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art i've commissioned of my WoL, Lyre Rook
Yapi Art Studio | KOMKET SOUTH (4/12-14) @yapiart_studio

COMMISSION ARTWORK for @lyrerook✨ thank u so much for commissioning me! 💛 ❗️DO NOT REPOST OR USE❗️ #ArtCommissions #ArtPH #Commission pic.twitter.com/byXlSpGYyn

2021-08-27 14:00:00
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

Posting some commissions I've had made of my WoL for posterity! First up is this lovely, gorgeous art by @kiarahdraws. This is also my current banner 🥰 I'm so so so in love with this one ahuhu Topaz Carbuncle my Titan Egi chicken nugget I'm gonna miss you pic.twitter.com/jglFUFxLHG

2021-09-27 19:54:26
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

Next is this adorable piece by @momoiroji! She looks so cute and determined, I want to cry a little 😭 The background also makes "Renai Circulation" play automatically in my head wwww pic.twitter.com/EH6oraqKDM

2021-09-27 19:56:38
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

Then this Purikura-style Polaroid of my WoL and G'raha by @calemonsi ahuhu they're so cute I want to squish them together forever please (safely) go on lots of adventures you two!! pic.twitter.com/00gQtzwu8Y

2021-09-27 19:58:35
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

Hard-earned moment of peace. This is the finished commission I received from @wahtnaht of Lyre and her Carbuncles taking a break in Eden! Everyone, let's rest well too, and wait patiently for the launch of Endwalker later ❤️💛💙 #FFXIVART #SMN #RIPmyDOTs #RIPmyRotation pic.twitter.com/AtjHwEZ8zB

2021-12-03 11:19:48
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

"..." "..." "You didn't see that." --- Alternate reality where G'raha Tia wasn't so slick watching the Warrior of Light from his perch in Urth's Gift. Commissioned art from @umizooomii, thank you so much for this piece! 🥰 pic.twitter.com/4tSPkwC8js

2022-01-16 21:21:32
lyre rook | bring back my DOTs @lyreofthetrance

In honor of her nameday and clearing the first Pandæmonium Savage Tiers, here's a piece commissioned from @artbydransss featuring my most beautiful darling in the whole wide world and everyone's favorite bird eye tooth fledgling. 💚🎂🔥 pic.twitter.com/g4roL8PseW

2022-06-30 20:55:14