斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

The blue BASE sphere illuminates ▲●■ colorfully, and many works shine with the reflected light. The blue sphere🔵 Reserve 0.1 ETH (BASE) the blue BASE sphere🔵 Limited Edition 0.005 ETH (BASE) ⬇️LINK⬇️ pic.twitter.com/G9RFdAEGS4

2024-04-06 00:49:28
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

🪪ID photo MEGAMI #09507📸 Open Edition 0ETH + mint fee 0.000777 + gas fee (ZORA) zora.co/collect/zora:0… pic.twitter.com/Cd0iQaNikL x.com/ourZORA/status…

2024-03-26 23:50:27
Zora @ourZORA

It's Max Mint Monday!!! Quote RT with an artwork and Zora mint page. We'll max mint (111 mints) our favorite.

2024-03-25 23:15:06
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

MEGAMI fan art MEGAMI #03092 (sage san) #megamiathome pic.twitter.com/9JtjVRV3le x.com/sage00444/stat…

2024-03-24 14:39:57
さげ @sage00444

@sai7 しゅばばばばば‼️‼️ 3092ちゃんのスンッとしたおかおみたいです〜🙏🙏🥹🙏 pic.twitter.com/J0KmJ5oIhd

2024-03-22 12:56:48
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

MEGAMI #09507 straight face✨ 真顔でもかわいいと思うようになりました。。w (証明写真の顔🤣) Open Edition 0.0002 ETH + gas fee (BASE) Since it was created with NFTs2ME, there is no mint fee. ⬇️ LINK ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/OCICzXhtj5

2024-03-20 19:59:50
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

@pnizo さんちの子も描きましたありがとうございます😳🙏💕 pic.twitter.com/pgnv4UPJ6e

2024-03-17 14:09:02
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

waaa shiomu san ( @shiomueth ) thank you very much for mining 1st on sealed_art!! 😭🙏✨💕 pic.twitter.com/Mw7HWngHbn

2024-03-17 14:03:54
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

ニット帽かぶれば 1210ETHで売れると聞いた pic.twitter.com/v6Qqh6LTlI

2024-03-18 21:22:15
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

Fantasia fan art (Ria san) ⬇️Original work link⬇️ The description is also wonderful, so please take a look✨ pic.twitter.com/Ehw7KwKbmR x.com/Yun_Aria55/sta…

2024-03-16 08:34:45
Riaリア🌸 @Yun_Aria55

@sai7 Despite born out of coincindence, i still love how i drew this 😔💖 pic.twitter.com/Y7wwbYciet

2024-03-11 01:11:02
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

kiwi san ( @0xKiwi_ ) happy birth day! o((^▽^))o🎉🎂✨ and thank you for subscribing on sealed_art‼️ pic.twitter.com/XELvMmsE1q

2024-02-18 09:31:22
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

(3/5) #今月描いた絵を晒そう KPR描けたら描くシリーズ ・LenexyさんちのKEEPER#2281 ・BlackbeardいちろうさんちのKEEPER#2390 ・UncleGHOSTさんちのKEEPER#6064 pic.twitter.com/kYDcV5XWlC

2024-02-29 20:00:19
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

(2/5) #今月描いた絵を晒そう KPR描けたら描くシリーズ ・HenhenhenriさんちのKEEPER#9370 ・sakooさんちのKEEPER#2202 ・KaさんちのKEEPER#2637 pic.twitter.com/ITbfClmrzp

2024-02-29 19:59:58
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

🌄AN ADVENTURE WITH THE PINK & ORANGE SUNRISE🥤 ある朝、太陽が空をピンクとオレンジに染めた時、ペルルは目に興奮の輝きを宿し、壮大な冒険に出発しました。 ※うちの子FAです。詳細はミントページにあります #xAlice 🩷Open Edition 🧡0.002 ETH (+mint fee +gas fee) (ETH/BASE) ⬇️ LINK ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/nEqNOgOJUV

2024-02-25 10:15:15
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

"How brilliant is the world see through those shining eyes?✨✨" a fan art for @AwesomezeRkaz san that I think of~ (Sorry for the rough sketch..🙇🙏) pic.twitter.com/E2Jhpy7phl

2024-02-19 08:30:16
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

I felt a kind of mechanic vibe to Aiko Virtual 5965, so I draw an illustration of repairing a drone🧑‍🔧 GO Aiko Virtual & Aikopic! o((^▽^))o✨ #Aikopic2024 pic.twitter.com/MZ81nJAqG4 x.com/MAcciNFT/statu…

