undertaleのまんが CP・AUなどごった煮 51~100 https://min.togetter.com/RNRlnGt
清水しずみ @whos_calling

1) MM:Even if I'm heartbroken, Undyne is still my ideal and my dream! I'm going to keep trying to be a girl of your taste! 2-3) MM:I've been trying to think like that, but... IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!→

2020-07-15 00:41:10
清水しずみ @whos_calling

→2-3) It's just the fault of I was a girl who was born with good taste, incredibly pretty and dressed in everything perfectly! (How sweet!) (It's cool that she dare to wear nerdy outfits.) (She is killer at fashion!) (Look!Mewmew is here!) (etc...)

2020-07-15 00:43:32
清水しずみ @whos_calling

4) MM:SO PLEASE! TELL ME!! HOW CAN BE AS LAME AS YOU!? A:(Okay.I know that's not a compliment.)

2020-07-15 00:43:42