Bakinsandwich 🙈 @Bakinsandwich

Congratulations to the Top 8 of Briny Beatdown #4! pic.twitter.com/HCk1aIJY7s

2021-07-28 07:06:32
HB | Ralston Arcade @RalstonArcade

Wing Night #4 has wrapped and @Mango4Tango is your champion. 8x MVCI "The Gauntlet" Champion and now a GGST "Wing Night" Champion. Tune in bi-weekly on Tuesday at 8pm est for the hottest and sauciest #GGST tournament. Live on youtube.com/icuhaters #GGSTWINGS pic.twitter.com/sIUClXVYzP

2021-07-28 12:01:52
코어에이 Core-A 🎮 이벤트 스튜디오 @CoreAEvents

Here's your final result for this week's Weekly RED - Core-A's weekly #GGST Tournament 1. 🇰🇷 hisi 2. 🇰🇷 anco 3. 🇰🇷 @early_type00 4. 🇰🇷 DN7 5. 🇰🇷 얍얍슉슉샥샥 5. 🇰🇷 Ronz 7. 🇰🇷 @Mr_dog_howard 7. 🇰🇷 AllRandom-Magic Thank you all for joining, we will see you next week! pic.twitter.com/Cmq6XmriXe

2021-07-28 13:01:01
tGrass @tGrass715

Amazing tournament tonight huge thank you for everyone on the support and we will see you next week shout out @AceUhh_ and @shibmeister222 for comms 1. @FGCFlash 2. @MikeSaftig 3. @Princess_Slim96 4. @ThatScrubD 5. @Kizzie_Kay 5. @cfl_mfcr 7. @KarmaKwan 7. @TheRandomGoon pic.twitter.com/aRjWCP80Ls

2021-07-30 12:18:14
Fuzzy Wuzzy @Fuzzy_SSB

After the first GGST tournament held by @CEGA_Official the only thing left to do is to congratulate the top 8! Well played to all of you, @tensatrics , @OliverAndStuff , @I_Am_AxyFGC , @LazarusC_I , @novriltataki , @NexusNipah And gratulations to the winner @Jesterpvp pic.twitter.com/DI1MO6FV7P

2021-07-31 07:23:10

[RESULTADOS WCBA STRIVE STEAM #3] @blackbas6 se mandó un torneo tremendo y salió campeón de la mano de su fiel Axl. Completando el podio aparece en 2do lugar su compañero de equipo Atma y @GCMatosss quedó 3ro. Desde la próxima semana, estos torneos son para todo LATAM! pic.twitter.com/r4MXjKEoqc

2021-07-31 13:43:27
ろぼじゃむ @robojamu

【第1回大会結果】 第1回大会に見事優勝したのは Team H【PKZ&ていあっと】のお二人です! PKZさん、ていあっとさんにはDMでWebmoney1500円をお送りしました! 次回もみなさんの参加お待ちしてます! #GGST pic.twitter.com/ZYiRDiS0dd

2021-08-01 22:46:23
夢際ハタケ@日曜から夜更かし @YumegiwaHatake

【大会終了】 第251回GGST家庭用オンライン大会「#日曜から夜更かし」終了! 3ON終了してもまだまだ盛り上がる本作で安定した強さでST3回目の優勝を掴んだのはこのお方! 1位 ティーワイ(GI) 2位 あぜすけ(MA) 3位 むっくる(MA) 4位 はんさむ社長(LE) ご参加ありがとうございました! pic.twitter.com/SaBX1Lu3jJ

2021-08-02 00:26:26
Beer Reversal @BeerReversal

Agradecimentos a todos que ajudaram, participaram e acompanharam mais uma etapa da Wallbreakers! Parabéns especial ao Top 8 da etapa que foi hype: 🥇 @trema_bang 🥈 @avbcarvalho 🥉 Dark Hero 4º Sudano 5º @RymaruMaster@leech_z@ST_LemonHunter@PLSX_Fighting pic.twitter.com/1YzpmD7Ynv

