammonChristmas pic.twitter.com/AGrCRX6l3y

2023-12-11 15:00:29
【公式】Obey Me! RAD新聞部 総合 @ObeyMeOfficial

マモン:おーい、誰かここから降ろしてくれー!ルシファーにクリスマスの飾りみたいに吊るされちまった!こんなとこにいたら、あいつと一緒にクリスマスを過ごせねぇ! マモンぬいぐるみはmakeship.com/products/mammo…にて好評予約注文受付中! #ObeyMe #Makeship #おべいみー #MerryMammonChristmas pic.twitter.com/oYrXm4akuE

2023-12-13 11:00:33
【公式】Obey Me! Nightbringer 配信中! @ObeyMeNB_JP

/ ✨🎄Merry Christmas🎅★ \ 皆様へ感謝を込めて、クリスマスカードをご準備しました! 素敵なクリスマスを彼らと一緒に過ごしてください💖 #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべいみー #おべない pic.twitter.com/tNOSqazbws

2023-12-25 11:00:44
おべいみーの情報を集める人 @om_memo_etc

おべない公式 Instagram では、別バージョンのクリスマス画像が投稿されています🎄✨👀 instagram.com/p/C1QiwTColTF/ #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべない twitter.com/ObeyMeNB_JP/st… pic.twitter.com/ESQ46g2V1y

2023-12-25 12:30:38



Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

How're you enjoying your life as a foreign exchange student? As always, RAD is lively as ever! Play Obey Me! and enjoy the holidays! #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game pic.twitter.com/ghthSweMxv

2019-12-26 10:00:22
古林 裕貴🧩🐯(KOBAYASHI HIROTAKA)🎮🧖@ かんさい銭湯博最高でした♨️ @edamamespoon

【mammonからの❣️】 フォロワーの皆んな、メリー🎅クリスマス〜‼️😆 ん❓写真と言葉が合ってない❓ そんな事は気にするな❗️✨ 以上、mammonからのコメントでした♫ 皆んなにとって素敵な聖夜でありますように🙏✨ #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game #声優 #メリクリ pic.twitter.com/HrqyInEhUf

2019-12-24 23:09:08
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

We received a Holiday Wish to you all, from Kobayashi-san, a voice actor of Mammon! He wishes everyone a lovely holiday✨ Thank you so much Kobayashi-san! We love you!💜💜💜 twitter.com/edamamespoon/s…

2019-12-26 15:14:24
古林 裕貴🧩🐯(KOBAYASHI HIROTAKA)🎮🧖@ かんさい銭湯博最高でした♨️ @edamamespoon

【✨お礼✨】 今日、Obey Me!公式アカウントの方で私のツイートを紹介していただきました。 そして、本当にたくさんの皆んなから💖やメッセージを頂いてとてもビックリしているのと同時に今凄く感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 ありがとうー‼︎🙏✨ これからも皆んな楽しんでプレイしてね(//∇//)

2019-12-27 00:32:45
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Kobayashi-san, a voice actor of Mammon says that he is super surprised and grateful that he has received tremendous love form exchange students! Thank you so much to you all who have sent him your love💜😈💜 twitter.com/edamamespoon/s…

2019-12-27 18:07:51


No Christmas post on official SNS, but on December 25, 2020 JST/PST, Asmodeus's character song "Pomade" and the audio drama "Asmodeus's New Hobby" were released.

Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Out December 25! Obey Me! Character Song Project #05 Asmodeus — "Pomade" (VA: Miura Ayme) 1. "Pomade" ↓↓↓ linkco.re/ghrqzY60 #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game pic.twitter.com/je3Bm2P4p8

2020-12-25 17:00:33
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

2. Audio drama: "Asmodeus's New Hobby" Catch the fully subtitled audio drama on the Obey Me! YouTube channel! Lucifer told us to tell you, "You better not forget to Like, Subscribe and hit the Notification Bell!" 😈💜 ↓↓↓ youtu.be/LDcts6YE0hw

2020-12-25 17:00:55
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

If you've given either a listen, let Asmo and Miura (@Ayme_official) know what you thought in the comments!

2020-12-25 17:01:10
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

#05 Asmodeus — "Pomade" is finally out! Use the hashtags below to show Asmodeus and Miura your dance moves, covers or karaoked versions of their song! #Obeymeandsing #Obeymecover #showusyourmoves Find the official instrumental/karaoke version on YouTube youtu.be/b48ctYMRw58 pic.twitter.com/rR8NhVNmh5

2020-12-27 10:00:14


Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Let's enjoy Devilgram in the human world as well! We have prepared something for you to do so! What do you think of this exclusive holidays version? ✨ Save the first picture, and use it to make your own post 💖 ↓Don't forget to use the hashtag↓ #XmasDevilgram pic.twitter.com/ryodnaHhBx

2021-12-03 10:30:03
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Let's enjoy Devilgram in the human world as well! This time we have prepared an exclusive party version 🎉 Save the first picture, and use it to make your own post 💖 Refer to the 2nd picture for an example! ↓Don't forget to use the hashtag↓ #XmasDevilgram #Obeyme pic.twitter.com/Q8H4KMrsut

2021-12-16 10:00:17
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Christmas is becoming popular in the Devildom since your arrival! It looks like a big Christmas party is in the works 🌟 What's that, you want to go back and enjoy that Christmas party again...? 🐈 Use Lonely Devil to go back in time and enjoy "Dark Santa" 🐈 #Obeyme pic.twitter.com/miLPUsoM7E

