Super Marcato Bros. @marcatobros

Mark your calendars! Karl will be putting out a new chiptune compilation album, "Get Bit", on Friday, 02/05! It will be a fun mix, consisting entirely of tracks submitted to Battle of the Bits, from April 2020 to January 2021. Artwork by @pooplos_z!

2021-01-28 06:53:43
Super Marcato Bros. @marcatobros

Happy Bandcamp Friday! Karl has a brand-new chiptune album out today! It's a fun mix of tunes from systems such as the Genesis, SNES, TurboGrafx and more. Enjoy!

2021-02-06 02:31:19
リンク Super Marcato Bros. Get Bit, by Karl Brueggemann 19 track album 9
Super Marcato Bros. @marcatobros

The listening party for Karl's chiptune album "Get Bit" will be on Friday at 2pm CST on youtube. It will simultaneously go up on bandcamp then as well. Come hang out and listen to some groovy chiptunes!…

2021-02-03 01:09:19
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

Fana Cassetteの「Through the Meadow - Single」をApple Musicで… これ久々にfuture系post-chiptuneで聴き心地が良かった

2021-02-06 22:42:10
リンク Apple Music Fana Cassetteの「Through the Meadow - Single」 アルバム・2021年・1曲
Tech Product Bangers @techprodbangers

Title: Generate Puzzle Source: Yamaha SMAF website Composer: Kimitaka Matsumae (@kimitakamatsuma) (presumed)

2021-02-06 17:00:01
kumatan🎎 @kumakumakumaT_T

#MDPlayer STBL129 2021/02/06 2nd VGM:DCSG:mame版(SN76496)を追加 VGM:POKEY:追加

2021-02-06 21:33:41
Brendan O’Callaghan Ratliff @echolevel

Roland SH-101’s internal sequencer going ‘bloop’ forever

2021-02-06 08:41:23
リンク Joshua Morse CHIPSET Volume 3, by Joshua Morse 5 track album
tails are a wagging indicator @zanzanzawa

an OPL chiptune I'm really pleased with. one to vibe to, no drums…

2021-02-06 07:39:13
Chimeratio II @chimeratio_

only now realize how influential this track has been to me. the imperfect 17/16 drum loop bit at like 3:12, bluntly panning between the speakers. and how many layers of just extra chaotic noise there are throughout plus the whole atonal nature of it all!…

2021-02-06 09:42:42
Matt Simmonds @4mat_scenemusic

Starting to get a handle on the nes hardware. I ported a plasma fx over from c64 but it's a bit slow as you don't want to code it this way on here. :) Anyway more interesting stuff to come. Borrowed music by kulor.

2021-02-06 07:11:25
Old Phone Preservation @OldPhonePreserv

Found this old youtube channel named "KouTetsuGumi" that has many covers of video game music supposedly done on #Yamaha SMAF chips. Listen for yourself! (actual video link is…)

2021-02-06 10:00:10
TrojanHorse711 @TrojanHorse711

In celebration of @TheRunawayGuys' 10th anniversary, I made an 8-bit a remix from Mario Party 1! Famitracker Bits - Mario's Rainbow Castle (Mario Party) [VRC6] YT Link:… #famitracker #chiptune #8bit #nes #famicom #MarioParty #マリオパーティ

2021-02-06 06:00:00
MIDIs on Display @OnlyMIDIs

【まもるクンは呪われてしまった!】Great Tribulation.mid 2016 / 106 KB Mamorukun Curse! - Great Tribulation (Roland SC-8820) 「

2021-02-06 06:00:00
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

@chimeratio_ I remember the last time you tweeted burugu's song was really great and inspiring, and the bandcamp song is awesome too!…

2021-02-06 21:05:54
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) 3/4 New Release @to6okegao

karma roti by burugu… vopmでこんなバグり散らかした曲作っている人居たんだ(良すぎる)

2021-01-31 23:07:27
Chimeratio II @chimeratio_

Glaucôme (aka burugu makes some of the most over-the-top unusual music i've ever heard. relentless rhythmic intangibility that just barely still feels 'rhythmic' album of 43 tiny short sample-based oddities here, great gaplessly

2021-02-06 07:22:12
リンク Glaucôme albumine, by Glaucôme 43 track album
Chimeratio II @chimeratio_

this album is a real treat to try to comprehend. fascinating detuning, the simultaneous [minimal ambient]/[hyperstimulating complexity] opposites converged at once, rare thing to find i'm always looking for. gradual flow from familiar to bizarre on this…

2021-02-06 06:47:29
リンク Andrew Shenkman Hyperwurldz, by Andrew Shenkman 5 track album 33
Chimeratio II @chimeratio_

