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Summer @Summer500la

「男の人に覚えておいてほしい。男にはなんてことない出来事が、女には一瞬で恐ろしい状況になるってこと。 今週、自宅の衣類乾燥機をネットで売りに出した。モノがモノだから中間地点で落ち合うことができない。」 twitter.com/tragedythyme/s…

2018-10-11 17:52:04
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

A quick reminder for men: Common events for you can turn into really scary situations for women in a snap. Case in point: This week I listed a clothes dryer on the Letgo app. Because it was a dryer, a neutral meeting location was impractical. I needed it taken out of my house.

2018-10-08 06:11:08
ki @ki96360630

しんどい。13歳の被害者でも叩かれるのか。ではいったい女性って何歳から「自衛しろ」って言われなきゃいけないんだろ。子どもを守ってあげるのが大人の役目ではないのですか? どこまで人間扱いしてくれないのですか

2018-10-10 21:23:19
たまさか @TamasakaTomozo

「自分には男性特権なんてない」って思っている人がいるのはもちろん知っていますが、自分がこれまでの人生でいかに「配慮されてるか」に気づかないというのは単にあなたが鈍いだけですよ。 twitter.com/p1nky_tkok/sta…

2018-10-10 09:40:14
はいひるん @p1nky_tkok

男性特権があるのは強いオスだけ。弱いオスはそこらへんの女よりも惨めだぞ twitter.com/TamasakaTomozo…

2018-10-10 08:38:26
はいひるん @p1nky_tkok

男性特権があるのは強いオスだけ。弱いオスはそこらへんの女よりも惨めだぞ twitter.com/TamasakaTomozo…

2018-10-10 08:38:26
たまさか @TamasakaTomozo

「どんな男性であれ、男の子はみな男性特権を持っている。ジェンダー不平等とは、男性の言葉が女性の言葉より説得力があるとみなされることで、その反対のことを主張するとプロパガンダ目的の嘘扱いされるのは、被害者を悪者扱いし、女性の運動を簒奪し、無効化し、女性たちを黙らせることだ」 twitter.com/emrazz/status/…

2018-10-09 17:26:34
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

@Ealy23 insert yourself in our circle. Don't make eye contact with me as an "intro" option, don't make small talk with me when you have no reason to, don't presume that if I am scared of you I will make that fact clear. I'll likely seem just fine, but that's a learned reaction.

2018-10-09 03:09:13
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

@Ealy23 My biggest one: FEAR IS OUR DEFAULT. We aren't scared of you because you did something wrong, nor should you feel insulted if you're feared unfairly. That feeling that you might want to just start a friendly chat? Think about it from the position of someone who is scared. Does it

2018-10-09 03:06:16
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

And obviously, if you ever are in a woman's home alone, whether during a service call or an online sale like this, accept if she's home alone, she's likely done the assessment. Respect her space, don't do gross shit. The basics. Please.

2018-10-08 06:11:15
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

So men, if you want to be allies, then recognizing that assault is bad is just the minimum. For every sexual assault, there are thousands of events that don't lead to violence but which scare the shit out of us, especially after our "assessment" turns out to have been wrong.

2018-10-08 06:11:15
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

The point - other than my being pissed and wanting to tell people - is that events like this, even when we come out ok, take an emotional toll. I was scared. He left more and more of the weight on me & watched me squirm. And now I have one more "thing" that I have to worry about.

2018-10-08 06:11:14
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

And wanna guess what happened? He left without buying it. Was this guy going murder me? Probably not. But I'm not sure. Am I pissed I had to worry about being murdered in my own home because grandpa creeper likes sweaty women? Yeah. Fucker.

2018-10-08 06:11:14
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

So I do what women do, lower my eyes, pretend to laugh a little, start lifting faster. The comments and staring hey worse but I try to block them out. As soon as I am free of the basement I walk straight past him to my phone, wait 5 seconds, and say, "honey, the buyer is here!"

2018-10-08 06:11:13
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

"Damn, girl. Look at you. Man, those thighs. Put em to work, huh? That sweat looks good on you. Workin thighs like that, I bet your husband is a happy man. C'mon, show me what you got." I was mortified. And I'm realizing I can't get out. He & a dryer I'm lifting are blocking me.

2018-10-08 06:11:13
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

He's staring at me, hard. Right in the eyes, sly smile on his lips. My hair is matted to my forehead. I can't get a comfortable grip. I'm just about to ask him what's going on - is he even lifting? - when he starts to speak.

2018-10-08 06:11:12
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

Walk to the stairs is fine. We're sharing the work. With each stair, I'm feeling more and more of the weight. I'm sweating. Heaving. Pissed. Halfway up the stairs and it feels like he's doing NOTHING. And then I see it. The look on his face.

2018-10-08 06:11:12
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

Feeling like he's more likely to be safe than unsafe, and feeling badly about not letting him see the dryer, I invite him in. Once in the basement, he's POSITIVE he can get it out with just a LITTLE help he says, looking at me. Fuck it. I pick up a side.

