BilliumMoto @BilliumMoto

New track! Something more chill than the usual. Here's a preview, links in reply

2020-11-07 10:44:31
Veertig Nix🌸 @40Nix

Bandcamp Fridayは日本時間7日17:00までです…

2020-11-07 09:19:19
40Nix🌸4/30 M3春O-16a @40Nix

M3-2020秋で頒布した『Touhou Chiptune Remix 2』『Tropical Remix』のBandcamp、DLsiteでの販売を開始しました!…

2020-11-07 09:17:13
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

>RT そんなGSTdaisuki氏がSample Pack Contestにも参加していたテクいwildchip楽曲制作者のsci氏と同一人物だったの最近知った ‘sci - bite-sized pieces of candy that you can listen to! - 18 best yellow birb’ on SoundCloud…

2019-10-18 04:05:39
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

chiptune勢ではdusthillguy氏が特に平常運転の個性の塊な楽曲で参加していたのが気になったんですが、それ以上にsci_氏のY2Kプレステサントラ感ある曲のコードが清涼感あって良かった ‘anosa - up up the wall’ by ThaSauce Network on SoundCloud…

2020-04-07 04:06:20
タマネギ炒め @tamanegi_itame


2020-11-07 14:03:59
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

@tamanegi_itame 無いですね…早く現れてくれたら理想の作曲環境になるんですが……

2020-11-07 14:06:51
m_036 @m_036

audio overloadというサウンドエミュレーターでゲームボーイアドバンスのチャンネル構成を見ようと思ったんだけどPCM出力2本だけなのか…。聴いてみた曲はミキシングされた長い音声を流している感じだった。PCMチャンネルがたくさんあるのではと思っていたのでちょっとショックw。

2020-11-07 12:07:59
m_036 @m_036


2020-11-07 12:47:42
玉子豆腐 @SvenMaz

@m_036 GBAのPCMは2chなので、これで正解なのでは?内部データは4ch以上鳴らせますけど。

2020-11-07 13:35:06
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

@tamanegi_itame @m_036 波形メモリをPCMとして使う時にLSDjだと2つのサンプリング音源を同時に鳴らせるんですが、GBAのPCM2chも実質2倍のチャンネル数で鳴っているように出来たりしないんですかね?

2020-11-07 13:42:50
m_036 @m_036

@to6okegao @tamanegi_itame できると思います。2つのサンプリングに限らず多チャンネルのMIDIデータもミックスダウンすればステレオ2ch(右チャンネルと左チャンネル)の音声になる、だからモノラルPCMチャンネルを2本だけ用意してある、という事なのかなと思います。

2020-11-07 13:58:00
Alex??!!? @Wokeupfuzzy

Look, along with everything else, It's bandcamp friday! and also the last MrWimmer record! Six Instrumental songs, one with vocals All really chippy!

2020-11-06 23:09:30
Dan Butler @darkroastdan

Smaller list this time (because #dadbrain) but I finally got around to my #BandcampFriday shenanigans! I thoroughly encourage you to join me in supporting these amazing #chiptune and #synthwave artists: @polariapoyon @Dataairlines @vanityset @TDK_Chiptune @to6okegao @shirobon

2020-11-07 12:52:41
セイ @Sei_soft

この曲高音がとても綺麗。ロシアSergey Agapovさんの「HOT」

2020-11-07 00:28:06
Mega Flare @MegaFlare0

Wanted to give you all something chill this #BandcampFriday Hope these two progressive house tunes help give you a calm moment during everything

2020-11-07 03:17:45
リンク Mega Flare XV - Single, by Mega Flare 2 track album
💜 Chris 'Christerious' Carter 💜 @Chrysterious

Been working a busy late shift this week so here's an old #chiptune original called "Swinghai" that I did for a BattleoftheBits contest years ago. It's also on my bandcamp!! Chyp2na will arrive by 2024 or something!!!

2020-11-07 03:54:54
リンク flumbeedumbee viridian arboretum (single), by flumbeedumbee 2 track album
tails are a wagging indicator @zanzanzawa… I have a song for you all! If you're into tracker stuff, buying this nets you the .IT file! I haven't had anything new to share for any of the recent Bandcamp Fridays so I'm excited to click send! Thanks for listening! Zan-zan-zawa-veia - Fran Tall Ear

2020-11-07 03:43:29
tails are a wagging indicator @zanzanzawa… I have a song for you all! If you're into tracker stuff, buying this nets you the .IT file! I haven't had anything new to share for any of the recent Bandcamp Fridays so I'm excited to click send! Thanks for listening! Zan-zan-zawa-veia - Fran Tall Ear

2020-11-07 03:43:29
💜 Chris 'Christerious' Carter 💜 @Chrysterious

Hey, you, wanna learn Famitracker to do the #chiptune bleep bloops!? Want some (quite poorly tracked) ftm files to analyze!?!?!Arxer06XAi… Here's literally everything I've ever made, and AM making, to observe. I'm open to DMs if I can lend a hand in any way.

2020-11-07 04:38:00
リンク LemonDrop LemonDrop LemonDrop. Massachusetts. 12
𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄🍓⭐ @starpause

Through deduction you can determine the alias I was using 🕵️🤪 Takes me right back to yahoo groups 💗😁 Another crate dig... if this wasn't my first #lsdj live it was pretty early #chiptune #noise from #micromusic era 👀👂🚨……

2020-11-07 05:02:33
Techno Mage @TechnoMageMusic

If you haven't gotten your hands on our merchandise, we are now offering a CD + t-shirt bundle. Whether you're adding it to your own collection or gifting to a friend, we appreciate your support! #synthwave #chiptune #chipwave #metal #cyberpunk #retro

2020-11-07 05:00:19
aivi on hiatus 🤱🏻 @aiviwave

hello, i made a video of my cat licking my other cat for stress relief 💙 music: "hey, mr. postman!" steven universe (season 4)

2020-11-03 10:44:44
kasai takara @kasaitakara

育休ももうじき終わりだなぁ… なんとなく気がダレてるなぁ #electronica #dtm

2020-11-06 03:16:03
really great ! the band !! @reallygreatband

hey gamers, i know theres a lot goin on right now - if you want a lil break, come hang out w @ttbchiptunes and me as we play through earthbound some more! today we're going to moonside.... we're goin live around 6:30 EST tonite !!

2020-11-06 01:12:06
xyce @xycechipmusic

@gw3m Haha also great but no, Pasta. Myspace era chiptune artist, can’t really find anything from him online but I have 4 tracks of him on my computer which are all amazing. Would love to hear more.

2020-11-06 04:37:16
xyce @xycechipmusic

@gw3m It’s one of those artists that struck a chord and once so often pops up in your head. @cerreur made a cover of one of his tracks on the ST, which gives a good impression.

2020-11-06 04:44:37