2021-08-02 10:33:34
SaltyEU @TeamSaltyEU

What an exciting tournament tonight, definitely one of our favourites in recent memory. That top 8 was insane 🔥 Congratulations to Zeno, who has now won the last two Salties he's competed in! As always, thanks everyone for participating and making such a hype event 🙏 pic.twitter.com/jG1tUCYfeP

2021-08-03 06:18:27
Bakinsandwich 🙈 @Bakinsandwich

Congratulations to the Top 8 of Briny Beatdown #5! pic.twitter.com/2n6Ppf4PkU

2021-08-03 11:09:34
Flynn's Arcade & More @Flynnsgamingfl

Here's the results of last night Guilty Gear Strive tournament. A BIG thank you to all our players for coming out. 1st @RikkoTDC 2nd @MechaOni 3rd @AsuraSwagDaddy 4th @marvelovscapcom 5th Miles 5th FP 7th @BeefyManatee 7th Suga Bracket smash.gg/tournament/fly… pic.twitter.com/tiy89ewPWt

2021-08-03 12:47:22
Tong @ AWT FINALS, LVL UP EXPO @TongNeverSleeps

Congrats to @LordKnightBB for winning TNS for Strive tonight! @Augus223 @MacsSamaV1 @StealthyFGC @Idiosyncrasy_mk @Salamiii14 @MikeSaftig Thank you to all the players for providing some exciting matches and to the viewers for tuning in! pic.twitter.com/fVcjPEwmMX

2021-08-03 12:49:02
BuffaloFGC @BuffaloFGC

Masher Mondays #GGST PC #4 concludes the way most of them have... #Tosugeki2daface but Goldlewis made an impressive first showing! 🦬 🦬 🦬 🥇- @BFGC_TWong 🥈- @Nooneman1 🥉- @QuaziMojoe 4th - @StationFGC 5th - @Ladon3s 5th - @McMoney07 7th - @ExMittenz 7th - @Kaizen_6P pic.twitter.com/NW439rkwzI

2021-08-03 13:07:57
코어에이 Core-A 🎮 이벤트 스튜디오 @CoreAEvents

Here's your final result for this week's Weekly RED - Core-A's weekly #GGST Tournament 1. 🇰🇷 @Mr_dog_howard 2. 🇰🇷 @xyzzylshift 3. 🇰🇷 @KGuriguri 4. 🇰🇷 Adouken 5. 🇰🇷 Tofu 5. 🇰🇷 Ronz 7. 🇰🇷 Whelf 7. 🇰🇷 @hTblyCo1sP1bgLj Thank you all for joining, we will see you next week! pic.twitter.com/IQJ6bsS0n9

2021-08-04 13:54:30
Derek the Pineapple @drkthepineapple

And that concludes OCE #GGST Netplay Tourney #7! A SFIV veteran taking the whole tournament by storm with his insanely aggressive Nagoriyuki! 🥇 Phero 🥈 @bksama 🥉 @Zed_sfv 4th: Damo 5th: @ErgonMagi, @atticusgg 7th: songhung, @OfficialDAILOU pic.twitter.com/nTGXGDMC5V

2021-08-04 22:04:19
ten/o @tenomedia

ICFC Asia Season 1 Week 5 Final Results #ICFCGGST 1 🇯🇵 @_BNBBN_ 👑 2 🇯🇵 @summit812 3 🇰🇷 @Daru_ino 4 🇸🇬 @RSG_Seo Congratulations to our top four! Please tune in for our ICFC EU tournament at 11 AM Pacific Time on twitch.tv/tenomedia! pic.twitter.com/CgFXQof0j5

2021-08-05 23:25:25
土井@ツキ/Tsuki @countach_400

本日のGGST店舗大会の参加者は13名。シングルダブルエリミトーナメントの優勝は「T5M7|レオ」となりました!おめでとうございます!! 明日は16:00よりランダムチーム大会を開催しますので、よろしかったらご参加ください! #スポラン pic.twitter.com/C6tdrF54iM

2021-08-06 21:46:25
SaltyEU @TeamSaltyEU

Congratulations to the top 8 of yesterday's GGSTRIVE beginner event! Small correction to the image, the correct tags for Crik and Gust are: @__crick and @_Gust500_ 🤠 Thx to @Sleepingbio347 and @AceOfSpuds_ for the hype commentary 🙏 pic.twitter.com/1W0s4DNjmv