2024-02-18 22:36:51
MAcci(マッチ)🇯🇵 @MAcciNFT

🚀Announcement of Aikopic Illustration Contest🚀 🌟Total prize 0.35ETH (including AikoVirtual)🌟 日本語はリプに貼ります😌! I would like to hold the Aikopic Illustration Contest to thank everyone who was involved in this project. I have also asked @aikovirtual management to sponsor the event! This will be an event that we could not have held without your generous support for Aikopic. We sincerely thank you for your support. This is a simple illustration contest. Please choose one of the contest characters. Please draw on a square canvas. Please post with the hashtag #Aikopic2024 Each person may submit as many works as they wish. Conversion to NFT or sales of illustration are allowed The deadline for submissions is February 22, and the results will be announced in mid-March. We hope you will submit your wonderful works of art. This is my first planning contest. I would be very grateful if you could lend us your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

2024-01-06 09:38:52
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

これは水彩風なら速く描けるのでは?と最初にやってたラフです。 塗り自体はたのしかったんですけど、構図とかアイテムとかもうちょっと考えたかったのでボツになりました🤣🫶💕 pic.twitter.com/n43mcIefLh x.com/sai7/status/17…

2024-02-25 11:17:01
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

🐉Happy Lunar New Year 2024!🏮 Miyako-sensei went to Chinatown with her student, Mariya, dressed in Ryusou clothing. Have a fun and happy Lunar New Year! Open Edition 🖼️on Holograph (OP & BASE, ERC721) $1.99 🦭on Sealed_art (ETH, ERC1155) 0.002 ETH ⬇️LINK⬇️ pic.twitter.com/Bz3KYs5m7N

2024-02-10 22:25:50
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

🍔🍰甘い誘惑とトレーニング💪🏃 ハンバーガー、ショートケーキ、またはチョコドーナツ!😋 もちろんトレーニングはかかさずやります!(体重計に乗るのはあまり好きじゃないです…) sashimiさんによる「鳴竹なるの」ちゃんのファンアートです 🍩List → now on FND 🥤Price→0.03 ETH~ ⬇️LINK⬇️ pic.twitter.com/RUvguSeb11

2024-02-04 19:27:13
Myrica @Myricreepa

4 A huge shoutout to my amazing artist friends, with special appreciation for those who take the time to create for me. Grateful to have such kind souls around, your creations never fail to drive me crazy smiling. Thank you for bringing Myrica to life! pic.twitter.com/zoFuQXAEUL

2024-01-11 23:16:39
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

🐉Happy New Year 2024🎍 May this year bring you lots of happiness! Open Edition (3 versions) 1⃣ Happy New Year 2024 (ETH) 0.003 2⃣ Pizza delivery has arrived! (OP) 0.003 3⃣ Pizza delivery (colored rough sketch) (OP) 0.0001 *airdrop 2⃣ to sealed_art subscribers. thanks ⬇️LINK⬇️ pic.twitter.com/sAazG4Or7l

2024-01-10 22:35:08
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

@BAN_yamero 防犯ブザーを鎖鎌のようにして戦う浅瀬ゆうぎさんのファンアート描きました。 #浅瀬ゆうぎ #浅あと pic.twitter.com/xzn1stkgVI

2024-01-06 22:01:00
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

@BAN_yamero 遅れた!使ってもらえなくてもいいのでよろしければ・・😳 デザインセンスないのでエフェクトなしも置いてます。ご自由に編集してください🙇 pixiv.net/artworks/11487…

2024-01-04 20:48:45
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

cheer you up, up!! maybe Moon chan ( @MoonAbsorb) 🤣 thank you for odaibako! #お題箱 pic.twitter.com/gdsrCOOP8q

2024-01-03 16:18:12
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

かっこいいので描きましたo((^▽^))o✨ 正月っぽい感じのオリキャラです。線画ですみませんw pic.twitter.com/NpKvIigGGV twitter.com/_NaokiSaito/st…

2024-01-02 00:03:37
斎七(さいしち)🔰sai7nft.eth @sai7

The Old Bike and the Key🚲🔐 What do you think when you see a bicycle with a loose lock? Open Edition 0.0015 ETH +mint fee (OP) This is a work for the OP contest. ⬇️Link⬇️ pic.twitter.com/SD7K253vpE

2023-12-25 00:38:33
1 ・・ 6 次へ