2018-10-08 06:11:10
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

I quickly try to assess my likelihood of danger, as every woman has done so, so many times. It's instinct. First, what's his age? Late 60s, early 70s. He's tall but thin. Wearing a wedding ring. Hasn't smiled at me strangely or looked at me for too long. I make a judgment call.

2018-10-08 06:11:10
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

He says he will come back with help, I say after 5 would be great. He then asks if he could just see it real quick before coming back and bringing someone over, in case he doesn't want it. So, now I have a decision to make.

2018-10-08 06:11:09
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

The next morning, buyer isn't here before husband leaves. I message and tell him not to come. He shows up 15 min later. In addition to being late, he has no dolly or help, despite the ad saying the dryer was in a basement & you'd have to remove yourself.

2018-10-08 06:11:09
SaraSuze @tragedythyme

To try to stay safe, I decided to only allow people to pick it up after 5 when my husband would be home. But a guy who works nights asked if he could come in the am instead; I said yes as long as you're here before husband leaves for work.

2018-10-08 06:11:08
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

By the way it's 100% insane that this issue seems to require an analogy to draw a sharper focus on how wrong our society presently is, but here were are.

2018-10-06 21:54:51
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine the President mocked the accuser in font of a crowd, and the crowd laughed and clapped. Imagine the judge was confirmed. Imagine the deciding vote was a man. Can you imagine?

2018-10-06 21:25:08
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine the man who had been kicked testified, providing sworn testimony. Imagine the judge gave an vindictive rant in response. Imagine he was derided for providing no evidence. Imagine if they looked for no evidence. Imagine the judge was given an op-ed to explain herself.

2018-10-06 21:24:25
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine she supported a Senate candidate known for kicking young boys in the testicles. Imagine she nominated a judge. Imagine the judge was accused of kicking a boy in the nuts. Imagine the accuser had to hide from all the death threats as a result.

2018-10-06 21:23:22
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine she claimed the men accusing her were lying. Imagine she said they were too ugly to kick. Imagine there had never been a male president. Imagine she ran against the first major-party male candidate. Imagine he had experience, and she had none. Imagine she won anyway.

2018-10-06 21:22:52
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine a woman ran for President. Imagine audio came out of her bragging about making it a regular practice to kick men in the nuts without even introducing herself. Imagine she lost no support for this.

2018-10-06 21:21:56
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine if one day men all started talking about how almost all of them had, at one point or another, been kicked in the nuts. Imagine if women’s main concern was what false accusation might do to their reputations, and whether this new honesty might ruin the mystery of sex.

2018-10-06 21:21:04
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine a girl was caught kicking a boy repeatedly in the nuts while he was passed out drunk. Imagine the judge let her off, because she was worried about the damage to the girl’s future prospects. She was a star swimmer with a scholarship. Imagine this happened all the time.

2018-10-06 21:20:39
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine there were laws that said that if a wife kicked her husband in the nuts it wasn’t assault. Imagine you heard about men with ruptured testicles who had to pay for their own forensic reports Imagine you saw statistics showing only 1% of kickings resulted in conviction.

2018-10-06 21:20:04
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you told the police, and they asked you what you’d been wearing before she kicked you in the nuts. Asked if you’d had a drink. Asked what you might have been doing before. Had you been naked? Kissing? You had. You left.

2018-10-06 21:19:10
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you found a girlfriend, and you loved each other. One night, you were fooling around and she kicked you as hard as she could in the nuts, and it all came rushing back. Imagine she acted like obviously you wanted to be kicked in the nuts,mocked you for getting emotional.

2018-10-06 21:18:44
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you went to church and were told that God made girls to want your body, so you should protect your nuts at all costs. Imagine the minister said it was your responsibility as a maturing boy not to do anything that would make girls think about kicking you in the nuts.

2018-10-06 21:17:55
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine most of your friends all told you about getting kicked in the nuts. Imagine none of them had ever told anybody else. Imagine all the older girls at school would make jokes about kicking you in the nuts. Imagine all the laughter. The jokes are all so funny. Jokes.

2018-10-06 21:17:36
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you started wearing clothes to hide them. You bought uncomfortable protective gear. All the posters and advertisements in all the magazines featured men’s crotches, though frequently not their heads. Women’s feet were frequently featured in prominent juxtaposition.

2018-10-06 21:16:59
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you became aware that women, including much older women—even elderly women—were always looking at your nuts. Women on the street would follow you. They’d tell you what a nice package you have. They’d tell you you’d be hot if you just showed off your nuts a little more.

2018-10-06 21:16:26
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine that later your father explained that women just wanted to kick men in the nuts, so as a boy you had to be careful. Imagine he had very detailed practical advice on this. Imagine you started spending your life planning on avoiding being kicked in the nuts.

2018-10-06 21:16:00
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine you told your parents and they didn’t believe you. Imagine they never mentioned it again. You learned to keep quiet about it. You learned to be scared.