2021-08-07 06:33:30
青/pinkdark @pinkdark00

大和田ギルティ大会乙でした キャプボに取り込もうとすると筐体の負荷強くて配信不能だったんで断念しました、申し訳ない。 結果は8名参加で 優勝 どし(MA) 準優勝 青(AN) 3位 椎茸(GI),モフモフ(SO) でしたー 次回以降の大会も @mizo_en から情報出ると思うので皆様よろしくお願いします!

2021-08-07 23:14:44
全てを諦めたオールド @old777_archer

Steam版GGST第一回おいも杯 | Tonamel tonamel.com/competition/G2… 改めて第1回おいも杯優勝はやじるしさんとなりました おめでとうございます! 第2回開催の際も同条件で行いたいと思いますのでご参加のほどよろしくお願いいたします!! pic.twitter.com/H1Ggsp8uCQ

2021-08-08 00:02:15
Valquiria E-Sports 🇦🇷 🔜 #RAGNAROK2024 @ValquiriaGames

#GGST #LigaValquiria Así termina la primera fecha de la liga. Excelente nivel como siempre, nuevos challengers y una gran revelación. Gracias a todos los que hacen posible esto. Nos vemos el próximo viernes. GGs. #FGC #Sudamericana #Competition #league pic.twitter.com/U1hVy8P42v

2021-08-08 01:01:33
脱兎 @dat_guns

大会終了しました! 第1・2回大会覇者と第3回大会覇者が決勝でぶつかるドラマの様な展開でした! 優勝 ねこぢる(ポチョムキン)さん 準優勝 もとふみ(名残雪)さん 3位 ねいときゅん(ソル)さん 4位 seiORANGE(ソル)さん おめでとうございます!!! #GGST #ギルティギアストライヴ pic.twitter.com/kEAXZ1a7Hx

2021-08-08 01:11:51
FG | FourFaceButtons 🔜 EVO Japan 2024 @FourFaceButtons

Thanks to @NeoVermillion for hosting today's @StrivePR tournament. @ChupyMr and IllusiveMan were the two who knocked me out and I didn't stand a chance; those two are crazy good. Good job to everyone who participated. #GuiltyGearStrive #GGST #GGST_MA twitch.tv/videos/1111185… pic.twitter.com/oZ02ajW6Kq

2021-08-08 09:09:56
HyperX Arena Las Vegas @HyperXArena

Congrats to last night's top 8 winners of Knockdown! #7 Guilty Gear -Strive- tournament. #GamersLiveHere #TheFGCDoesToo 1. @NYChrisG 2. @YiinJa 3. Treeman 4. @jeffboyardees 5. BigMcHugeLarge 5. @YuriKumaLV 7. @APMoonGee 7. @MAJIOMNI Bracket: tinyurl.com/KDGGStrive7 pic.twitter.com/7cXHESgT0N

2021-08-08 09:34:43
SilentOne51 @One51Silent

Thank you all for coming out to watch/participate in the /FGG/vo #GGST Tournament! I hope everyone had a fun time and I'll see you all in the next one! #GuiltyGearStrive #GUILTYGEAR #Tournament pic.twitter.com/HaKkGIFEjj

2021-08-08 12:17:10
Auckland University Esports Club @AklUniEsports

Today we hosted one of our first guilty gear strive ranbat tournaments of 2021! A special congratulation to Dragnor425 in his amazing performance with May🐬 And shoutouts to everyone who participated and joined the stream.🎉 Seeya all next week in our next ranbat tournament👊 pic.twitter.com/Tegsk8jGpn

2021-08-08 19:19:02
夢際ハタケ@日曜から夜更かし @YumegiwaHatake

【大会終了】 第252回GGST家庭用オンライン大会「#日曜から夜更かし」終了! 猛者ひしめくハイレベルな戦いの連続! そんな中、前回の雪辱を果たし優勝を掴んだのはこのお方! 1位 あぜすけ(MA) 2位 パンピーナ(AX) 3位 ロイ(SO) 4位 はんさむ社長(LE) ご参加ありがとうございました! pic.twitter.com/BfqIio5aIb