Jessica Robo's a really diverse artist. everything from serious mitsuda-esque jrpg forest themes to the most quirky cartoon zaniness this album showcases that diversity in full scope interesting timbres & beautiful haunting vocals fill this album too~!…

2021-02-06 05:41:11
リンク Jessica Robo Selected Works, 2020, by Jessica Robo 41 track album
糸田屯 @camelletgo

現在ニューアルバムを制作中のMitch Murderだが、そのちょっとしたつなぎとして、架空のWii用ソフト「Salary Man Simulator 2」のサントラを投げ銭でリリース。爽やかなシンセポップ小品を通して、存在しないゲームソフトのシリーズ第2作のサントラの存在を認識させられる。…

2021-02-06 20:39:49
lena raine is at gdc 🔜 @kuraine

Surprise!! @MaddyThorson @NoelFB and I made a sequel to Celeste Classic this past weekend, and you can play it & listen to the soundtrack right now!!! Happy 3rd Anniversary Celeste!! 🎮… 🎶…

2021-01-26 08:34:56
asq @asq_de_128

>RTの曲を聴いてポンコツタンク1面ぽいなと思いPC原人2の作曲者を調べたら高山博彦さんで、未確定だけどポンコツタンクも高山さんと言われているのでびっくりした。 (GB)突撃!ポンコツタンク/Trax-Soundtrack

2021-02-06 20:22:58
nervouShapes ナーバスシェイプス @nervouShapes

【有観客+配信ライブ】 nervouShapes LIVE #57 『Let's Dig It!』 2021/2/11(Thu)@札幌 SPIRITUAL LOUNGE open 18:00 start 18:30 adv:¥2,000 door:¥2,500(+1 drink) w/#STDRUMS, Kuro-obi No.1 Style, VITAL SiX, ビバ!サドンナ!!! 出演は、18:30を予定しています。

2021-02-06 20:06:10
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

Materia Collectiveの売り上げ未払い問題、まだ解決してなかったとは

2021-02-06 19:25:39
2 Mello @MelloMakes

Thank you Margot, this is great. @MateriaColl has 10 days until their proposed deadline for paying artists, and have been silent for a week. Let's list the Bandcamps of the Celeste B-Sides artists, who are currently seeing no money for very popular songs.…

2021-02-06 03:01:36
the roughest toughest frail @em_aytch

it’s bandcamp friday so if you’ve been following the materia collective shit and wishing there was some way to help, it’s a great day to buy those artists’ albums

2021-02-06 02:40:48
tom_atom @tom_atom


2021-02-06 10:47:38
lizzyy @songs4lizards

🦎 rare lizards!!!!🦎 funky glitchy beats themed around six different species 🦎 out on bandcamp : ]🦎 🦎 art by @alexander_laird🦎…

2021-02-06 01:39:32
kumatan🎎 @kumakumakumaT_T

#MDPlayer STBL128 2021/02/06 プレイリスト内に複数の.m3uがある場合に同名曲が複数登録されることを回避するよう修正。 (MDPlayerは.m3u内の曲を取り込むがそのレイアウトまでは反映しない為、同名の曲を複数回リストにとる必要性は低い為)

2021-02-06 10:48:56
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

何故かArturia DX7 V持ってたからそのデータ見て色々やってみた方がいい気がしてきた

2021-02-06 18:38:49
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

yamaha soundmondでパラメーターだけ見れない感じかな(reface DXとか買わないと見れないのかどうか)

2021-02-06 18:19:05
さ しゅ @satyu4yon

YAMAHAのSoundmondoというサイトにreface DXの自作音色を5個だけですがアップしてます。reface DXを持っている方はよかったら使ってみてください

2017-07-29 20:13:30
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao


2021-02-06 18:02:00
A Smooth Architect @asmootharchitec

FM音源の解説としてはこの記事が一番わかりやすいかな。Reface DXの宣伝も兼ねてるみたいですけどw… @w_naruse

2020-02-29 20:36:43
Nishioka Diddley @diddley_sin

キッズ用のトイ楽器でロックンロールをやってるCHILDISH TONESのニューシングルが今月の26日に発売されます! ここ1年程ライヴには参加出来ておりませんがレコーディングではテケテケギター弾いているので、もし宜しければチェックしてみてください…

2021-02-06 16:10:09
Ven 🎮 @Venion_

Hey, it's #BandcampFriday which means if you buy my album today, I get 100% of the profits. Please consider supporting me! You can pick it up here: #darksynth #chiptune

2021-02-06 00:57:20
リンク Venion Dark Chip, by Venion 6 track album 17