2021-12-18 10:00:11
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Let's enjoy Devilgram in the human world as well! This time we have prepared an exclusive holidays version 🎉 Save the first picture, and use it to make your own post 💖 Refer to the 2nd picture for an example! ↓Don't forget to use the hashtag↓ #XmasDevilgram #Obeyme pic.twitter.com/KcevfGHYJU

2021-12-20 10:00:15
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Santa visits the Devildom as well? Looks like this year's holidays will be a busy period 🎁✨ #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game pic.twitter.com/jZ3xEMk6nT

2021-12-22 11:00:05
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

💜😈💜 Happy Devil Day 2021 and Happy Holidays 💜😈💜 Check out this illustration from the Obey Me! team ✨ There is also an event login bonus in which you can get Memory Cards! Log in to get them 💖 #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game pic.twitter.com/wkWH33AooJ

2021-12-24 10:30:03
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

💜😈💜 Happy Devil Day 2021 and Happy Holidays 💜😈💜 We've prepared a special Christmas card just for you RAD exchange students! 🎄 We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! 💖 #Obeyme #obeymemasters #obeymejp #SWD #otome #game pic.twitter.com/FswP4OfRQT

2021-12-25 10:30:03


Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Apparently, it's a tradition to have a countdown before Christmas. The RAD Newspaper Club has decided to bring some festive spirit to all exchange students with a countdown of our own! We'll soon be starting our RADvent Calendar filled with fun content 😈🎄 #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/yniD4AOIny

2022-11-30 10:00:43
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Diavolo: Worlds of Wonder always adds a Christmas element to their shows and rides at this time of year. If you are interested, would you like to go together? They are selling Santa and reindeer costumes there too, so how about we go on a date wearing them? #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/TspsGT4gXY

2022-12-01 11:30:12
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Asmo: I heard we can enjoy some pretty lights on Scary Street! It would be perfect for a romantic date ♡ Doesn't it feel like all this was planned just for us? I hope you'll enjoy the gorgeous scenery and me 💋 #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/NwwrS2YgMg

2022-12-02 11:00:36
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Solomon: How about going to a Christmas market in the human world with me? I know it's pretty cliché, but I think we could have our own kind of fun. I'd love to walk around with you while drinking some hot chocolate. And if you're still cold...I can warm you up. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/P0wTanERNs

2022-12-03 11:00:31
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Satan: It looks like the Devildom Symphony Orchestra will be doing their first-ever Christmas concert. The theme appears to be "Christmas With a Special Someone." Of course, I don't plan on going with anyone but you. I'm hoping for a good answer. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/M75mB4ASpo

2022-12-04 11:00:27
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Belphie: How about we go to Yatagarasu Leisure Land together? The aquarium is popular due to it being decorated for Christmas. I don't really like crowds, but I want to make special memories with you. If we go, how about we stay overnight somewhere? ...Okay? #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/1Ob5pZDGBI

2022-12-05 11:00:34
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Mammon: I KNOW ya freed your schedule to spend Christmas with the Great Mammon, right? I heard something about a candle event, so let's go together! And don't even think about tellin' the others. I want some alone time with YOU, 'kay? #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/Wb5bFyi6PB

2022-12-06 10:30:13
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Karasu: We've heard that you want to know more about your favorite boys, so I'm here to enlighten you! Today, we will look at the time Solomon prepared some human world dishes. He used some "carefully selected" ingredients he acquired from the human world. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/ehteu9mCcw

2022-12-06 11:00:56
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Luke: If you don't have any plans for Christmas, how about coming to Purgatory Hall? We're going to have a party where we eat cake and exchange presents. I've also got a special present just for you. Raphael taught me how to make mit-- Oops! It's a secret! #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/WgK2xhMYiw

2022-12-07 11:30:15
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Beel: Would you like to make some Christmas food from the human world with me? I'd like to make something that reminds you of your home. I'd love to hear old stories and memories while we eat. I want to know more about you before you came to the Devildom. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/NXz37EYkbd

2022-12-08 10:30:12
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Karasu: Today we will look at money-hungry Mammon's perfume! His go-to perfume is Devilish No. 5 but he's wondering if he should change it to something you would prefer... It seems he truly does love you! So, do tell us your favorite fragrance. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/lSryPpKdcL

2022-12-08 11:00:49
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Levi: Do you want to go to a Ruri-chan Christmas collab café with me? There was a cancellation so I quickly made a reservation, but I accidentally did it for two people... I was just thinking that it'd be nice to go somewhere with you. S-So what do you say...? #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/gWNUWkmofP

2022-12-09 10:30:12
Obey_Me_Series_Official @ObeyMeOfficial1

Barbatos: Would you like to go with me to observe the human world? The Young Lord said he wants Christmas to become more widespread in the Devildom. I would be happier if you came with me. After all, Christmas is the day you spend with your loved ones. #RADventCalendar pic.twitter.com/UuiGmzo3Bf

2022-12-10 11:00:45
おべいみーの情報を集める人 @om_memo_etc

【非公式】Obey Me! シリーズのグッズやコラボ、メディア展開等の関連情報をひたすら収集しています。情報収集と共有が目的につきコメントへの返信は基本的に行いません。元某所で情報を貼る人。 日本語以外のコメントはほぼ自動翻訳です。 Twitter、非公式まとめ、何かあった時の案内所 → https://linktr.ee/om_memo_etc