itstoast.art 🍞 @ EmblemCon! ✨ @oreocorio

my art for @R0manticEra's fic "Chasing the Sun" for the @kagehinabigbang 💙🧡 #haikyuu #kagehina if you've ever wanted to read about kghn as pokemon trainers this is the fic for you pic.twitter.com/N69iy7vd48

2022-12-18 22:43:23
itstoast.art 🍞 @ EmblemCon! ✨ @oreocorio

my 2nd piece for the edeleth big bang ✨this one is for the final chapter of @Nez_anie's fic go read the whole thing here ! archiveofourown.org/works/27422332/ #FireEmblem #FireEmblemThreeHouses @BbEdeleth pic.twitter.com/aE8xuhZAvO

2021-07-20 23:54:14
itstoast.art 🍞 @ EmblemCon! ✨ @oreocorio

my first piece for the edeleth big bang! this is for the wonderful fic "Second Chances Don't Compare" by @Nez_anie ✨ go check it out here! archiveofourown.org/works/27422332… #FireEmblem #FireEmblemThreeHouses @BbEdeleth pic.twitter.com/ewS8AwDUdY

2020-11-07 11:11:21