毎日出されるお題に応える30日間! すごく良い勉強になりました!(2022/6/1~6/30)
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30BNW (DAY 1/30) thank you very much for all your wonderful black and white entries! you all did splendidly 💚 be sure to check our pinned tweet for the DAY 2 theme see thread for a three-part BNW showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/kMVLOMvqmE

2022-06-03 00:10:22

Day2   Portrait

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

2日目🦍ポートレイト! twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-04 09:32:41

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30PORTRAIT (DAY 2/30) thank you all very much for your lovely portrait shots! they are fantastic💚 do check our pinned tweet for the DAY 3 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/aLTNEeEY13

2022-06-03 23:30:52
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30PORTRAIT (DAY 2/30) thank you all very much for your lovely portrait shots! they are fantastic💚 do check our pinned tweet for the DAY 3 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/aLTNEeEY13

2022-06-03 23:30:52

Day3   Fauna

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

3日目🦍 お題が「動物」じゃなくて「動物相」だったのでよく分からなかったけど、動物の生態みたいな雰囲気でよかったのかな? twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-05 13:06:29

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30FAUNA (DAY 3/30) thank you very much for your fauna entires! they are amazing 🐾💚 just a reminder, check our pinned for the DAY 4 theme see thread for a three-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/NAjQ6FuHMk

2022-06-05 03:08:54
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30FAUNA (DAY 3/30) thank you very much for your fauna entires! they are amazing 🐾💚 just a reminder, check our pinned for the DAY 4 theme see thread for a three-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/NAjQ6FuHMk

2022-06-05 03:08:54

Day4   Sunset/Sunrise

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

4日目🦍夜明けと夕暮れ 色々な表現があって勉強になりました☺️ twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-06 09:56:05

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30SUNS (DAY 4/30) thank you very much for your beautiful entries! 💚 do check our pinned tweet for the DAY 5 theme see thread for a three-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/p1EqWb6xvf

2022-06-06 03:12:12
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30SUNS (DAY 4/30) thank you very much for your beautiful entries! 💚 do check our pinned tweet for the DAY 5 theme see thread for a three-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/p1EqWb6xvf

2022-06-06 03:12:12

Day5   Silhouettes

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

5日目🦍シルエット twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-07 10:44:05

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30SILHOUETTE (DAY 5/30) thank you very much for your wonderful entries! you guys are amazing💚 DAY 6 theme is up, please check our pinned see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/yxRRoQHcqa

2022-06-07 05:30:15

Day6   landscapes

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

6日目🦍ランドスケープ 景色とか風景とか公共空間という意味があるみたいだけど、これも難しかったな~🦍💦 漠然とですが、ある程度の広さと場所的なまとまりがあって、そことわかるような何かがあるイメージでした🤤 twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-08 08:31:11

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30LANDSCAPE (DAY 6/30) thank you very much for your stunning entries!💚 do check our pinned for the DAY 7 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/Cg1vRgxP7w

2022-06-08 00:30:18
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30LANDSCAPE (DAY 6/30) thank you very much for your stunning entries!💚 do check our pinned for the DAY 7 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/Cg1vRgxP7w

2022-06-08 00:30:18

Day7   Emotions

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

7日目🦍エモーションズ ちょっと強めに心が動いている様子といった感じですかね?色んな表情見られて楽しかった~☺️ twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-09 09:33:17

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30EMOTIONS (DAY 7/30) thank you very much for your entries! you all did fantastic work 💚 DAY 8 theme is up, please check our pinned see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/rChdtGmevX

2022-06-09 00:30:15
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30EMOTIONS (DAY 7/30) thank you very much for your entries! you all did fantastic work 💚 DAY 8 theme is up, please check our pinned see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/rChdtGmevX

2022-06-09 00:30:15

Day8   Transportation

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

8日目🦍トランスポーテーション 交通、輸送、運送、輸送機関だそう。 デススト多いかな?と思ったけどそうでもなかったみたい🖐️ twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-10 16:57:26

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30TRANSPORTATION (DAY 8/30) thank you very much for the awesome entries!! 💚 check our pinned for the DAY 9 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/mNZLAgpreD

2022-06-10 03:18:25
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30TRANSPORTATION (DAY 8/30) thank you very much for the awesome entries!! 💚 check our pinned for the DAY 9 theme see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/mNZLAgpreD

2022-06-10 03:18:25

Day9   Architecture

オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

9日目🦍アーキテクチャー 建築とか建築様式、構造体なんていう意味もあるみたい。 見ごたえのある写真ばっかりでした!✨ twitter.com/GamerGram_GG/s…

2022-06-11 06:14:27

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30ARCHITECTURE (DAY 9/30) thank you very much for the entries!! you guys are fantastic💚 DAY 9 theme is up, check our pinned see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/H29kXZk4jC

2022-06-11 04:30:16
GG @GamerGram_GG

⠀ DAILY COMMUNITY SHOWCASE — #GG30ARCHITECTURE (DAY 9/30) thank you very much for the entries!! you guys are fantastic💚 DAY 9 theme is up, check our pinned see thread for a four-part showcase ⠀ pic.twitter.com/H29kXZk4jC

2022-06-11 04:30:16

Day10  Frame

1 ・・ 5 次へ
オッカ🦍✨OKKA @okkayade

⚠超雑多アカウントです🦍(太字) 旦那氏👨‍🦰中1息子氏👦小3娘氏👩♥️🎮♥️🍙♥📸♥💮 口下手なフリーダムエンジョイ勢 ゴリラのおばちゃん(自営業)です。 フォローもブロック(解除不要です)も自由にどうぞでございます🙏 (RT以外での画像の無断転載はやめてちょ)