2021-08-09 00:30:42
Takenaba 🇵🇦 @Takenaba_Dan

Felicidades a los clasificados al top 8 del torneo insomnia! Que se celebró ayer en la madrugada 🌚 1.🥇 @giancarlocarvaj 25$ steam card 2.🥈genow 15$ 3.🥉 Faltimux yappysaso de 5$ 4. @Kaiser_D11 5. @Dr_Nexar 5. @Takenaba_Dan 7. Wally 7. @JustinVd_8 pic.twitter.com/MvKGHclTgx

2021-08-09 03:37:03
Flynn's Arcade & More @Flynnsgamingfl

Here are the results for tonight's Guilt Gear Strive tournament. Thank you all for coming out. 1st @hotashis 2nd @RikkoTDC 3rd @OmegaTomHanksFL 4th Miles 5th @Sevjanko1 5th Omega Don Cheadle 7th @BeefyManatee 7th YungCorner Bracket smash.gg/tournament/fly… pic.twitter.com/T4tZMkapqJ

2021-08-09 12:10:40
SaltyEU @TeamSaltyEU

That's another tournament in the books 🤠 Congratulations to Zando who ended up taking his 2nd SaltyEU victory! And thanks to everyone who participated in the tournament tonight, hope to see you again next week 🙏 pic.twitter.com/b6EmhSq1fs

2021-08-10 06:22:01


tana-taka✍️Commission OPEN @tana_taka_3rder

🏆ICFC GGST ASIA Season 1 Week 1 🏅Champion <Koji KOG> & Potemkin 小路KOGさん!優勝おめでとうございます!🥳 ▶️#ICFCGGST #GUILTYGEAR #GuiltyGearStrive #ギルティギア pic.twitter.com/edvECBY0o4

2021-07-11 10:40:23
East Coast Throwdown @ecthrowdown

Two weeks in a row?? What a beast! Congratulations to our third #GGST Community Throwdown champion @shine_potyo! #ECTCT 🥇@shine_potyo 🥈@RayTheWarrior96 🥉@havoc_noah 4) @BoSS_Gim 5) @Spectryn 5) @NotEnoughDamage 7) @zintai27 7) @Frametraps pic.twitter.com/xVriBmtReh

2021-07-12 07:31:25
ten/o @tenomedia

ICFC Asia Season 1 Week 2 Final Results #ICFCGGST 1 🇯🇵 @_BNBBN_ 👑 2 🇰🇷 Hisi 3 🇰🇷 @early_type00 4 🇰🇷 @Daru_ino Congratulations to our top four! Please tune in for our ICFC EU tournament at 11 AM Pacific Time on twitch.tv/tenomedia! pic.twitter.com/xwPElZghA9

2021-07-15 23:23:04
ten/o @tenomedia

ICFC EU Season 1 Week 2 Final Results #ICFCGGST! 1⃣👑🇩🇪 @kendeep_fgc 2⃣ 🇷🇺 Kurokich 3⃣ 🇮🇱 Kintaro 4⃣ 🇬🇧@FaisalDante Congratulations to our top four! Please tune in for our ICFC NA tournament at 6 PM Pacific Time on twitch.tv/Tasty_steve pic.twitter.com/vLoIWDtuUC

2021-07-16 06:59:07
Xanadu Games At @LaurelPark MD @XanaduGames

Congratulations to Nile for winning Guilty Gear -Strive- at FGC @ Xanadu Thursday #414! 🥇 @nilecart 🥈 @hamma526 🥉 zt 4th @Gigaitachi 5th @119PPxD & @Dreleth_ 7th @ItsDisgaeaDood & Boom Bracket (40 entrants) 🏆 smash.gg/tournament/fgc… pic.twitter.com/bbY0MMkvWl