2018-10-06 21:15:33
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Imagine it happened to you when you were 12. Imagine it was an 38 year old woman who did it. Imagine it was your mother’s friend and business partner.

2018-10-06 21:15:16
A.R. Moxon (juliusgoat.bsky.social) @JuliusGoat

Hi, guys. Imagine if one day you got kicked in the nuts, really hard, on purpose. You doubled over. Felt the pain. Nearly passed out. Nearly puked. Then you got kicked again. And again.

2018-10-06 21:15:03
ミラーリング @yuzuyoukan367

1.5キロの差でも戦わせないのは、公平ではないから。 男性同士のスポーツでも禁止されている (これは男性学の本から) もう暴力になってしまう。 だから女性へ向ければ性暴力、妊娠、出産と言う命がけのリスクを負わされる迷惑行為だよ。「人探し」で性的に見ることなんてないから言い訳は無駄

2018-10-03 23:09:26
ミラーリング @yuzuyoukan367

「ちょっとじろじろ見ただけで」と「ちょっと触っただけで」 「ちょっと酒の勢いで押し倒した」 すごく近い。とにかく「ちょっとしたこと」にしたいのは加害者。 性被害は、 女性からしたら、自分より体重も筋肉量も多い相手から獲物扱いされる 命の危険を感じること。 ボクシングで  続く

2018-10-03 23:04:36
ふらいと(今西洋介)@小児科医・新生児科医 @doctor_nw

当科は半分が女医だが必要悪と感じない。彼女らのいい所は基本的に真面目、管理がきめ細やか、コミュ能力が高い、変なプライドを持たない、買ってくるお土産は絶対美味しい等多々ある。例外もあるが… 離職を恐れ女性受験者を一律減点 東京医科大の関係者「必要悪」 #ldnews news.livedoor.com/article/detail…

2018-08-02 22:33:26
OECD東京センター @OECDTokyo

【男女賃金格差、実際にはどれくらい?】日本における女性フルタイム労働者の賃金は、男性と比較して平均で25.7%低くなっています。これはOECD諸国平均の14.1%を大きく上回っており、諸国で3番目に大きな賃金格差です。 #国際女性デー #PressforProgress #IWD2018 #InternationalWomensDay pic.twitter.com/BSwbMRznwu

2018-03-08 18:18:27
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

私にはこのシーンのミッチェルが、この「採用に女性差別はない」といい張る現代日本男性たちの姿とダブりました。 「うちの職場は女性のほうが強いけどなあ(笑)」 「いまの日本に、女性を下に見る風潮はないよお」 wezz-y.com/archives/50483…

2017-10-15 21:15:20
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

この映画で描かれる60年代米国のアフリカン・アメリカン差別には、現代日本の女性就労差別に似ている点が数多くみられます。なかでも象徴的なのは、「私にあなたたちを差別する気持ちはない」とヨーロッパ系アメリカ人女性がいうシーンです wezz-y.com/archives/50483…

2017-10-15 21:14:05
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

この映画の良いところは「娼婦は女神」「娼婦は天使」みたいな神格化をしていなくて、彼女たちの中に、ドラッグにハマって堕落していくような女性を描いてもいた点ですね。…少なくとも周辺化はしていないし、消費していないように見えました wezz-y.com/archives/44574

2017-10-11 01:08:03
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

女性セックスワーカーが登場する作品って男性が持つセックスワーカーへのファンタジーが透けて見えるものが多い印象で。たくましく生きる女性たちとエロスを絡めてセックスワーカーはすごい、娼婦は女神とか娼婦は天使みたいな。それ人じゃねーし笑 wezz-y.com/archives/44574

2017-10-11 00:56:04
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527


2017-10-08 18:05:28
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527


2017-10-08 17:56:22
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

『まず、OL5人の間にディスりあいが全然ないんですよ。世の中には「女同士で集まったら上辺だけの会話をして、陰で文句を言いあってる」というテンプレがあるけど、『架空OL日記』は全然そういう方向に行かない。』 wezz-y.com/archives/50366

2017-10-08 17:52:13
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

@kutabirehateko @Rumika_Komori 『日本の女子の小学4年段階での学力は数学・理科ともに2位とOECD諸国の中でも極めて高い水準にあることが分かります…にもかかわらずOECD諸国の女子と比べて大学に進学もしないしSTEM系の学部へも進学しないということが読み取れます』wezz-y.com/archives/39241…

2017-10-07 22:33:18
前へ 1 ・・ 9 10 次へ
ふわまる🍤違和感ランド @fu_fu2527

希望とは絶望を分かち合うこと twitterで最先端で現実的な学びを集めて階段を作る 自己啓発ではなくて社会の側のブロックを解体していきたい 目指すは重要な他者★ note.mu/fumufumu2527 自立とは一人で頑張ることではなく適切な人やタイミングで頼ること 文化を構想した