Yes, the red cross and Uzaki chan controversy still goes on.

But it is common to tone down the sexuality in the cover art. I think it happens because the cover must be something you can put on the store and it is revealed months before the circulation.

NOBBON @nobnobnobbonbon

具体的にはこの2枚が、「発表後にカバーが修正されたケース」(2枚目のポイズンアイヴィは、最終的には全く異なるアートで発売された) なのでここら辺がDC/マーベルに於ける“ギリギリNG”のライン。

2019-10-25 12:42:49

This two is a example of being of the cover being adjusted/fixed after the presentation. (The second poison ivy was released in the end with a completely different cover art.)

NOBBON @nobnobnobbonbon

ただ、この2つのケースは別に発表後にそこまで世間から非難された記憶もなくて、出版社側がさらっと変えた感じ(ポイズンアイヴィはライターの依頼で変更)。 むしろ世間からボコスコに叩かれた表紙は、こちら。 ここら辺からは米国の(出版社ではなく)読者が何を“NG”とするかが透けて見える。

2019-10-25 12:47:09

But I do not remember that those two had so much backlash. Those ones have the impression that the publisher simply just changed it.(Poison Ivy was changed because the writer asked for it.)

The cover that was heavily criticized was this one. This shows what is unnaceptable for the readers (not for the publisher.) in USA.

NOBBON @nobnobnobbonbon

ちなみにこれらはあくまでマーベルとDCの話で、小規模のところは出版社のカラーによっては、もっと過激な表紙を使ってるし、 なんなら「ヴァリアントカバーではおっぱい解禁」みたいなのだって見たことある。

2019-10-25 12:57:08

This is restricted to Marvel and DC. Because when it comes to little publishers there are more extreme cover arts. I saw even free tits on a variant cover.

NOBBON @nobnobnobbonbon

思いのほか拡散されてるので、少し言葉を足すと、最初に“メジャー出版社の現在地”って言葉を使ったように、ここ十数年アメコミ業界はコミックが“皆のもの”になるために、その表現内容を見直し続けていて、 その“皆”には女性キャラを性的に楽しんできた読者も、それを不快に思ってきた読者も含んでる。

2019-10-26 13:27:10

Since it spread more than I expected I will add some words. As I said mainstream american comics, western comics industry are trying to be for "everyone". They are adjusting the expression contents in order to achive it. In this everyone includes the ones who likes and the ones who hates sexy female characters.

NOBBON @nobnobnobbonbon

そういったここ十数年の業界の動きを知らずに「アメコミはこう」という結論をくだすのは、判断を見誤る可能性大だし、なによりフェアではない。 なので、軽率な決めつけはせずに、ぜひ“アメコミの現在”を知って欲しいなと思うわけです。

2019-10-26 13:27:40

The danger of taking wrong decision is very high if you concludes "this is american comics" withoutknowing how the industry moved in this 10 and some years. Also it would not be fair. So don't make foolish arbitrary decisions and I wish you to know about the "current state of american comics"

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-25 22:23:59

Since I don't follow the recent comics so I will cite the a bit old one.
The Mila Marana's Spider Woman variant cover incident could be a good example.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-25 22:29:35

Also J.Scott Campbell's Invincible Ironman cover incident is easy to understand too.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-25 22:37:11

The site has gone but there were a iniciative to swap the male poses and costumes with female costume and poses. This hawkeye initiative is an good example too.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 02:11:07

I mean, It is normal to problematize the way the female heroes costumes and the way they are drawn.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 02:11:07

Meanwhile the american comics(Marvel-DC heroes) has an era that made them consequentially as something like for boys, there has some appeal that pulls female readers so it does not means that female readers don't exist. I think this is a important point.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 02:11:08

I don't pursued the DC enough so I dunno exactly but Marvel as a company is trying to find a way and doing "try and error" in order to penetrate into the female audience.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 02:27:11

It does not make sense putting something unpleasant to the woman if you are trying to approach to them.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 09:42:22

I think the problem of portrayal of female character in the american comics as a whole is this.
The reaction in a reactionary way of seeing woman as enemy happens because it looks like to them that the woman are getting into male territory and destroying the things they love.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 09:52:25

As I said before Marvel are trying hard to get the female audience and marvel and DC is definitively not denying the womans so this reaction from part of male audience is meaningless.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 10:00:54

Meanwhile in Japan, the publisher have the costume to separates the readers by sex and the readers have the trend of genderlessly having fun with the works that has born inside the male-female separation. (That's why the discussion goes about "public space" than the content itself.)

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 10:03:45

Changing the topic male heroes too are using costumes that deliniates the bodyline. Those are very sexual too. The only difference is it's not openly perceived.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-26 10:19:07

That costumes that deliniates the body is the kind of clothes that chooses who can wear it. Or better saying If you don't have a very well "builded up" body it won't look well no matter the sex. Because of that there is a problem that characters with baggy bodies are being excluded. (Of course there are exceptions.)

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2019-10-25 22:44:38

Oh, I remembered, Spider Woman's costume was changed into something that does not exaggeratedly delineates the bodyline. I like this costume so much)