Athol Fugard : Plays 1 ~ A Place with the Pigs, 1988 , Faber & Faber
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

アソル・フガード『豚小屋』より 転・結の部分。 Athol Fugard : Plays 1 ~ A Place with the Pigs, 1988 , Faber & Faber 一場から三場を経由しての四場では静謐な思索の時間が訪れる。豚小屋と信仰。自分は豚なのか?

2017-03-31 02:53:16
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Scene Three THE MIDNIGHT WALK の続きから。 パヴェルは、このまま夜が明けるまで歩き続けたい、豚小屋に戻りたくないと妻プラスコーヴィアに言う。 Praskovya ) No, you walk alone. I've had enough.

2017-03-31 03:13:16
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

This is as far as I go. Pavel ) You can't just abandon me, Praskovya. Praskovya ) You've got it the wrong way around, Pavel.

2017-03-31 03:18:36
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

You are abandoning me. You're the one who is leaving. What are you waiting for? Pavel ) You seem to be in a hurry to get rid of me.

2017-03-31 03:24:24
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Praskovya ) It's just that I want to get home while it's still dark, but I also feel I should at least wave goodbye to you when you set off.

2017-03-31 03:29:35
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel ) Tell you what . . . I'll strike a bargain. If you wait here with me for the sunrise, I'll go back with you. Please, Praskovya!

2017-03-31 03:35:47
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Do you realize how long it has been since I last felt the golden light of a new day . . . saw my shadow on the earth! That's all I ask.

2017-03-31 03:41:08
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel, irresolutely, tries to stand his ground. As the first light of day waxes, his courage wanes. Eventually . . .

2017-03-31 07:40:24
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel ) Your pious soul will rejoice to hear that an Avenging Angel of the Lord did appear to chase Adam out of Eden.

2017-03-31 07:48:07
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel ) I don't believe it! I'm back in here. I was actually out in the world . . . the world of men and women, trees and flowers,

2017-03-31 08:00:31
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

of sunsets and sunrises . . . it was there in front of me, a road leading to a new life, but of my own free will, I turned around

2017-03-31 08:10:27
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

and came running . . .yes, running! . . . back to this. Oh, God. I was so near escaping. One small burst of courage! That was all it needed.

2017-03-31 08:16:27
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

And if you had given me a little support and encouragement, Praskovya, I would have found that courage. A few words would have done it.

2017-03-31 08:23:19
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

‘Here's my hand, Pavel. Let's walk.’ So what if it had only lasted a few golden hours?

2017-03-31 08:30:51
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Wouldn't that have been better than the next eternty of this? But no, here I am again . . . And why?

2017-03-31 08:34:27
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Because you have finally come to believe that this is where I belong. My Home!

2017-03-31 09:04:15
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Yes, that wasn't just an insensitive slip of the tongue our there, was it! That is what you believe!

2017-03-31 09:06:33
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Some sort of superior pig that God has endowed with language and rational thought?

2017-03-31 09:18:16
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Your favourite, your pet pig who you favour with bowls of cabbage soup & dumplings while the others get hogwash. Is that how you see me now?

2017-03-31 09:28:13
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

For thirty years I have tried to hang on to my manhood in here, tried to defend my dignity against assaults on every front . . . body, mind

2017-03-31 09:37:06
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

and soul. Your betrayal is the last straw. I am broken. These are the last words that you will ever hear from me. I abandon my humanity!

2017-03-31 09:44:44
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

He tears off his clothes and throws himself naked into one of the pens with the pigs.

2017-03-31 09:52:10
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

praskovya ) This is very insulting, I'll have you know, both to me and to God. I married a man, not a pig,

2017-03-31 10:01:50
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

and as far as the Almighty is concerned, I'm sure he'd like me to remind you that you're supposed to be made in His image.

2017-03-31 10:04:53
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

So for the sake of everybody concerned, please get out of there. No response.

2017-03-31 10:10:59
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

プラスコーヴィアは豚のおりの中に押し入ると、豚になろうとするパヴェルをこん棒で打ちのめし、おりの外へ追い出そうとする。 Praskovya ) This is going to hurt me every bit as much as I intend hurting you.

2017-03-31 10:21:08
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

悲鳴を上げておりの外へ逃げ出たパヴェルに水をぶっかけて You're on your two legs again, Pavel, and talking. That's as much as I can do for you. Now help yourself . . .

2017-03-31 10:38:34
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

She exits. Pavel alone . . . naked, covered in mud and hurting . . . a picture of abject misery. p.140

2017-03-31 10:45:14
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Scene Four ORDERS FROM THE COMMISSAR 終幕。副題にある通り、パヴェルを最後の行動へ駆り立てるものは、良心的兵役拒否の語で使われる「良心」ではない。「Orders に従った」とパヴェルは言うのだ。

2017-03-31 10:53:23
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Night. Pavel, still naked and dirty, now wrapped in one of his blankets. He sits, a lonely, desolate figure in the Stygian gloom of the sty.

2017-03-31 11:02:29
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel)Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a very very stupid man who woke up one morning and decided that he wanted to be a pig.

2017-03-31 11:20:19
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Praskovya was right . . . all you've learnt in here is how to whine and wallow in with self-pity.

2017-03-31 11:48:39
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

You are also a cowardly deserter . . . a traitor to your Motherland . . . And for what?

2017-03-31 11:53:55
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Can you even remember why you betrayed your country and its people? A pair of slippers.

2017-03-31 12:03:03
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

DON'T drag my mother into this! Say anything you like about me but leave my mother alone! What do you mean ‘leave her alone’!

2017-03-31 12:09:09
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Giving birth to you makes the old bitch an accomplice in all your treachry. STOP NOW! (Pause.) WELL done, Pavel. Well done.

2017-03-31 12:25:49
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Brutal and ugly . . . but it worked. Head clear? Oh yes. Crystal clear. Then back to work. No sleep in here untill we have found a solution

2017-03-31 12:30:03
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

to my now very desperate dilemma. To do that we first need to get to the Root of the Matter, the Root of the Problem.

2017-03-31 12:35:03
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

And while we're digging around looking for it, let's keep an eye open at the same time for The Last Straw so that at long last

2017-03-31 12:39:34
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

We are going to take that Last Straw and break the back of every fucking pig in here.

2017-03-31 12:47:32
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Pavel . . . Pavel . . . stop now. Leave the pigs alone. And if you can't do that . . . why don't you then just let them go?

2017-03-31 12:50:48
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

(Pause. Pavel floats back slowly out of his delirium.) Who said that? Where did that thought come from? Me. (to his mirror) You said that?

2017-03-31 12:55:35
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Yes. Say it again. Those animals have endured enough abuse from you, Pavel. Why don't you just let them go now?         #けものフレンズ

2017-03-31 13:00:29
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

Just like that? Just . . . That's right. Just open the doors , then open the pens and let them go.

2017-03-31 13:12:20
花びんに水をدعونا نملأ المزهرية بالماء☘️ @chokusenhikaeme

(Pavel is left almost speechless by the unexpectedness of the idea.) Unbelievable! So simple . . . so obvious! . . . just let them go.

2017-03-31 13:16:27