2021-07-16 11:28:38
tana-taka✍️Commission OPEN @tana_taka_3rder

🏆ICFC GGST ASIA Season 1 Week 2 🏅Champion <BNBBN> & SOL バンババンさん優勝おめでとうございます!🥳👏 #ICFCGGST #GUILTYGEAR #GuiltyGearStrive #ギルティギア pic.twitter.com/VJ4RfqGv8D

2021-07-18 10:55:36
East Coast Throwdown @ecthrowdown

A new champion has been crowned! Congratulations to our fourth #GGST Community Throwdown champion @OrochiFame96! #ECTCT 🥇 @OrochiFame96 🥈 @shine_potyo 🥉 @JANinHtown 4) @OmniSScythe 5) @PunkDaGod / @Slay701 7) @FightCoachFight / @iw2ma pic.twitter.com/aXGNysDjd0

2021-07-19 07:43:32
ten/o @tenomedia

ICFC Asia Season 1 Week 3 Final Results #ICFCGGST 1 🇰🇷 hisi 2 🇰🇷 @Daru_ino 3 🇰🇷 @xyzzylshift 4 🇰🇷 Rawadi Congratulations to our top four! Please tune in for our ICFC EU tournament at 11 AM Pacific Time on twitch.tv/tenomedia! pic.twitter.com/IcSCEuEKH9

2021-07-22 23:21:29
Furious @Furious_blog

【GGST】 GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- 公式オンライン大会 「GUILTY GEAR DUEL ONLINE - OPENING TOURNAMENT」の結果 ニューフェイス部門 1.ちゅらら(カイ) 2.野良猫(レオ) 3.ROW(チップ) 3.ヤマシタ(ソル) レジェンド部門 1.ブラッドマミー/御傍(ザトー) 2.BNBBN(ソル) 3.タカシ(ソル) 3.あぜすけ(メイ) . pic.twitter.com/o0iRftfEJi

2021-07-23 20:21:29
ten/o @tenomedia

ICFC Asia Season 1 Week 4 Final Results #ICFCGGST 1 🇰🇷 @anco2323👑 2 🇰🇷 @kenai777 3 🇰🇷 @early_type00 4 🇯🇵 @summit812 Congratulations to our top four! Please tune in for our ICFC EU tournament at 11 AM Pacific Time on twitch.tv/tenomedia! pic.twitter.com/ikQSgGhiPM

2021-07-29 23:16:27
Xanadu Games At @LaurelPark MD @XanaduGames

Congrats to Gumi for winning Guilty Gear Strive at FGC @ Xanadu #416! 🥇 @GUMI13__ 🥈 RNGG 🥉 @ayewolfred 4th @Doriavis 5th @YamicornDMV & Rizzy 7th Shazzeh & Mentok, the Mind Taker Bracket (21 entrants) 🏆 smash.gg/tournament/fgc… pic.twitter.com/dg5gH5Oe40

2021-07-30 10:37:26
ten/o @tenomedia

It's @MikeSaftig coming from learner's side to win this week's ICFC! ICFC NA Season 1 Week 4 Final Results for #ICFCGGST! 1 @MikeSaftig 2 @JANinHtown 3 @PunkDaGod 4 @Kizzie_Kay 5 Bean 5 @LuckMTL 7 @mango4tango 7 @Octopimp twitch.tv/tasty_steve #GGST pic.twitter.com/Hn9WaXDCuZ

2021-07-30 15:06:26
土井@ツキ/Tsuki @countach_400

本日のGGST店舗大会の参加者は16名。2先シングルトーナメントの優勝は「馬の骨|名残雪」となりました!おめでとうございます!! 明日は16:00よりランダムチーム大会を開催しますので、よろしかったらご参加ください! #スポラン pic.twitter.com/VhJA2oMRmc

2021-07-30 21:48:25
ジロー@AWT LCQ @jrojro5963

Guilty Gear Strive (PS4) Open Series Monthly Final July 2021 Japan(ESL大会の7月ファイナル) 優勝しました!1500円ゲット!かなり嬉しい~ゆーむらさんのポチョがメッチャ強くて怖かったけどウィナーズのまま負けなしで優勝できた pic.twitter.com/fHXnMAVsB3

2021-08-01 21:37:51