Estinien and Urianger

The dorkiest of dorks dorking around together.
Indra's getting ready to leave

WoL x G'raha

Just a catboy and an elf boy being cute.
Indra's getting ready to leave

WoL x Stephanivien

A bun and and elf fall stupidly in love.
Indra's getting ready to leave


A collection of other ships and stories.
Indra's getting ready to leave

WoL x Thancred

A lady falls for a dashing rogue.

WoL x Pipin

Just two lalas being adorable together.

WoL x Fordola

Fordola needs love, too.

WoL x Gaius

Two former mortal enemies fall in love.
Indra's getting ready to leave

HAPPY Kogane Chan in 6.3

オンラインGAME FINAL FANTASY14 Playerの自分まとめですいろいろ追加していきますよろしくね! ハウジングツイート多くなったので専用作りました 日常のあれこれハウジングなどのツイートSSやってます フォロ・フォロバしてくれたみなさま ありがとうございます フォロバ送れてなかった方ごめんなさい よろしくおねがいします~ ♡まだゲームを始めてない方へ ! 世界プレイヤー..
FF14/Kogane Chan


Fran 1

Remission (Set post 6.2)

Elysia and G'raha Tia have had a strained relationship ever since her sister succumbed to the light corruption and became a Light Warden. Now, Elysia has to do the hardest thing she's ever had to do..

Hair (Set post 6.2)

In an attempt to hide her hair becoming more obviously white in places, Elysia cuts her hair off for the first time in many years.

In Crimson it Began (Set 4.0)

After not having seen her sister, Katri for some time, Elysia ventures to the now open Rhalgar's reach to see her, and to continue her research into the origins of the twelve.

Reunion (Set 4.0)

Opting to stay behind in Rhalgar's Reach and aid healing resistance fighters, Elysia is caught up in the fighting when Zenos attacks -- though the tone in his voices seems to indicate he may have me..

HORSE RIDING | エオルゼア馬術倶楽部

2021.09.20 開催 撮影会の様子

2020年 5月~11月のSSまとめ



2020.3.15 に Win Knights 20名とMAPSメンバー14名の総勢34人でのMAPS撮影会。その中のマスターの作品集
Claude Vallet

Enjoy Snapshots !!


Final Fantasy Action Emote Image & Self Collection

MAPS CWLSを含めた自撮りのアクション、自撮り画像集
Claude Vallet

Final Fantasy XIV Special Effects

Claude Vallet