klein best boy
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

happy holidays! here's sonia to ruin christmas 🖤 #FEHeroes pic.twitter.com/TnQIAmx6SK

2022-12-25 12:41:14
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

made this last year for @fecasualmode but never got around to posting it till now. i was planning on doing it before the trailer came out in hopes it might become a reality but then IS messed it up lmao print also available here: redbubble.com/i/art-print/Su… #FireEmblem pic.twitter.com/ABCVwyZlSA

2020-06-16 03:47:57
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

@ArtistsOfAskr my full piece ✨ even tho i never actually played his game i owe him a lot. he's carried me through every mode in feh and honestly he's the reason i started drawing again after like so long so thank you klein #FireEmblem 💘 pic.twitter.com/A0x9q2Nfxp

2019-11-03 01:16:50
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

haven't posted one of these in a while so here's a lyn i drew a few years ago #FireEmblem pic.twitter.com/06tI4T1U1l

2019-08-27 16:42:17
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

so i went through some really bad art block for a while and this was my 1st drawing after more than a year. idk what was it abt 2018 but it was a v dark period for my creativity lol i guess a good thing was that i started playing feh and later it inspired me enough to do this pic.twitter.com/FWiHDyHJH3

2019-07-21 10:23:01
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

so even after i told myself i wasn't gonna draw it i ended up doing it anyway lol. enjoy this lyn with a badly drawn motorcycle also my entry for @fecompendium #FECChallenge73 because it technically counts pic.twitter.com/x0cLgSrDe8

2019-06-30 10:45:41
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

so last week i decided im gonna draw more, and my idea was to force myself to take 15 min every day to draw whatever then post what i had in the end so here's what i have for today. my mom!!!! i'm still sorry i failed you in the voting gauntlet 😭 #FEHeroes pic.twitter.com/nVz45kBs6d

2019-06-11 00:32:30
itstoast.art 🍞 @oreocorio

lyn and florina for #FECChallenge70 ! #FEHeroes also it's not in the pic bc it was too hard to draw but just know that lyn has a motorcycle pic.twitter.com/cCHutMjnLl

2019-06-09 08:30:54